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Wiser residents know it would be mad if they did.
Moylan has always demonstrated utter contempt for the views of residents.
His last few years have been passed triple jobbing at City Hall-much to the relief of fellow councillors who took much pleasure in NOT electing him as Leader!
The triple jobbing has been immensely profitable providing Moylan with an income of close to £140,000 a year.
On Cllr Moylan's record can voters expect a kindly shoulder to cry on?
His record suggests not....
Moylan regards the rest of the world as stupid, but if such a brainbox how come Boris had to remove him as chairman of Olympic Legacy?
Could it have been at the instigation of the rest of the Board?
And, as Aviation adviser, how did he manage to piss off so many MP's they all swung behind Heathrow?
Closer to home there are blatant examples of the man's disdain for those of us who live in the Borough.
His £27 million project to pave Exhibition Rd with pink granite shipped from China (and mined by political prisoners) was yet another example of sheer hubris.
His plan to wreck Sloane Square was fought tooth and nail by residents who had to endure his sneering and bullying.
Fortunately, James and Margaret Thompson put paid to this oafish idea.
And which councillor stood side by side with residents?
None other than Victoria Borwick.
Daniel Moylan is a true Irishman.... great with the oratorical gifts.
But we need someone who will fight for us and that person is not he.
No, please...anyone but this man. Even Pippa Middleton
ReplyDeletePrevious behaviour disqualifies certain people from holding elected public office. Tax evasion, child sex, cash for influence and expense abuse are the current "no go" areas. A General Election is around the corner and the Conservative Party will be ruthless to avoid the risk of more infernos. Only last week two ex Foreign Secretaries were burnt at the stake. All candidates for the Kensington seat will be under the microscope.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very interesting list of reasons for disqualification. I daresay enough people have information around all these areas that could prove problematic.
ReplyDeleteSelectors must be sure that they cast their eye over those Evening Standard files
DeleteThere was once a very nosy reporter at the Standard who took a great interest in planning matters. She never managed to get past the house lawyers.
DeleteHow much time will Mr Moylan be spending at his luxury bolt hole in Thailand and will all his important papers have to be DHL's atthe same vast expense as hisTfL papers?
ReplyDeleteThe "Fying Thai"! The latest hoot is that the bus driver's son has taken up horse riding in North Kenisngton. Nothing like a bit of "dressage"
DeleteLet me be blunt.
ReplyDeleteThis constituency is a family one with all the issues facing families...jobs, education etc.
Mr Moylan is a batchelor and has no understanding or interest in the issues that face famiies. Borwick is also a hands on councillor and despite her committements with City Hall is always around Kensington
Put very simply, in words that everyone can understand, Kensington does not want Daniel Moylan as our MP.
DeleteAnd she has loads of kids
DeleteWhy is Cllr Moylan wearing a Liberal tie in his publicity photo? BLUE is the Tory colour, Sir
ReplyDeleteThis is the Councillor who plays i Pad games on his computer during council meetings. Is this the person who is fit to be our Member of Parliament?
ReplyDeleteIs Fate so cruel as to foist another self-serving preening puffball on Kensington, rather than the sleeves-rolled-up engaged and independently-minded counter-balance to the cosy ruling claque it needs? Hubristic, vain, arrogant and delusional Danny - Exhibition Rd, London's Las Ramblas? Downtown Pyongyang more like - is persona non grata here.
ReplyDeleteNot the candidate for Kensington
ReplyDeleteGosh. What an outpouring. Obviously the Thomsons still dislike Moylan intensely. But elected Councillors need to understand that they cannot scream and shout abuse at residents in public. Even if they are under the influence of alcohol
ReplyDeleteDaniel gets very passionate about things and tends to blow a fuse when confronted by stupidity. Something that he always regrets afterwards. Alas, he is not likely to change. What you see is what you get. But he knows how to change things (something that the Dame is always calling for). He gets results. He makes a difference.
DeleteAre you suggesting that the Thomsons are stupid? One a University Professor and both fellows of the Royal Society!
DeleteAnd what has he changed in the Rotten Borough? Exhibition Rd?
DeleteOne doesn't have to have met the Thomsons in order to harbour a lifelong hatred of Moylan. He is the most unpleasant, arrogant, bully in West London.
ReplyDeleteThe South Kensington Residents Association and Chairman Caryl Harris are sharpening their knives against the possibility of Cllr Moylan standing as candidate for the Member of Parliament for Kensington
DeleteMoylan is the model of a modern Conservative. Proof of social mobility and diversity. And a successful political track record, starting with his Presidency of the Oxford Union debating society
ReplyDeleteAnd so what has he actually done? Near 60....and not even near the Commons! Som success! As if being Pres of the OU counts for SFA
ReplyDeleteThe horrid little man should retire to pursue his interests in Thailand. Victoria Borwick is by far the most wholesome and well-suited candidate.
ReplyDeleteDonal (childhood name) is misgayed. No idea where his superiority derives from. The rest of his family were very pleasant and meek ( in the sense that they were nice enough to inherit the earth) I feel D has been imbued in an arrogant stew of menacing mentors. He should know better deep down. He met wonderful, ordinary and kind people growing up who came from humble origins, but who were intelligent and egalitarian. Why would he think he's mixing with nice guys. What's with his Faustian pacts? Truly, he needs an intervention or do we leave it to the divine!/m.zoopla.co.uk/for-sale/details/43987428?search_identifier=0631e751e73c527163aef8420ec3b4fcdinary people in Algernon road and it's environs.