She already has her own set of questions, but invites gentle readers to submit their own.
She will then amalgamate those she selects and asks the candidates to respond.
The Dame has enjoyed meeting Rod, Victoria and Robin and is saddened Toby, Jack and Robina have snubbed and ignored her!
Obviously, they hold her little blog in contempt!
Labour: Rod Abouharb
Alliance for Green Socialism: Toby Abse

Conservative: Victoria Borwick
Liberal Democrat: Robin McGhee
UKIP: Jack Bovill

Green: Robina Rose
Another progressive idea from our trusty Dame.
ReplyDeletePlease ask the candidates what each will do to provide genuinely affordable and local housing for local people on average wages or less.
Then can we please move on to what each candidate intends to do about the lack of social services for children, the disabled and the elderly.
Great idea, I would like to ask the candidates about how they will help residents views being used to unravel or prevent situations such as the tri borough ever happening again. Which has led to total downgrading of the services we used to be proud of. Residents should have been allowed to vote about the tri borough we are after all paying the cost.
ReplyDeleteI am terribly concerned that UKIP is beginning to go soft on kicking out the foreigners. Can Mr Bovill assure us that a vote for UKIP is a vote for those good old-fashioned British values that we hold so dear.
ReplyDeleteBritain is a nation of immigrants. Perhaps it's finally got through to the Kippers that the UK needs "foreigners" to provide the services that keep this country running. Longer term, in a society with a rapidly falling birth rate, the same "foreigners" have the babies who will eventually pay the taxes needed to support the millions of elderly Brits.
ReplyDeleteOh, stop talking bollocks. We are a small over crowded island. Yes, in days gone by we may have taken in a few tens of thousands of high quality immigrants, but now seem to be taking the scum of the world. Name one other country that takes in rubbish. I can tell you one thing...if we had to fight another war and introduced conscription we would immediately de-populate by millions. Your vlaued immigrants would run off rats on a sinking ship!
DeleteIn any case, they should stay in their own countries and help build up their own economies.
Most don't feel British and don't want to be. Stop playing the enlightened liberal. You talk nonsense.
Great idea from our trusty Dame!
ReplyDeletePlease ask 1, what is their opinion of the proposed 'Mansion Tax', and equally important 2, would they be personally affected by the 'Mansion Tax'?
Thanks yet again to the trusty Dame. In claiming to be a Kipper, 13.34 displays great anger and irrational thought processes. Enough said.
ReplyDeleteEnlightened Liberal....aka a feeble minded loser who has to work for the State or a local council as no one in private enterprise would employ them. Sounds like you plonker?
DeleteI'm sorry you got sacked today for another unprovoked attack. But please take your bawling to someone who cares.
DeleteThanks Dame,
ReplyDeletePlease could you ask them how often they'll hold surgeries in N Ken, how they'll seek to influence the incredible amount of demolition going on here which is only benefiting the rich, and how they view the social cleaning of the area.
Good luck!
Anon 16.35 is to be pitied. The subject under discussion is the UK's economic future, without the input of those born elsewhere. Where would we be without our foreign born cleaners, shop assistants, waiters, musicians, nurses, engineers, accountants, lawyers, surgeons and astro-physicists etc? Answer: far poorer.
ReplyDeleteHad you thought that perhpas we might be better off, like other countries, training our own people. Or is that too difficult a concept fro you to grasp?
DeleteYawn. It's been patently obvious for decades that we haven't given birth to or trained remotely enough of our own people. Hence the need for workers, aka taxpayers, from elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteBoring and unenlightened liberal
ReplyDeleteStop stating the obvious and think of a solution
Boring and unenlightened liberal
ReplyDeleteStop stating the obvious and think of a solution
The message seems not to have got through. Again. Due to the UKs low birth rate and the long-term failings of its educational system, the solution is to welcome tax paying workers who were born abroad.
ReplyDeleteThe UK's low birthrate. Are you bonkers? There aren't enough jobs to go round and we have to import medical staff in to cope with huge influx of immigrants. Whole swathes of our countries-especially in the North and Midlands are now immigrant enclaves....and they have no wish to integrate
DeleteState pensions are paid from current taxes, not recipients' savings. Due to the UK's rapidly ageing population there are ever fewer workers to fund the pensions of the ever growing number of elderly, and to provide the necessary care.
ReplyDeleteThis problem will soon become acute. It's shared across Europe, Russia, Japan and even China. The UK needs young working tax payers to fill the population gap.
So, in other words, we suck the lifeblood( young workers) from failing economies to boost our own: rather than hoping they stay and build their home economies? A sort of colonialism....yes, you are deffo bonkers.
DeleteZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz ……….. With apologies to those able follow a logical argument.
ReplyDeleteyes, best to go off to sleep: you are much more useful that way!
DeleteDo any of the candidates denounce the demolition of Earls Court Exhibition Centre?
ReplyDeleteThose who sleep well have a certain clarity of thought. Political decisions must be based on objective evidence rather than bar room gossip or Daily Mail headlines.
ReplyDeleteIn the 15th century the London mob rioted against a group of Flemish weavers who had been imported by the King. In those days, wool was England's greatest export. So the King wanted the Flemings' advanced textile technology. Fortunately, the King won the argument. Selling finished cloth proved vastly more profitable than the raw wool. This principle is valid 600 years later. To this day the Lord Chancellor sits in parliament on the Woolsack.
It's fortunate that the more people see of Kipperdom, the more holes they perceive in their claims.
What on earth has that to do with the over crowding of our small island?
ReplyDeleteWe can all dredge up historical anecdotes claiming some relevance to contemporary life. Generally the re-cyclers have had a creative thought by-pass.
Look at the prison population and then try telling me that the a major element are not from Eastern Europe.
Oh, and do stop using this boring...'he must be a UKIPPER'...soooo boring
It seems time to end this thread now that the Dame's resident Ukipper has so candidly acknowledged that they are "soooo boring!" There can be no debate based on evidence. This is a political philosophy firmly rooted in Daily Mail headlines.
ReplyDeleteThe current housing crisis is due to the decades of failure by successive governments to build remotely enough houses. Despite this Polish, Irish, West Indian and many other communities have flourished in the UK. They provide services and pay the taxes needed to support our growing numbers of pensioners. Diversity is to be celebrated, not feared.
This comment will doubtless engender another boorish response - but that's Ukipperism for you ...
Whenever I hear we need to 'celebrate' diversity I know we have a some middle class prat who has never lived in a community so 'diverse' that the indigenous feel strangers in their own land. I bet our Enlightened Liberal lives in some North Borough enclave...edgy, but not too I right EL?