with thanks to thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com


send the Dame your information, discretion assured.
Comments are welcome but do not necessarily reflect the view of the Dame.
Offensive/inappropriate comments will be deleted and the poster banned.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Baroness Ritchie

The Daily Telegraph published a full and very generous obituary of Baroness Ritchie.
Though the Dame and the Baroness were sometimes at loggerheads the Dame was well aware that Lady Ritchie was quick to help residents in need.

Her compassionate nature really stands out in her dealings with Full of Life. Shireen Ritchie was adamant Full of Life should be allowed to stay where they were until suitable, alternative accommodation be found. Had she not so insisted there is no doubt others would have tried to displace Full of Life.
The children using Full of Life have much to be be grateful to Lady Ritchie for.

Monday, 23 April 2012

The Dame had a tip off that a great contributor to the welfare of the local community is at last slowing down, after years of hard work.
What a great pleasure it is to pay tribute to the ever popular Annie Redmile.
Anyway, below Annie lets us know where her focus is going to be....and the Dame was much relieved to know she is not intending to compete with the Dame.
Well done and thank you, Annie, for all your hard work.
The Dame sends her very best wishes.


I just wanted to let you know that I have taken a decision about my future. I am going to be stepping down from nearly all - and all by the end of this year -  my committee/local organisation work to enable me to focus just on Active Link and other media activities - even a return to my Blog, but it won't be like The Hornet's Nest!!

Some things won't change, in that I would like to keep regularly in contact with you all. You are on my VIP list!

At the risk of causing Stephen embarrassment -  but I am going to say it anyway - he and his colleagues at Community Engagement are a delight to work with. I think they 'get me' and I certainly 'get them'. As far as I am concerned, I am working 'in partnership' with you all - and I intend to share my local contacts work with the team and drive a lot of information through Active Link - and generally help in anyway I can. 

Something that has given me personally a big boost recently - is the latest supporter of Active Link is Evan Davis. He has agreed to appear at the Business Expo - as Active Link will be there. He understands what we are doing and is constructive and willing to help. I have shown him the progress with our branding and he has given his seal of approval- phew!  

I don't think the Active Link has had the recognition and support that it deserves - but in fairness we/I need to really build it up and raise its profile. It can be made available for any and all of the wards to file stories. I believe also that it can be used by Keith Robins and his team for 'resilience work'. I still feel that Neighbourhood Watch deserves a proper appraisal and real marketing. Otherwise, the police will have other priorities and it will die again. Again, Neighbourhood Watch could be run partly through Active Link - and some stories about NW are to go up shortly. I'll be having a good chat with you Jason about this. Our aim is to drive Active Link forward to the point that at least 4/5 stories will be filed everyday making it the site to know and use.

Although I do not seem to have communicated my goodwill, ideas and enthusiasm to everyone - hopefully time will heal all!!

Active Link is deserving of serious help - and I intend to get it. It has been developed in the most 'budget concious' way possible and future costs/budgets are on a similarly prudent scale. Just to give you an idea. We need around £2,500 a year to cover admin and site costs. There will need to be a budget for 'volunteers', an editorial budget (to free me up to manage the volunteers and their training and motivation etc - and I believe we can be very creative with the volunteer role.  I am sure you will get 'my drift'. 'Big Society' has been us - and still will be in part. But it is time for serious business to be done and a bit more partnership work. (Although my thanks to Wilson, Jas

It has been wonderful the last couple of days or so, thinking and working quietly here at home - no people, no meetings and lots achieved - so satisfying. Back to where I feel really comfortable. 

Seriously, I do look forward to carrying on with my community work but just in a different and more focused way. And, I wont be disappearing completely from the social scene at least.  I hope that you will all award me 'trusted hack' status?!!

