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He has been clocking in to the Lords to claim a daily £300 and then doing sweet FA.
You would have thought a spell in 'clink' would have shamed him into hiding away at his Essex piggery.
Hanningfield was nicked for putting down £270,000 of expenses on the Essex County Council credit card!
But why do these nonentities with very ordinary surnames choose such grandiloquent titles...Paul White=Hanningfield;the Gummer Boys= Chadlington & Deben?
What will Cockell choose? Something crustacean? Suggestions please....
Pooter Cockell,our ex leader of K&C, whose staggering expenses were criticised by most of the national media, including the Daily Mail, (read HERE) was able to claim his expenses were ok'd by the chief executive....so that's alright then!
Anyway, anxious to make ends meet Milord H buzzed the old Dame asking if she would pass a message to Pooter.
The Dame, happy to oblige an old lag, agreed.
'Milord' Hanningfield had heard his old friend, Pooter, was going to become, like him, an 'aristocrat'.
Ever keen to turn an honest or (dishonest) penny or two he was keen to know if Pooter might want to hire his robes cheap?
The ever solicitous Dame asked about size... the squat and crooked ex councillor assured the Dame, "Cockell and I are both short and fat-the fit will be fine"
House of Lords fast becoming a pigsty. The Scottish National Party will close the whole thing down. Cant wait for them to be elected
ReplyDeleteIn certain Conservative circles, Hanningfield had his protectors. The Hornets ran a long and ferocious campaign against this dreadful man on Conservative Home and were banned from blogging by the Editor. And then the shit hit the fan. The pig farmer was sent down.
DeleteThe Hornets have run a similar campaign against Cockell with good reason. Peer givers, be warned.
Fruits! Too many around
DeleteThe Dame has proved to be exceptionally well connected and her continued stories that Pooter Cockle is destined for the Lords is exceptionally distressing. Public life should not be diminished by elevations of the unworthy. Once in a while a mistake can be forgiven. But there is a growing torrent of pig farmers, sheep shaggers and expense abusers joining the upper House. The Selection Committee needs to sharpen its act.
ReplyDeleteThe contribution of Cllr Pooter Cockle to public life should not be under estimated. He was personally responsible for the creation of The Hornets Nest.
ReplyDeleteA small group of K&C activists (including Dame Hornet and a lifelong Tory) were determined to expose the profligacy and expense abuse in the Royal Borough and started to blog on Conservative Home. Of course they were quickly banned. The activists then approached the Tax Payers Alliance for help and six years ago, at a meeting with the then Chief executive Matthew Elliott, the idea of The Hornets Nest was born. "Be brave" Matthew said. "Set up your own website and blast them".
The rest is history.
The contribution of The Dame to public life should not be under estimated. She and the Hornets have caused a considerable clean up of the goings on in and around the Town Hall. Low life has been swept out and reforms brought about. Names that come to mind include Cockell, Phelps, Lamont, Cunningham,Bore, Moylan, Palmer, Read, O'Niel and Rifkind. Reforms include the return of the Bentley to its rightful use, getting rid of Opera Holland Park and tightening of the expense rules. And there are early signs of a change of climate in the Planning Committee.
DeletePersons of ability sidelined by Cockle have been supported and promoted. Cllr Borwick comes to mind. The Dame has been a consistent supporter of Cllr Mills, Cllr Dent Coade and Cllr Paget-Brown.
There remains much to do. Fielding- Mellen, Warwick and Elizabeth Campbell remain in the Dames focus. And there is still much to be done with planning.
Cllr Moylan hates the Tax Payers Alliance
DeleteScribe has been smoking something. On Easter Sunday too. Sad
DeleteIt will be a sad day for public life if Cllr Cockell is sent to the House of Lords
ReplyDeleteThe Daily Mail piece says it all. Should be compulsory reading.
DeleteJaundiced and pathetic load of bored people read the Hornet
ReplyDeleteCllr Palmer...you are feeling low and depressed because your pathetic attempts to damage the brilliant Victoria Borwick failed abysmally. How do we know it's you? Because you meant to say prejudiced; not jaundiced. You really are a sad thicko. And why do you read the Hornet on a daily basis if it's so boring?
DeleteCllr Palmer has been strangely quiet on the Borwick front. Not much left to say. He will have to find a new target for his briefings.
