Bringing up children is hard work: bringing up children with special needs is super tough.
Parents of disabled children devote 100% of their lives caring for them: it's what total love is all about.
David and Samantha Cameron are the best high profile example of this love.
They would surely have been disgusted by the casual and dangerous way the Tri Borough treats these children.
Last night parents came to hear a motion demanding the current contractors responsible for transporting their loved ones be fired and the former contractors reinstated.
When the late Baroness Ritchie was running Childrens' Services she would have never tolerated this mess.
“The Council recognises that the tri-borough SEN Transport Service procured by WCC is not fit for purpose and cannot be remedied under the existing arrangements in time for the new school term in September.
It there resolves to invite the Cabinet to work with representatives of the previous contractor, and the operator whose bid was rejected on the grounds of price, to provide an interim service in K&C; and, at the same time, to prepare a tender specification to commission a new SEN transport solely for RBK&C.
Newcomer, Councillor Aouane, showed her total ennui with the proceedings by doing a bit of texting....filling up her Ocado order maybe?
No wonder she is rapidly becoming known by certain officers as Cllr Inane!
Nothing proves the uselessness of the Tri Borough arrangement than this sad and pathetic shambles.