Warm best wishes

Saturday, 21 April 2012

The Dame Challenges Cllr 'Dezzie' O'Neill

If the Dame were Cllr Dez O'Neill(Thank Goodness she is not. Ed)  she would be shamefaced over the accusations leveled in the Hornets Nest.
Were she him she would be instructing Messrs Carter Ruck to come down on Ludo like a ton of bricks. So why no missive from his solicitors? Why no request for a full, unqualified and grovelling apology?
If the Dame has erred she is happy to put the record straight. In fact, the Dame is very happy to allow 'Dezzie' to use her column to deny Ludo's ruthless attack upon him. So come Dezzie......here is your chance to vindicate yourself.......
The Dame Challenges You Dezzie!

Friday, 20 April 2012

Ludo Skewers Dezzie

Fresh from his early success in investigative journalism on behalf of the Dame and with a flow of job offers from Mr Murdoch's quality newspapers, the Dame’s hitherto feckless nephew is once again turning his beady on Members’ Interests. Ludo was curious to see what effect his previous effort had made on those naughty Members who had not updated their Interests, so he got to work on a progress report. The insolent boy was showing off to his Arts Club friends that he intends to push out his auntie, The Dame.....
Continuing with relentless probing Ludo has discovered that.............
A Smug Ludo At The Arts Club
Cllr Up Yours Palmer has not updated his Interest in CouncilSkills.com, a company that has not returned its accounts and has no presence whatever apart from his funny little website.
Cllr 'Dotty' Campbell is still registered as a Board member of the TMO, which frankly no one remembers her ever attending, but in any event she is no longer on the Board.
Pooter Cockell is still listed as a Commissioner for the Audit Commission...weird as it no longer exists! Continuing to set a bad example he has yet to add his chairmanship of the GLA. As his Interests were last updated over a year ago, many other entries are probably out of date...quite unacceptable from the Leader of the Council and a Lord in Waiting(are you sure Dame?After all the Private Eye comment Pooter may remain just Sir Pooter.Ed)
The only one who has updated is O’Neill, which suggests that the Labour Whip is a bit more with-it than Cllr 'Oirish' Ahern; given his befuddled performance at the last Council meeting, that should come as no surprise. However, Ludo is concerned about this new entry for O’Neill:
‘Urban Eye organises environmental projects in RBKC that I have no involvement or financial interest in.’
Given that he has creamed off cc £45,000 from Urban Eye in the past few years, this seems incorrect to put it politely. With fire in his belly, Ludo decided to put the spotlight on this miscreant’s activities:
Cllr. Dez O’Neill, has a very close ‘arts-based’ relationship with Cllr. Nick Paget-Brown, Cabinet Member and decision-maker for the arts programmes that O’Neill states he has ‘no financial interest in’ (apart from the £45k that is).
O’Neill lives in subsidised social rented housing in North Kensington, while owning several properties in East London, which, as Ludo discovered via an old article in the Evening Standard, he rents out as a buy-to-let property developer.
Ludo pondered on this and so cast an eye over some of his Council activities. O’Neill sits on the Council’s Public Arts Committee, the Royal Borough Environmental Project and the Public Realm Scrutiny Committee. In all these roles Ludo has been told that O’Neill unashamedly champions the work of Urban Eye, the local charity which he chairs and which is paid lots of Council Tax-payers’ money by Cllr. Paget-Brown to install artworks – some welcome, but most not welcome – across swathes of North Kensington.
The recent Atom Rooms installation on the northern walls of Portobello Road is a case in point. Ludo could not ascertain if Atom Rooms is still in business, as the gallery closed down soon after it was exposed on BBC2  for refusing to reimburse a client who had been sold a picture for around £2,000 that was in reality worth about £10. This installation was mistaken by many to be an advertisement, as it just showed the work of the gallery's artists, who include a close Urban Eye business associate of Cllr O'Neill. For some reason the hoardings were torn down soon after they went up. More mysteriously and in the face of adverse local public opinion, they were subsequently reinstated and the gallery owner, who is alleged to owe money to various local businesses, was paid a second time from the Council’s coffers.
The question Cllr. O’Neill needs to answer is, why, when he updated his register of Members’ Interests, did he remove his financial interest in  Urban Eye? Returns received by the Charity Commission show that Cllr. O’Neill admits he has earned £44,433 from Urban Eye since 2006. And surely it is an offence not to declare this interest when he promotes the work of Urban Eye at the Public Realm Scrutiny Committee and the Public Arts Committee? Interestingly, Ludo has discovered that O’Neill always declares his interest at meetings of the RB Environmental Project, probably because his leader, Cllr. Blakeman is also a member – and she would draw her own conclusions if he did not. For his part, Cllr Paget-Brown also needs to explain why he persistently favours Urban Eye over other local arts groups for Council-funded commissions.
There is perhaps a scandal here and it is surely time for the Labour leadership to step in and clean up their own Augean Stables once and for all, as they did in the case of one of Cllr. O’Neill’s former ward colleagues.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

