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Friday, 11 December 2015


Lord Grantley is co-chair of MISARA and has written this compelling objection to the destruction of the Sutton Estate.
If you have still not objected please do so: it is vital we halt the barbarians at our gates. 
The link to the council objection page is HERE and Flora Neville's brilliant defence of the estate can be found in the link in Richard Grantley's letter.

To: Greg Blaquiere, Case Officer
Planning Department
Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea

Dear Mr Blaquiere,

Affinity Sutton - PP/15/04878

I write to object to the proposed demolition of the Sutton Estate for which permission is sought in the above planning application.

1. The proposed redevelopment of the Estate involves a net loss of 146 social rented homes, a net loss of 72 sheltered housing units and a net loss of 2,566 square metres of social housing floor space, contrary to policy CH4 of RBK&C's Local Plan and to policy 3.14 of the London Plan.

2. The existing buildings comprising the Estate are a fine example of 1913 architecture, with excellent design details and materials and an appropriate scale, all fitting well into the surrounding context. They are a highly valued feature of the local landscape. The proposed replacement buildings are hideous and mediocre and would be a blemish on the neighbourhood. It would be an act of vandalism to allow the Estate to be demolished.

To anyone involved in making the decision on this application, I commend as essential background reading the following article "Is it right to regenerate down" by Flora Neville, written for Create Streets (click on the title of the article just over half way down):

It is clear that the Estate should be refurbished rather than demolished. The Council may not have the power to compel Affinity Sutton to do this, but rejection of the application would give them a strong message as to where their duty lies.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Grantley


  1. Dame, your mates at the Evening Standard need to publish this letter.

  2. Not often that Lord Grantley pops his head above the parapet. He prefers the quiet life and a G&T. But this blast of reason needs to be taken seriously and acted upon by the philistines in Hornton Street.

    It is time for the fat slug Coleridge to actually do something useful with his life and stipend (courtesy of ratepayers)and take a stand against the continued vandalism in Kensington and Chelsea.

    Walking in Holland Park this morning, I threw up in the presence of the "white cubes" in front of Kensington High Street. "Pubes" more like......

    1. Forget Coleridge. Lost cause. His gravestone will bear the words "Shit The Borough On My Watch".

    2. Have you seen the development almost opposite on the corner of Warwick Road and High Street Kensington on the Olympia Railway Line ? Endless empty boxes.

      It is heartbreaking to see our borough being destroyed in this manner.

    3. Have you seen the development almost opposite on the corner of Warwick Road and Kensington High Street on the Olympia Railway Line ? Endless empty boxes.

      It is heartbreaking to see our borough being destroyed in this manner.

  3. Tim Coleridge is a vandal and this is an act of vandalism.

  4. Coleridge is a horse's ass

  5. Well done Lord Grantley

  6. Think 'tim' nice but dim needs a hearing test . Cant you hear your electorate . If this goes down god help The Conservatives in the Mayoral Elections !

  7. Whats the point of having a council - if all they do is listen but don't hear

  8. On the Grapevine - Coleridge is for The redevelopment of Brompton, Crossrail and The Sutton - this man is to Chelsea what Beeching was to the rail system.

  9. “Silence does not always mark wisdom.”
    ― Samuel Taylor Coleridge

    No relation

  10. Coleridge = Shyster

  11. If this goes through - take the Council to Court for dereliction of their duties.

  12. I have lived my entire life in Chelsea and am outraged at the behaviour of the spivs and chancer councillors who are meant to represent us, the residents.

    Their behaviour in supporting so many appalling developments to the detriment of their constituents, would suggest that either they are intellectually disadvantaged or they are corrupt.

  13. People used to believe that housing was a right, and now our councillors seem to consider it a privilege.
    Any foreigner wishing to launder their ill gotten gains and the developers who pander to them are welcomed with open arms by our council, while our residents are being forced out of the area.

  14. Why don't they just bulldoze chelsea and start again. Only foreigners could live there and you would need an international passport to enter. Staff can be bussed in from Cardiff or some other place like Manchesterfor the month or so they would be required. That way we would stop residents having petitions and so forth. Councillors would be paid an additional stipend for every overseas visitor they introduce. A bit of a mad idea-but not a million miles from what's happening today. Let's cut to the chase councillors the cats out the bag. HMP awaits.

  15. Ol 'baldy paget brown has been having these ask nick roadshows. If this goes through will it be the nick-nick roadshow.

  16. Yes . It makes you think that tim nice but dim may have connection somehow to the luxury retail industry. What with Crossrail and all the nice new shiny retail outlets. The retail outlets on the sutton estate. The proposed retail outlets as part of the Brompton redevelopment. Does anyone know if he has any links to the retail/fashion industry. Perhaps there's a conflict of interest here. Any ideas anyone?

  17. I heard he had a job in Mcdonalds Fulham Broadway when he was a student

  18. Chicken Cottage !

  19. Is that like craven cottage

  20. Can he get discounts.

  21. Think there knocking it down bruv.

  22. To suggest Cllr tim coleridge ever worked in Chicken Cottage is outrageous. I'm sure it was Kentucky!

  23. Can he get a discount there?

  24. Knockin that down as well bruv. I hear there's a good one on the south Mimms services. Thats the closest.


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