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Monday, 30 October 2017


Just a couple of hours ago....
Duke of York's Square shop attacked by moped gang.LINK
If Rudd had any sense she would pass legislation that any moped rider had to wear a hi-viz jacket with prominent ID on it. 
This is how moped-related crime in South America is dealt with. In this way, any rider, not immediately identifiable, can be picked up by the police. Very simple!

Amber Rudd and Sadiq Khan share blame for the relentless rise of violent crime on the streets of London: they are both deadweights. 
In the case of Khan, his only life experience is as yet another 'uman rights lawyer....hardly reassuring....
A criminally useless pair

For those who remember New York in the ‘70’s, there's a feeling of deja vu. 
In those days, the streets of NY were deadly dangerous but now London has taken over the mantle.

In K&C uniformed officers walking the streets are as rare as hen’s teeth. 
Most of the time they seem to be driving around in expensive vehicles and queuing up to buy bacon butties from Greggs.

Leadership comes from the top. 
It's time Borough Commander, Ellie O' Connor, cracked the whip. 
If she's not up to the job she should pass the baton back to Chief Superintendent Sarwar. 
Sarwar seemed to know what he was doing and had the look of authority about him.

Londoners have a right to safety....every day we read of acid attacks, muggings, knifings, ramraids, and youths running riot on bike stampedes, creating havoc.



Dear Dame,

This is the complete list of Milton Memorabilia....

1. Statue by Philip Jackson at One Tower Bridge (2016)

2. Statue by Bruce Denny in Paddington Basin (2014)

3. Bust by Bruce Denny in the foyer of 
Westminster City Hall

4. Sir Simon is also immortalised in the frieze of a building in Eagle Place, Piccadilly. 
As well as a bust of the former council leader, the decoration includes an eclair and a slice of gateau to represent the Sharaton's Patisseries chain run by Milton's parents.

5. A water feature outside the Connaught Hotel is dedicated to SSM’s memory

6. The Sir Simon Milton Westminster University Technical College next to Victoria Station (opened 2017)

7. The Sir Simon Milton Square in Victoria (named 2017)

The ghastly Paddington Basin was also the brainchild of Simon Milton...

New Site for Sir Simon?

Unveilings all provided wonderful photo opportunities for the vain Uncle Robert.

Hero-worshipping and genre reminiscent of a totalitarian regime.

We hear that Robert Davies is chewing over the idea of replacing the sailor on the top of the column in Trafalgar Square with 'you know who'......

Respectfully yours....

Sunday, 29 October 2017


The Dame hears that Sir Pooter Cockell is enraged. The Dame, being a kindly old thing, put in a call to Pooter Hall to see what the fuss was all about.

It seems Pooter is deeply jealous that Sir Simon Milton has managed to get two statues of himself erected; a bust in a Picaddilly street and a square in Victoria named after him.
What the hell is going on?

So, why should Westminster residents be forced to be reminded of this minor local politician at every turn?
Maybe, his partner and fellow WCC bigwig, Robert Davies, can explain?
To put things into context....there are only two statues of politicians in London....Churchill and Cromwell, the Lord Protector. 
So why Milton? It's not like he's a poet or anything!
On the other hand, there is a great deal of gossip that Sir Simon was not averse to being 'looked after' by super rich developers.
Milton in Paddington Basin
One hopes to hear the ghastly little Robert Davies spring to his defend his boyfriend's honour.

Milton in the City!
And another bloody bust in Piccadilly! 


You think RBKC should merge with Westminster? Go and lie down until the notion passes.....
WCC would gobble up K&C alive. 
One hates to be unkind about our giant neighbour but the Dame hears nothing else but stories of industrial-scale corruption in planning matters.
The Dame rarely ventures out of the Royal Borough but for a free dinner and a chance to press the flesh of the aristocratic Lord Archer she becomes an old slapper.
The dinner last Wednesday was a fundraiser for the Simon Milton Foundation. LINK 
Those with long memories and longer teeth will remember Milton was a friend and ally of the dreadful Lady Porter who fled to Israel owing millions in surcharges.

The room was full of developers, hoteliers, and representatives of theatre owners in Westminster.
The Dame spoke to a good number of them and asked why they had paid many thousands of pounds for their
tables and donated such generous hospitality as lots to auction for the Foundation. 
One charming but nervous guest, looking over his shoulder, summarised the consensus of responses by saying,
“Look, if we don’t, we end up with all sorts of planning and licensing issues......”
It seems, in addition to buying their £3,000 tables, the hoteliers and theatres donate hospitality to be auctioned and the permatanned and Brioni suited developers buy the auction lots which ex-con, Archer puts under the hammer and thus the wheels keep turning!

