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19 February 2015
Statement from Westway Trust on
the tenancy of
Westway Stables Limited
The Lie:The lease of Westway Stables
Limited, a tenant of Westway Trust, expires on 21 February 2015. The tenant had
an option to extend the lease which it did not exercise within the given
The Truth:Sarah had some very
health serious issues with her eldest son at the time.
She missed the deadline
by 2 days. She told the trust of her intention to renew.
The trust was waiting
for her to make a mistake; this was their opportunity for a landgrab and that's just what the unscrupulous Trust did.
The Lie:The tenant was notified in May 2014 that the lease
would not be renewed on expiry.
As a tenant, Westway Stables
Limited has been in persistent breach of its lease; this has included
persistent rent arrears
The Truth:Sometimes
the rent was paid in arrears but any debt was always settled, in full; how else could she have remained a tenant for 20 years?
The Lie:and a failure to maintain the property to a reasonable standard.
The Truth:The property was in a disgusting state when
Sarah took it on; in fact the trust used her to front the removal of the
notorious tenants and the dying animals that were there at the time. There were
emaciated rabbits and chickens stuck in cages; there were horses dying on their feet and in such a state Sarah had to call the RSPCA who were forced to shoot them where they stood.
She personally saved one pony by feeding him
by drip; she slept there (which she had to due to threats of it being burned
She discovered the site was being used as a heroin storage spot and
poured it down a drain! Those same drug dealers told her they
would torch her home and kill her children, but she persisted.
No one from the Westway Trust would dare take these people on.
No one from the Westway Trust would dare take these people on.
The Lie:Westway Stables Limited has
been unable to operate a financiallysound business.
The Truth:So a service that lasts 20 years is unsound?
The Lie:According to its accounts filed at Companies House it
had negative assets as at 31st March 2014.
The Truth:Miss McConville went to INSEAD. Didn't they teach her that many companies operate successfully with negative assets.
The Lie:Westway Trust, having examined
the options.....
The Truth:More lies...what options did they examine?
.......took the decision to terminate the lease.
The Lie:The decision to terminate the
lease was not taken lightly.
The Truth:It
was taken in light of your determination to relocate the BMX/ skate park under the
Westway so you can use that valuable land for luxury retail outlets. But you
have to give the BMX skate park an alternative, so getting rid of the stables solves your problem. That doesn’t really fit the Trusts remit. Go to the stables and look at the client
base, it’s culturally diverse, it has a strong mix of Muslims, Hindus,
Travellers, Moroccan’s; children from lower income families.
These people do
not congregate at the skate park; they mix at the stables.
The Lie:Westway Trust examined various
options, was open to alternative forms of funding
The Truth:Another blatant lie....a personal cheque guaranteeing the whole
year rent for next year was dismissed.
The Lie:and management and behaved in a responsible
manner throughout the process, including:
The Lie: Being
clear about the process from the outset. We have been transparent with Westway
Stables Limited as to our requirements in order to consider a renewal of the
tenancy – a credible and robust management structure and significant financial
The Truth:All were submitted and dismissed by you.
The Lie: Having
regular contact with Westway Stables Limited. Over the course of the review
period, we have invested considerable time and resource (senior management has
invested over 100 hours in the last six months) into trying to reach a solution
The Truth:demonstrate just how you tried to
reach a solution? with Westway Stables Limited.
One meeting and a handful of emails takes 100 hours, how do you
calculate that?
The Lie: Providing a generous lease
and facility improvements. Westway Stables Limited has benefited from a
reasonable lease,
The Truth:It was a normal lease which was calculated in the normal way in relation to the business rates, so how is it generous?
The Truth:It was a normal lease which was calculated in the normal way in relation to the business rates, so how is it generous?
(for which the tenant is liable)
The Truth:No she isn’t liable the last lease did not require full repair
The Truth:No she isn’t liable the last lease did not require full repair
The Lie:as well as improvements to the
facilities paid for by Westway Trust.
The Truth:Do you mean that piece of 2 x 2 wood that was put up to prop up a wall?
The Truth:Do you mean that piece of 2 x 2 wood that was put up to prop up a wall?
