It didn't take long for this rubbish to be swirling around our pristine streets.
No, an Art Deco event at Brown's Hotel!
The Paris based organiser of this event has caught out most of the most of the great hotels....the Dorchester, The Mandarin Oriental, The Four Seasons and the Connaught, However,highly embarrassed-and with a sense of civic responsibility,they sent out teams to collect up this disgusting litter.
A resident, noticing that Brown's Hotel featured on the 'flyer', spoke to a Mr Fernandes, the hotel manager, warning him that thousands of leaflets were littering the streets: his response? "We just rented the room'!
So the Dame, out of courtesy, wrote to Sir Rocco Forte asking him how he reacted to this 'marketing activity'.
Just so we know who he is Sir Rocco's headed paper is worded...
"From the Office of the Hon Sir Rocco Forte"
......the poor, old Dame felt distinctly common.....
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Anyway, Honsirocco dismissed any complaints... writing, "the exhibitor is a respectable body" and "distributing leaflets on car windows is quite a common occurrence(he is correct about the 'common')
This type of 'advertising' litter hugely increases the workload of the hard working and effective Council's street cleaning teams.
Senior officers are at their wit's end to know how to stop this type of fly posting and one suspects that they will be shocked at the Honsirocco's dismissal of it with such 'gay abandon.'
It's bad enough having our homes flooded with junk mail, without Honsirocco claiming fly posting is acceptable.
The Dame suggests that the banes of our lives are these crude types of promotion and the littering of telephone kiosks with prostitutes cards.
She still does.... and dares Honsirocco to serve his writ!
So Rocco Forte thinks there is nothing wrong with his client polluting our streets?
ReplyDeleteThe man must be as mad as a cut snake.
Grow up Forte!
I was at Downside with Rocco and he was a prat there too. Smothered by his father and trying hard to hide his Italian working class roots with pathetic efforts to be "grand". Unfortunately this tendency has grown with age - just listen to the man and hear the airs and graces. The shooting and fishing. Sad
DeleteThe guy has a thin skin. Can't stand criticism. Sends her into a rage. Class acts like the Connaught and The Four Seasons know how to behave. It's instinct with them. And if they dump in public they are the first to admit it and clear up the mess. Not so the immigrant from Sicily
DeleteIt is called anal retentive bluster
DeleteI was at school with his sister Carolyn; she was rather nice considering.
DeleteI live in South Ken: these leaflets are everywhere: it's a disgrace that a prominent hotelier can blithely suggest that fly leafleting is acceptable
ReplyDeleteSo this pompous twot thinks it ok to litter our streets and give more work to hardworking street cleaners! Mr Rocco...you are a dickhead
ReplyDeleteShort guy with heels on his shoes. We know the type.
DeleteThey have even been flyposting cars just beside where last week's stabbings took place in Notting Hill!
ReplyDeleteThe founder of Browns will be turning in his grave. This once elegant family owned hotel, a favourite haunt of cultured Americans, has been jazzed up by Rocco and is now associated with the most vulgar fashion for fly posters. A practice favoured by spivs, prostitutes and carpet salesmen.
ReplyDeleteA little like the Hyde Park Hotel before the Forte family ruined it. My family practically lived there amongst all that wonderful antique furniture, which mysteriously vanished when the Forte family took it over,
DeleteWho remembers the wonderful pre-Forte Hyde Park...in the days when London was not over run by vulgar money people
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ReplyDeleteNo discussion of seaside resorts please
DeleteWhy didn't Sir Rocco just apologise for the idiotic behaviour of his staff? Why did he justify the appalling behaviour of his client? Lousy judgement to threaten the Dame. She is not frightened of threats by big heads. Long live the Dame!
ReplyDeleteThe group is.......... and is experimenting with all manner of things to try and bring in some much needed cash. Last summer I visited their flagship hotel in Sicily and it seemed empty. I made inquiries at a neighbouring establishment who told me that occupancy is running at around 30%.
Is not "The Hon Sir Rocco Forte" a little bit de trop? Very nouveaux riche.
ReplyDeleteRocco's sister, Olga, is a different fish altogether. She biffed Kensington resident Norman Lamont and gave him a huge black eye.
ReplyDeletePlacing printed paper ads under windscreen wipers is the sort of thing one might see at a car boot sale in Slough. Sir Rocco Forte finds the practice acceptable. This says all we need to know about Sir Rocco.