Saturday, 28 October 2017


If humble local taxpaying residents put advertising hoardings like those below outside their homes the planning enforcement officer would be down on them in a New York minute.
So, why do the Council allow these blatant infringements in Knightsbridge to remain? Could the fact that the owners of both sites are Middle Eastern;one from Qatar, the other Saudi Arabia have something to do with it?
It's not too different to the plague of Middle Eastern supercar that hurtle, unhindered,  around our streets
These people have become a class of 'untouchables'

Tuesday, 24 October 2017


The Dame was weekending with her dear friend, Deidre Smith-Smyth, when she happened to hear that our old friend, Mr. Bore, has been making more enemies amongst the West Sussex stockbroking set. Evidently, Jonathan is augmenting his £120,000 a year RBK&C pension by eking out another £80,000 a year as a planning inspector.

According to the Mid Sussex Times, Mr.  Bore has caused outrage by boosting the target of the new homes for Mid Sussex District Council from 800 to over 1000.
Now the locals have found out that Mr. Bore was the man who signed off the Grenfell Tower refurbishment programme and beating him over the head with it. 
So, the signing off has nothing to with Coleridge and everything to do with Bore. 

You can read all about LINK


Dear Dame
Please see attached images of the panel at the KCTMO AGM, if you would like to publish (signs on the wall said no photography or filming and anyone taking photos instructed to refrain by security).

Unfortunately, NO introductions were given by the panel so names are pretty much unknown. 

The line up consisted of:

(left to right)

Kim Taylor-Smith
Barry Quirk 

*  Person unknown 
*  Company secretary - name unknown
*  Cllr Maighread Condon Simmons - Stand in chair
*  RBKC lawyer - name unknown (wrote notes to chair during procedings)
*  Person unknown

Several Directors of KCTMO seated together (stooges)

We were told 8 of 14 Board members are KCTMO residents.  Only 2 board members raised their hands when asked how many lived in KCTMO property.


Monday, 23 October 2017


Dear Dame, 

The membership of the TMO voted to adjourn the recent Annual General Meeting of the Company and agreed to postpone the winding up of the worst social housing provider that this country has ever seen. 
No one really wants the TMO to continue but no one wants to prejudice the legal position of Grenfell Tower survivors. 
So the TMO continues for perfectly understandable reasons but without the confidence of those dependent on the services it provides.   

Unfortunately, the membership of the TMO were not given the chance at the AGM to express a lack of confidence in TMO Executive Officers.  It is unfortunate and a cause for concern that neither Greg Hands MP nor Emma Dent Coad MP has called for the heads of TMO Executive Officers to roll. 

How can residents be confident that those running the housing service, the same people who were involved in Grenfell Tower refurbishment, are not going to make further mistakes with potentially catastrophic consequences? 

The TMO might continue to exist for many years whilst legal issues are being considered. Does this mean that those involved in the Grenfell Tower issue should be allowed to continue working there earning their fabulous salaries and building up their gold-plated pensions?

Does Lizzie Campbell have anything in mind for the residual stages of the TMO's existence? 

Thursday, 19 October 2017


MEP for London area, Charles Tannock, has grown fat on the largesse of the EU. His entire lifestyle is funded by the vast amounts we chip into the EU coffers. 
This is what he can generate.
A monthly EU cheque of €13,000 a month plus  €24,000 a month for 'uman resources'....whatever that might be.
No wonder the greedy pig is whining about the trough being taken away from him. That's a lot of money going into the pigsty!
The Dame was doing her hourly 'cross training' this morning and saw the porker moaning to Adam Boulton about how he was applying for Oirish nationality: assumably so he can snout his way into some Brussels job. 
He really is the most disgusting creature. 
But Tannock's greed is not just confined to getting tens of thousands off the EU.
The Dame put her investigative team onto Tannock and discovered that he had received a huge number of share options from a dodgy fracking company which he decided not to declare.
The Dame passed it to the Insight team at the Sunday Times and they give Tannock a right old bashing up.
Fortunately, Tannock was once a shrink so he was able to self-treat for the stress of exposure and guilt issues.
Tannock is the best reason for leaving the EU: he's a greedy old bugger and you can read the detail HERE

Of course, Tannock tried to sue the Sunday Times but they told him-as did the Press Council- to take a hike.
He even thought of having a go at the poor old Dame!

Tuesday, 17 October 2017


This is not just about ripping out community assets: it's about the likes of Heaps and that rotter, Pooter Cockell, ripping us all off. 
Their behavior plays straight into the hands of the likes of Corbyn. 

Not so long ago, the old Dame was able to toddle along Kings Road and deposit her ‘widow’s mite’ at the Chelsea Building Society.
How nice it was to have a friendly chat with the young people there.
But good things never last.....