DeleteStill a load of sick bloggers
DeleteResidents of the Rotten Borough owe immense gratitude to the Dame. She and her devoted bloggers have allowed light to shine on some of the Town Hall's many piles of resident funded sh*t. There's still much work to do, of course. The idea that Pooter may be elevated to a Lords' expense account brings the entire honours system into disrepute. Note to the relevant authorities: For your own reputation, don't do it!
ReplyDeleteIt is instructive that even a confirmed crook from a distant place (Hanningfield of Essex, partial to overnight stays at Claridges on the tax payer) is sufficiently familiar with the Hornet to contact the Dame and ask for her services as go between with disgraced ex Leader Cllr Pooter Cockle. One hopes that our venerable Dame is not asking for the customary commission.
ReplyDeleteGreed knows no bounds. Even the venerable Dame may be tempted from time to time. But the old girl is partial to more class than a pig farmer from Essex. Old Chelsea has its standards.
DeleteThere is only one thing worse than a pig farmer. A fag salesman.
DeleteMore trash from LAbour
ReplyDeleteBless you, Mathew. Always on cue
DeleteThe idea of a Pooter-Hanningfield show, the two of them poncing around in mufti, degrades everything that is sacrosanct in W1. It would diminish the Tories and make them a laughing stock.
ReplyDeleteA pox on Cameron
Cameron said that he would adopt a zero tolerance approach to expense abuse. Why do politicians forget their promises so quickly?
ReplyDeleteHow about Lord Lobster? After all he once, in NY, had a £400 lobster dinner for two......on us?
ReplyDeleteI remember the fuss. Pooter picking up the tab for an ex Deputy Mayor of London who was prosecuted and fired from the GLA for expense abuse (meals for girlfriend, radio for Jaguar car, paid for by tax payers).
DeleteThese two elected politicians were in New York on a jolly and living it up on tax payer funded expense accounts. How can Cameron possibly justify sending Pooter to the Lords. A travesty.
Pass the sick bag, Dame
DeleteThis was an early FOI probe of Cllr Cockell's expense abuse by the Dame. We have a copy of the restaurant bill on file. The expense was approved by Chief Executive Derek Myers, the same CE who retrospectively approved Cockell's use of the Bentley in order to "save taxi fares". Mr Myers was the highest paid Town Hall Chief Executive
DeleteWhat on earth was a London Local Councillor doing in New York on expenses?
DeleteAfter fourteen years as Leader one starts to think that anything is possible. "My wish is your command"
DeleteCameron, be warned. The day after Cockell's name appears in the Honours list there will be a blast in the national press.
ReplyDeleteHanningfield never strayed further than Claridges for his tax payer funded binges, although he used the Essex County Council car and driver to transport himself and partner to and from Essex. Pooter on the other hand flew Virgin First Class to New York, Boston and San Francisco on his jollies (courtesy of the tax payer) with London Airport drop offs and pick ups in the Mayors Bentley.
ReplyDeleteAngry Tory is spot on. All of this is FOI substantiated. Cockell is not the sort of person who deserves to sit in the Lords
DeleteDon't forget the stretch limos in New York to meet the VIP at Kennedy Airport. $130 a throw to get the puffer to Manhattan.
DeleteTaxi fare at the time was $46
DeleteI always found that it was never worthwhile giving a second chance to a salesman who was on the fiddle. Once a crook always a crook
ReplyDeleteStop Press. Eric Pickles has been reading the Hornet.
ReplyDeleteA couple of tossers
ReplyDeleteCockell certainly gets the Hornets out. The bees swarm at the mere mention of the man's name. The Dame needs to exercise a little more restraint and should not raise the collective blood pressures of her precious hive.
ReplyDeleteWe insects need no encouragement to bite the dishonourable.
ReplyDeleteIt is not enough for Cockle to sell up and leave the Royal Borough. He should leave the country. His sort end up in Marbella
ReplyDeleteScotland Yard have an informal presence in Marbella
DeletePooter Cockell was seen going to West Brompton tube station yesterday; how times have changed from taking the Bentley.
ReplyDeleteDear Dame,
ReplyDeleteGood riddance to Cockell. He did nothing for me.
I love your reference to "something crustacean." He is more like a mollusc: a snail, or slug as opposed to the crustacean crab or barnacle.
If Dent Coad were elevated to the peerage she would be toothlike or come to think of it Lady Coad of the Toothless Tiger Party of Kensington.