The Dame At Hornton Street

You may have observed the Dame sitting quietly at last night's council meeting. She even bought her young nephew, Ludo, as a reward for digging and delving into the strange affair of Cllr Moylan's non exec directorships with the failing property companies. Afterwards, she took Ludo out for dinner at Chez Patrick-a very popular choice for senior officers and councillors using their charge cards......

What a mess our council seems to be in...
Pooter Cockell seemed quite abstracted and  'Oirsish' Ahern got into a terrible muddle over who had voted for what. And talking of who had voted for what the Dame applauds the Lib Dems for supporting the excellent Labour amendment aimed at cleaning up our Council.

A Horrified Dame
Pooter Cockell must be nervously looking around wondering who else of his councillor friends have vile tastes in child porn. The Dame knows of one.....

What a cesspit!

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Cleaning The Stables at Hornton St

The Dame thinks this an excellent and long required improvement. Every week some new scandal emerges from this council. It's leader seems more focused on his personal advancement than promoting rectitude.
Every councillor who cares about the dignity and reputation of our council should support the amendment
Dear Councillors,
The Labour Group has submitted an amendment to the recommendations of the Administration Committee in respect of the new standards regime (item 7 on the agenda for tonight).  This is set out below.  A copy will be laid around the Chamber .
To amend the recommendation in paragraph 1.2 to read:
“Given its poor record in recent years concerning members' conduct and standards, the consequent tarnishing of the Royal Borough's public reputation and the need to meet the Nolan standards, it will be only by instituting a rigorous and impartial standards regime, including a strong independent element, that the Council can hope to re-establish its good standing with local residents. The Council is therefore recommended as follows:
1.    To begin the statutory recruitment process to establish a Panel of five Independent Persons, to be interviewed by five members (three from the majority party and one from each of the minority parties). This Panel will:
a.    be chaired by the Borough’s Honorary Recorder
b.    be responsible for ensuring that the Council maintains high standards of conduct
c.    make recommendations as necessary on the local code of conduct
d.    advise the Council on the process for dealing with complaints, which process must include the provision for a right of review  
e.    carry out initial investigations into allegations of breaches of that code
f.     report its findings to the Audit Committee and any successor Committee.
2.    To agree that the Administration Committee has responsibility for:
a.    advising the Council of any allowance to be paid to members of the Panel of Independent Persons; and
b.    bringing the new regime for standards in the Royal Borough for full Council approval on 27 June in order to meet the required implementation date of 1 July 2012.
Thereafter the Panel of Independent Persons will initiate a three month period of public consultation with Borough residents to ensure that this new regime meets the public’s aspirations as to how the conduct of Council Members is to be scrutinised and regulated.”
Mover: Cllr. Blakeman
Seconder: Cllr. Dent Coad

More About Moylan..... from Private Eye In The City

click on image

The Rotten Borough in Private Eye TWICE!

click on image
Mr Fitzpatrick of Propaganda has been warned by Herr von Pooter Cockell not to publish anything detrimental to the good image of the Rotten Borough. Coincidentally, Private Eye's Rotten Boroughs column has today published this embarrassing piece so councillors must not expect to see it reproduced in their weekly Press Digest.