I am incredulous that anyone could even think about closing down this local institution which has meant so much to so many local children over the years. The woman who runs it has contributed so much to the local community, she does not deserve to be treated in this way. What will happen to those poor animals? Where will they go? Who will look after them if she is deprived of her livelihood? Forcing her to move this way is tantamount to handing out a death sentence to these elderly creatures who have done nothing but give pleasure to so many children over the years. They deserve better, they deserve a wonderful retirement not terror in the knackers yard. SHAME ON YOU KENSINGTON AMENITIES TRUST
ReplyDeleteThis story is yet again about greed. Hasn't anyone told the morons at the Westway Trust that N. Kensington retailers are struggling. Adding yet more of the same to the area will be entirely unsuccessful. The idea that anywhere in or near the shadow of the Westway can be used to build "luxury" flats is equally stupid. Unfortunately this lesson is likely to be learned the hard way. The much loved stables will be swept away and replaced by - nothing in the end. If ever there was a recipe for civil unrest, a story like this provides it.
ReplyDeleteFrankly I think it's as much about ego and people's determination to claw there way up the ladder no matter what the consequences to others
ReplyDeleteIt is unbelievable that the Westway Trust would even consider closing down West London Stables. It is such an amazing place, looked after by a hard working, amazing lady, whose always well looked after horses have given countless london children (and adults) years of joy and happiness. Even just passing above the stables driving on the A40 and looking down to see the horses always makes me smile and feel reassured that London can always amaze us with hidden surprise such as an urban stables. It is very depressing that such a rare place that has for 20 years given its best to the local children and the local community is going to be lost. It seems to me that the Westway Trust, rather than terminating the lease, should be moving heaven and earth to keep the stables there so that many more west Londoners can discover and enjoy them.
I could not agree more
DeleteThe rebuttal of the Westway Trust's press release is accurate, McConville had no intention of keeping the stables open regardless of any discussions she and her hounds had with Sarah. Was it a coincidence that when Westway Development Trust started to harass Sarah that the RSPCA turned up on two occasions only to find that that the complaints made were unfounded and downright malicious. McConville has no regard for the local community and until local people and organizations start standing up for themselves against this corporate bully the local community and its organisations are at risk. There is now a real possibility that because Sarah has no where to go some of the Horses may have to be put down. So please comment, tweet, email and use any other method and contact you have to bring this to the attention of the general public, local counciilors, politicans and Westway Development Trust Funders, local papers and local organisations.
ReplyDeleteShame on you Westway Trust! The Westway Stables are at the very heart of the community you claim to represent. It has long been a haven where anyone, regardless of background, wealth, age, ability,religion or anything else has been welcomed and included. Sarah and her team have provided support, guidance and opportunities for countless people - young and old, who go there not just to ride but for the support and community spirit and feeling of belonging somewhere. Westway Stables doesn't just pay lip service to representing the community - it is THE community! So, shame on you Westway Trust!!
ReplyDeleteMy daughter, together with others children and young people, was a member of the Westways Stables community for many years fist as a pupil and latterly sponsoring an elderly pony and working in order to contribute to her keep. These young people learned so many valuable life lessons, spending almost every waking moment there when they weren't in school it saddens me to think that future children won't have this wonderful opportunity to spend time around horses. Can it be that London children are less entitled than their country cousins to have this experience? Sarah Turvey sacrificed so much to run this place in the way she did making it possible for less well off children to experience the pleasure of caring for a living creature and improving their future prospects in doing so. Is it fair that only the children of the wealthy in Central London are entitled? I beg everyone to fight this equine cleansing program and help Sarah who deserves better.
ReplyDeleteThe truth always outs. What Sarah and her team have brought to local people has been incredible. She has fought her way to survive in a climate where businesses were folding around us and Westways vacant lots are testimony to that which are not bringing anything to the local community!
ReplyDeleteWestway are yet again up to their ole devious tricks, lying and manipulating people is at the centre of everything they do, Brian Deer investigated them a while ago, clearly nothing has changed.
Maybe Miss Conville needs to read her own website to remind herself that local people are supposed to be involved in any decision making regarding the land? What she is doing is unforgivable and will not be accepted by local residents.
Not much charity being demonstrated! Seems the old saying is correct "nowt so cold as charity"
ReplyDeleteI'm delighted that so many people are as concerned about the demise of Westways Stables. The Trust should be on their hands and knees begging Sarah Turvey to stay and up grading the stables so that more children can benefit from this wonderful amenity in the way that my daughter and her friends did
ReplyDeleteWell said Madam.