Re: Is the Dame really as unbiased as she claims?
she has no issue about reproducing it, despite the inference in the letter that she is biased: she is Mr, Mrs, Miss is your answer and the leaflet you asked me to reproduce.
The Dame is a free spirit!
Dear Dame,
A comment was recently left on your website regarding Labour Councillor, Todd Foreman, that alleged that he was no longer living in the Royal Borough and had turned his back on his Notting Barns constituents to work hard at seeking election as a Labour MP in Bath.
The same Councillor Foreman, meanwhile, continues picking up a substantial salary for his supposed work as a Notting Barns Councillor while admitting that he currently only has one focus and that is to represent Labour in North East Somerset.
There is a call locally for Todd Foreman to resign as a RBKC Ward Councillor and let someone who genuinely cares about the area take his place.
Why, after all, should we be represented by someone who no longer wishes to live in the Rotten Borough and whose total focus is, by his own admission, clearly elsewhere.
It seems that the Dame is very quick to put the boot into Conservative Councillors (Cllr Neal, Moylan, etc) when they misbehave but she is not so quick off the mark when it comes to picking up on the same kind of abuse by members of the Labour or Lib/Dem Groups.
So come on Dame, if you are as genuinely unbiased as you claim, then at least point a spotlight on Todd Foreman's cavalier behaviour and his contemptible treatment of the Notting Barns residents he was elected to fully represent. Do you dare?
Very sad to hear this. Cllr Foreman is a person of ability and promise. And someone who genuinely cares. Unfortunately when a person such as this becomes entrapped by a "never was and never will be" bunch of Socialists in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea they do the sensible thing and move on. Because there is no scope or opportunity for them to contribute. Time for Labour to wake up, ditch the dinosaurs like Cllr O'Neil, and realise that they need to form a worthwhile opposition to the bloated Tories and keep people like Foreman in the fold.
ReplyDeleteA loss to North Kensington Labour and a loss to the Borough
ReplyDeleteCant hold a good man back
ReplyDeleteWho is Sredni Vashtar? Bitter and twisted little runt, I wager
ReplyDeleteA damned fool comment from an ill educated clot...and it's I'll wager...not...I wager!
DeleteBe careful 22:21 and don't mock what you don't understand.
"Sredni Vashtar went forth.
His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white.
His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death.
Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful."
All Todd Foreman really achieved while a local Councillor was to act like a poodle to the Leader of the Kensington Labour Group, Councillor Judith Blakeman, and to support her in her pathetic personal vendettas against any residents who have had the temerity to speak out against Labour.
ReplyDeleteCouncillor Todd Foreman is typical of the worst kind of spiv opportunistic careerist we have come to expect from the Post-Blairite New Labour Party, more interested in climbing the slippery pole of political ambition than in representing the real needs of the underprivileged inner city communities on whose backs he's climbed to power. Notting Barns will be well rid of him!
ReplyDeleteRead more here:
Todd still lives in Notting Hill and still represents his Notting Barns residents extremely effectively. A number of K and C councillors have gone on to parliament while continuing to serve their neighbours, e.g. James Arbuthnot. Lady Hanham sat in the House of Lords and was a government minister while remaining on the Council. Sir Merrick Cockell served London Councils and now the Local Government Association while continuing as a councillor. And Labour got rid of the disgraced O'Neill some time ago, although we hear he intends to seek re-election next year as an independent.
ReplyDeleteIf Labour Councillor, Todd Foreman, still lives in his million pound pad in Notting Hill then he has already lied to the good people of North East Somerset.
Delete1. "If you select me as your parliamentary candidate, I will immediately move into the constituency and make it my home".
If he lives in Somerset then he should do the right thing and resign as a RBKC Councillor.
DeleteDon't be fatuous....
As for Cockell....well, the only thing he served was himself. The feeling from many quarters is TF is not effective. How on earth do you deduce that someone living in Bath can serve his ward residents in London. You are being a bit thick!
ex Cllr Katherine Atkinson was another young, bright Councillor who was smothered by the deadbeat Labour Group in K&C. So she voted with her feet. Quite right too.
ReplyDeleteCllr Blakeman needs to get her skids on and turn the useless Labour Group into a worthwhile Opposition for the residents of Kensington and Chelsea. The opportunity is enormous and the need is great. Without this, the Labour Group will be unable to attract and/or keep Councillors of quality like Todd Foreman
DeleteFunny - don't most MPs have both a London pad and a place in their constituency without being accused of lying?
ReplyDeleteIt's "Catherine" not "Katherine".
ReplyDeleteSame bird. Same piece of quality.
DeleteChickens coming home to roost again. Disgraced ex Cllr Cunningham spent years serving himself when Leader of the Labour Group and literally ran it into the ground. Chief sycophant to the dreadful Pooter Cockell. Now Cllr Blakeman has a giant task to rebuild and rejuvenate the group
ReplyDeleteGood luck Todd. I hope that you find the opportunity that you are looking for in politics that gives you the scope to make the contribution that you are capable of. Your residents will be lucky. A missed opportunity for the residents of the Royal Borough
ReplyDeleteTodd-where do you live?
ReplyDeleteCouncillor Todd Foreman would like it to be known that his official residence is as far up Councillor Blakeman's arse as he can climb.
DeleteHis interests lie elsewhere, dear
DeleteIs there not a qualitative difference between one term councillors who just use the local electorate to further their parliamentary careers - like Atkinson and Foreman - and those who really get to know their constituents and genuinely want to help them?
ReplyDeleteMargot James then? Tory Councillor in K&C for less than a year before her friend Cllr Ritchie popped her onto the Tory Candidates list with eye watering "minority" credentials.Elected MP in a flash. Nice for Ritchie (in charge of candidates) to have a mate in Westminster. Manipulation of power - leaves a bad taste
ReplyDeleteCllr Boy Marshall wants to jump ship and go to Westminster too. Has wanted this forever. But his "minority" credentials not so good. Winchester for a start. But at least he has served his residents and put in some time.
DeleteMarshall was one of Pooter's boys. Slipped onto the back benches at a convenient Brompton by election
ReplyDeleteWhat does any of this trash have to do with the turncoat Foreman? A viper
ReplyDeletePlease could Councillor Foreman confirm whether he still lives in Notting Hill or has he moved to Somerset?
DeleteIf it is the latter. then he should resign straight away as he cant seriously claim to be able to continue to represent the residents of Notting Barns if he lives in Bath.
The former, and he will have already lied to his new North East Somerset constituents.
So c'mon Councillor Foreman- tell us where do you live?
Margot James didn't even have the decency to serve out one term before jumping ship in pursuit of her career up the slippery slope. No point ditching Foreman now when he is standing down next year. Makes no sense to ask Council Tax Payers to stump up for an expensive by-election.
ReplyDeleteIt strikes me that if Councillor Todd Foreman's position is so difficult that we is unwilling to state whether he lives in Bath or Notting Hill then he should resign straight away.
ReplyDeleteWhatever happened to integrity in local politics?
Actually he has to go to work in London, so really he still lives here. So stop stressing. A lot of our councillors have weekend retreats, although he is probably the only Labour councillor with one.
ReplyDeleteBetter not tell Todd Foreman's electorate in North East Somerset that he still actually lives in London.
Apparently, one of the reasons he was elected as a candidate Labour MP in Bath was because he had pledged the following:
"If you select me as your parliamentary candidate, I will immediately move into the constituency and make it my home".
If Todd Foreman can't even keep to this basic pledge who would ever want to vote for him?
More grubby and unprincipled Labour Group behaviour.