Councillors should object to this petty minded and fascistic censorship. Thank Goodness they have the Dame keeping them abreast of 'all the news that's fit to print.'

It seems Private Eye are taking quite a keen interest in other Rotten Borough matters. City Slicker has a long piece on some of Danny Boy Moylan's unfortunate and improvident off shore investments.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Moylan's Airport damned as being in the ' very worst spot' for air safety

Architect's view of Thames Hub
Danny Boy's Folly
The Dame was not astonished that Nats chief Richard Deakin claimed architects had not contacted the air traffic control service about feasibility of the Boris Airport. 
Obviously Mr Deakin did not realise that the power behind this multi billion project is none other than the Great Architect himself, Cllr Danny Boy Moylan. Cllr Moylan takes no advice from anyone, so why should he listen to some unknown who is meant to be keeping our airspace safe?
How dare Deakin thinks he knows more about air traffic control than our local brainbox....

According to Deakin, Danny Boy's proposed airport in the Thames estuary would be in the "very worst spot" for the south-east's crowded airspace. Deakin said the proposed site for the new airport, on the Isle of Grain, was directly under the convergence of major arrival and departure flight paths for four of London's five airports.
Pointing to the Thames estuary on a map, he said: "The very worst spot you could put an airport is just about here."
He said there were "serious challenges" to integrate an airport into that traffic pattern, and added: "We're a little surprised that none of the architects thought it worthwhile to have a little chat" with the air traffic controllers.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Brompton Association accused by The London Standard Of Not Backing Residents

The Dame has been accused by Miss Andreae, chair of the Brompton Association of not consulting her eminent self. She went on to say what a stalwart defender of residents was Cllr Quent Marshall. Well,  it seems, from the huge volume of comments, she is alone in her conviction. And it appears that the London Standard don't credit this august personage with being a mistress of consultation.
The Dame gives everybody the right to comment, but Miss Andreae seems curiously reluctant to embroil herself in discussion. She may THINK she is a representative of 300 residents but the facts don't seem to bear it out. The Dame is waiting.....and leaves other to ponder upon the below...
Maybe, Miss Andreae can have a quiet word with Cllr  'Danny Boys' Moylan at the 11.00am Mass at The Oratory......

And yes, Miss Andreae...the Dame still wants to know what the hell is going on! Your Association has just 300 members-insignificant, compared to the thousands of residents who do not wish the station to be developed

INTERNECINE WARFARE is breaking out in well-heeled corners of South Kensington over the controversial redevelopment of the Tube station and Thurloe Street.
Word reaches me that furious members of the Brompton Association have banned their chairman Jeremy Taylor and Honorary Secretary, Lady Anstruther from speaking in public about the scheme.
Members of the residents’ group were livid when it transpired the chairman and secretary had written to Kensington & Chelsea Council earlier this year to back the scheme without actually consulting them, particularly since Lady Anstruther’s family interests are at stake.
Developers Stanhope and Hutchison Whampoa want to demolish an historic terrace on Thurloe Street, including the celebrated Polish restaurant Daquise, and are proposing an 11-storey tower on top of the tube station.
While householders are disgruntled, landowners like the Anstruther family who own the Thurloe Estate worth hundreds of millions could stand to gain value and opportunities for their properties.
The Brompton Association will now be writing to the council withdrawing the earlier letter and joining other South Ken objectors like Edward Fox’s daughter Lucy Gormanston, Julian Lloyd Webber, Wayne Sleep and Mark Birley, owner of Annabel’s.
Let battle commence.

Pooter Cockell uses the 'Regal We'...Is he hiding something from us?