Yorkshire Building Society snaffled up Chelsea; closing this much-loved community facility and forcing ‘lil ol me’s’ like the Dame to spend hours bussing to the Shepherd’s Bush fringes of Kensington.
OK, so the directors of the old Chelsea Building Society were dross but the branch should have remained open.

Yorkshire Building Society offers nothing more to Chelsea savers and borrowers than a lot of bullshit about how closing branches enhances ‘customer experience’. 
Do they think we are stupid?

But here’s the really funny bit.

The part-time chairman of Yorkshire is an unknown lawyer called Mr.Heaps. Heaps joined in 2015 on £150,000 or close to £3,000 a week. 


Just a couple of years later the Executive Board decided he should get £185,0000 or close to £3,500 a week!
Curiously, and in that same period, the Executive Board found that their own packages increased by a similar quantum! 

So the CE, a Mr. Regnier, now earns a base salary of over half a million a year plus.... and his colleagues not far short. 

So what’s going on? 

Here's how they fix it.....

The Executive Board decide the mega money the Non-Executive Board cream off. 
The Non-Executive Board then return the favour by deciding what the exec's get...a sort of circular ‘you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours'.
The end result is that the exec's and the NED's look after each other!
In simple English, the non-executive directors become vassals of the Executive Board when they are supposed to be guarding shareholders’ interests.

It’s a bit like our very own Council.
The totally feckless Pooter Cockell’s £70,000 a year allowance was supported by Sir 'Delboy' Myers, the late and unlamented Town Clerk. 
In turn, Pooter supported Delboy's  £250,000 a year.
A bit like Yorkshire Building Society!

Anyway, the Dame will move her £50 million savings from Yorkshire to a society that chooses to support Chelsea by having a local branch....one that does not rip off shareholders by splashing out heaps on the likes of Heaps.

It’s time we all rose up against the rampant greed of these rapacious moneylenders. 

Sunday, 15 October 2017


Dear Dame
Londoners can sleep easily in their beds knowing that they and their children will be safe from any sudden random acid attack whilst out shopping.


How has Miss Rudd managed to quieten our fears?
Well, from now on those carrying sulphuric or hydrochloric acid COULD end up inside for a few months...Is she quite bonkers?
The foolish Rudd says you will be ok on the first occasion but if caught twice you will get banged up for a couple of months.

Up to April this year there were over 400 acid attacks: most were in the eastern parts of London.

However, the South West of London is now following the trend.
What is the matter with politicians? 
Can they really be so detached from the lives of ordinary people?
It must be all the close protection officers surrounding Rudd that makes her so remote.

Greg Hands is our local MP as well as being Minister for London.
He's sensible and pragmatic. 
He needs to book a meeting with the hopeless Miss Rudd and tell her to use her head.
Her proposal is an encouragement for every psychopath on the streets of London wishing to commit what is tantamount to murder.

Carrying acid should carry ten years with the onus on the carrier to justify possession....and the same with knives....

Respectfully, dear Dame

A law-abiding citizen

Tuesday, 10 October 2017


@10.47. Being shackled to the state for housing has not served anyone well in the history of Council housing in Kensington and Chelsea. 
In Local Government housing models, officers are supposed to be accountable to elected councillors in the discharging of their duties. 
In Kensington and Chelsea, this theoretical construct did not happen even when the Council ran the service in-house. Prior to the creation of the TMO, the Tory Controlled Council had little interest in housing and abrogated all housing management responsibility to the Director, Mr Kingsford, a man who enjoyed his battles with tenants and who showed everyone who challenged his authority, (except his favourites Mr Beverley and Mrs Besant come to mind) who was boss.

For the last twenty-one years, we have had the Tenant Management fiasco; a beast devised by Mr Kingsford. 

The Tenant Management Board did not devise policy in any sort of practical way it just rubber stamped the policy proposals of the TMO Executive. 
I am amazed that the intellectuals who served on that Board over the years even managed to do that. 
One former Board Member comes to mind for his involvement in the rubber stamping of policy. 
This man could not read or write and eventually went to prison for many years for child abuse!

The Tory Councillors loved the unaccountable TMO because they could wash their hands of housing management and abrogate all responsibility to TMO with its democratically elected Board that was accountable to no one. 

One former Board member told me that he believed in God but was not answerable to God for anything to do with the TMO. 
So power at the TMO was concentrated in the hands of a few Executives most of whom lacked talent.

In view of all this, I think it time to move away from socialist dogma about the housing management service being accountable to Councillors and to try the housing association model instead. 

We have had Labour Councillors on the TMO Board and their efforts have not improved much for those dependent on the service.

In theory Council housing should be wonderful but there is a massive tension between the theoretical construct of officers being accountable to Councillors and its implementation.

Set the tenants free.