11 April 2012
From the LGA Chairman
An exclusive message for LGA member councils
A Queen writes......

Dear Colleagues,

I hope you had a good Easter break! I had a cracking good one- though thanks to the Dame Mr Myers has stopped all my Virgin Upper Classes 'freebies'

We come back to a comparatively quiet week in Westminster, before the return of Parliament next Monday. The temporary respite offers a welcome opportunity to look ahead over the next few months and see what I can do about the embarrassing Lamont case.I do wish people would stop talking about child sex rings at the Rotten Borough.

As we begin to implement the 2012/13 LGA Business Plan, we will see the launch of a raft of corporate campaigns which we hope will be a driving force behind the Plan. This includes securing the future of adult social care, pushing for a sustainable funding model for local government, renewed efforts on housing and, of course, the continuation of our Hidden Talents campaign. On the first, we have already been lobbying strongly ahead of next month's publication of the Government's Social Care White Paper which will be influential in modelling any forthcoming legislation. Though, of course, no one listens to us and they all want to close our cosy little quango down!

We are also looking forward to the Queen's Speech on 9 May when, in addition to legislation on social care, we are expecting the Government to announce the continuation of the Local Government Finance Bill, as well as their plans on adoption and anti-social behaviour. The LGA Leadership Board will be considering this month all the areas of legislation likely to be announced, in order to re-prioritise our parliamentary activity.

Later in May we will be offering written evidence to the Communities and Local Government Select Committee's new inquiry into councillors and the role they play in their communities, which is bound to draw significant interest from both Whitehall and the press. We will also be offering oral evidence to the Committee towards the end of June.

And of course, we are all looking forward to the 2012 LGA conference, which is once again shaping up to be the local government event of the year. Full details can be found on our dedicated website. I do hope you are able to join us.

Finally, would like to take this opportunity to wish those of you up for election on 3 May the best of luck. Local government continues to find itself in challenging times and we need the most capable leaders available.As you know I have been an exemplar and also have proven there is money to be made!! Last year I picked up nearly £133k-more than that ghastly Moylan. 

It is our local electoral mandate that makes us unique. With the opportunity for real localism growing, I know we can all help our communities prosper, with their support. Real local localism means more Special Responsibility Allowances-and I know you all love those!

Best wishes,

Cllr Sir Merrick Cockell
Chairman, Local Government Association

PS Do you all like my new speechwriter? He says I need to be more 'Stately"....

Tuesday, 10 April 2012


Ludo, The Dame's Nephew fingers....
........Dez O'Neil! 
The Dame's utterly useless nephew, Ludovic, has been foisted upon her by worried parents with the words, 'Dame, can you find the boy a stimulating job not just using him to pick up your laundry and chauffeur you to Damien Thirst’s Retrospective at the Tate Modern?'
So pity swelling her ample bosom the Dame set Ludovic with the task of taking a peek at our councillors 'interests' and crosschecking with Companies House.                    
She completely revised her opinion of the lad when he reported back with some quite shocking news. According to dear Ludo, under the Localism Bill it is a criminal offence not to update your interests, but certain of our councillors seem to think that being members of the Rotten Borough they are exempted. And she was equally surprised to find that many councillors have 'businesses' but no business-not dissimilar to Pooter Cockell's Abingdon Cockell!

Here are a few highlights with information taken from company check, which uses Companies House data, so don't blame any errors on the Dame's boy

Cllr Palmer states Councilperson as his business, but this has no internet presence apart from his  basic off-the-shelf website, and no accounts have been tabled.

Cllr Read declares he has two businesses: Financial Academic Derivatives Inc which is worth £zero; the other Finac Group is dormant.

Cllr Paget-Brown claims two businesses, Pelham Research and UKEN Ltd; neither have any record at Companies House whatever.

The idiotic Cllr Betsy Campbell has no visible means of support, but states that she is a Board member of KCTMO, which is certainly not the case.

Cllr Rock FM declares his charming-sounding Socially Conscious Capital, but the dear thing only had £1,126 funds in it at last count.

Cllr Moylan's three businesses are all registered abroad, which certainly fostered our curiosity and the Dame has sent her intern over to Ireland to investigate further.

Cllr P Warrick has two businesses, Vincomida Ltd and Shareholder Travel Ltd; both have £zero assets.

Cllr T Buxton has Pembridge Properties Ltd, with quite a handsome bank balance.

Another one with his own v profitable business is the mysterious Cllr Mackover! Here’s one to watch, and we never thought we’d say that of him.

Most bizarrely,Pooter Cockell still says he is Commissioner at the Audit Commission, which no longer exists. No mention of his chairmanship of the LGA, which is really very naughty indeed.

Amazingly, a few of the Councillors have actual daytime jobs!

But the worst miscreant of all is Labour’s Cllr O’Neill. He hasn’t updated his Interests since 2007, which is surprising since he is the only one who actually does business direct with the Council through his Westway Project, and makes a fair few quid out of it too. Ludovic sniffed about, and tells me his business has now changed its name and is at times promoted by O’Neill at meetings where he doesn't declare an interest, and is very much favoured for contracts by his friend Paget-Brown. Surely this murky situation is precisely what the transparency rules are there to avoid?  It’s about time the Labour leadership dealt with this person as it all stinks to high heaven.

Monday, 9 April 2012

When Not Playing Polo What Other Games Are You Playing Cllr Marshall?

Cllr Marshall-when not on global polo expeditions, is supposed to be fighting for residents of Brompton Ward....but whose side is he REALLY on?
Is he friend-or foe-of those he is paid to represent?  Or has he aligned himself with the greedy commercial interests of TfL..... 
Residents in South Kensington are increasingly puzzled by Quent's rabid defence of TfL's hideous development plans for their beloved architectural gem of an underground station. 
A Vile Carbuncle and a ......
........local Wimp

Some are thinking the very thinkable...Could Quent's gutless behaviour have all to do with a close council colleague. TfL's £130,000 a year deputy chairman, is none other than the Great Architect, RBKC Cllr Danny Moylan. And Danny is a friend and colleague of Quentin......
TfL want to build this monstrous office block over the historic and universally admired historic Underground station. They say unless they are given permission to develop the site there will be no money available to build the step-free access. Now this is where it all gets very mysterious...
TfL have gone out for just one quote. Normally, one would have expected competitive tendering. But it seems as if only one £19 million quote is traceable! It looks suspiciously as if someone is manipulating public opinion by telling residents-No Development: No Step Free Access. But even more mysterious is the fact that TfL has already received the money for the access, but has spent it elsewhere and refuses to say where
Come on Quent, you may be terrified of Daniel Moylan but you have a duty to speak up for residents and tell TfL to stop bullying us. 
You work for us-not TfL and certainly not it's deputy chairman and your neighbouring ward councillor, Daniel Moylan. 

The Dame wants to know what the hell is going on!

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Cockell Should Step Aside During Independent Lamont Investigation

Two Conservative councillors, Barry Phelps and Mark Daley, have so far been forced to resign over the  dissemination of material featuring young boys in suggestive poses: now a third has been the subject of a successful prosecution for possession of child porn.
It is an extraordinary record for a council boasting it has a superior child protection regime in place.

The Council Leader, Merrick Cockell, has many questions to answer. But the vital one is one is why he ever allowed Andrew Lamont to continue serving as a councillor knowing of the gravity of the charges hanging over him. It is one that Derek Myers, the Chief Executive also needs to reflect upon.

Were the Dame a parent at St. Anne’s Nursery School & Children’s Centre, she would be addressing her concerns directly to Cllr Cockell.

If Cockell is not able to persuade parents and residents that he acted correctly we should be demanding he step aside until a full and independent investigation either exonerated him or otherwise...but he won't do that: he loves his £70k a year too much.

The Dame has removed the one of many disgusting images ex Mayor Phelps circulated on the grounds that it was too shocking. This was at the request of a shocked reader.
What a corrupt council!

Monday, 2 April 2012


The Dame has decided that Andrew Lamont has been punished enough so won't be commenting further on the outcome of the trial. It's all here in the K&C Chronicle
She would prefer that people did not make any comments-unless of course, they relate to the very serious question of procedures, as picked up below.
Lamont has suffered enough: there is no point in further humiliating him.

However, there should be much concern over the manner in which the Chief Executive, Derek Myers and the Leader, Cllr Cockell handled matters.

K&C Labour Group press release for immediate publication
The Kensington and Chelsea Labour Opposition Group will not comment on the outcome of this criminal trial, except to say that we acknowledge that justice has taken its course.
However, the Labour Group believes it is time for the Council to review the procedures and protocols covering Councillors who may face criminal charges. As in any other area of public life, a person who has been arrested and faces possible criminal charges should immediately be requested formally to withdraw from his or her duties. This can be done either by resignation or by an agreed suspension of duties. It is simply not enough, as in the case of former Councillor Lamont, to make a private agreement that the individual ceases to attend meetings.
The Labour Group challenged the Council leadership through the Standards Committee, and subsequently at appeal, suggesting that existing procedures were not followed, the Code of Conduct was breached and as a consequence the Council had been brought into disrepute. The Standards Committee response, given on 28 February, stated that no further action would be taken as the Council had followed its existing procedures correctly. The response said that the Committee ‘could not establish how matters might have been handled differently, however unsatisfactory this might have appeared to other Members or members of the public’.
However, the implication of this decision is that, should any other Councillor be arrested and face possible charges and subsequent conviction, the alleged criminal could remain as an active Councillor until the day before s/he goes to Court.
Labour Leader Judith Blakeman said: ‘Residents expect more of the Council. There must now be a thorough review of procedures to put a more transparent process in place. Allowing a possible criminal to stay in post for almost a year and keep it secret until the day before he was charged is simply not good enough.’
Deputy Leader Cllr. Emma Dent Coad said: ‘Kensington and Chelsea’s lack of action contrasts badly with the Mayor of London, who faced a similar situation and demanded the immediate resignation of his colleague. The Council says it prides itself on openness and transparency; it must live up to this ideal or suffer the consequences at the ballot-box ’.

The Dame Praises Dent Coad

The Dame is rarely wracked by any of the Deadly Sins but envy did rear it's ugly head up when reading  Cllr Dent Coad's stylish demolition job on Cockell.
It is informative, amusing and sad in equal measure.
And before any silly person starts declaiming that the Dame is being partisan...DON'T GO THERE
as our American cousins are irritatingly prone to say.
Anyone, can send in an interesting link to their community blog and the Dame will be happy to highlight it.
The Dame has made clear in the past that her vast wealth and social pretensions make it far more likely that she would vote Conservative. She attacks this Council because it has long forgotten Conservative values under the rule of Cockell. Instead we have seen a culture of greed and vulgar excess.
It is very sad.....

The Dame has singled out Cllr Dent Coad for praise because, like certain of her Conservative opposite numbers, she cares deeply for those she represents.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

The Dame And The Mystery of the Housekeeper

The Dame is very curious.....

It appears the story about Cllr Condon-Simmonds and the application, by her, for community funds to  fence off part of a communal space was likely to benefit-mainly, one particular person- and perhaps one or two others.

One who knows says, 'the gate from a particular person's balcony or something, would give them pretty well exclusive access to the closed off space.'
The whole issue was subject to an abortive report to the Standards Committee....but, it appears that there is much more to this than was ever disclosed to the Standards Committee.

So who was the beneficiary of Cllr Condon-Simmond's act of munificence? And why did no consultation with other residents take place. And why were council funds used in this most unusual way.

The Dame needs to know who was this the lady who was a beneficiary of this extraordinary act of generosity. And did she have any connection to any other councillor....