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Monday, 7 December 2015


Would everybody please note that the Dame needs to be kept directly informed of all events that impact on residents....whoever and wherever they might be in the Borough.

She has only just heard of this petition through an indirect source.

It also seems Dave Hill of the Guardian has been thoroughly taken in by Afro-haired teenager Rock Feilding Mellen.
What on earth is the world coming to when an experienced journalist can be taken in by a mere pup of a lad and his silly socially conscious housing nonsense. 
The boy hasn't a clue!
Come on Dave....what's going on?

7 Dec 2015 — On Friday 27th November Kensington & Chelsea sent out a notification to the tenants of Silchester Estate informing them that architects had been employed and a resident consultation was to take place on Monday 30th November, thereby giving us one day's notice! 37 tenants turned up for the consultation! Under pressure from the tenants, that were able to attend, Ruth Angel from RBK&C agreed that they did not provide adequate notice to the tenants and would hold another consultation in January! There have been some very worrying developments in the proposal to demolish Silchester Estate so I would ask all the supporters for another big push on this petition. Please could I kindly ask that you share this petition on your FB or twitter feeds and email friends and family for support? Once again I want to take this opportunity for all your support so far....



  1. This is social cleansing at it's best.

    How many more decent, hard working people are going to be thrown out of the homes they love and the communities they belong to ?

    How much longer are those that have the power going to stop this carry on allowing it?

    1. How much longer are those, who have the power to stop this, going to carry on allowing it ?

  2. To loose your home, your job,your neighbours and close friends.

    Your children to have to leave their friends and school behind.

    To be so insignificant to those you trusted to protect your interests.

  3. Remember the motion that the council passed last summer "To redevelop all low density social housing"

    1. Under Agenda:


    2. Do not be fooled of talk of pretty Victorian streets and terraced houses.

      It is already a developer's paradise.

    3. Look at The Sutton Estate.

      Five million pound houses and two million pound flats.

      On the land given by a generous individual for working families.

      It is shameful.

  4. This is just the beginning.

    1. Wornington Green was the start, nearly 6 years ago. No one gave a damn about it then and the demolition of the Sutton Estate will go ahead too, along with the demolition of Silchester and Barlby and all the other low density (as far as social tenants are concerned: no Tory would consent to living packed in like this) will be demolished. Then smaller houses will be built, people who can't just pop out for a bed or a sofa will have to get rid of their beds and sofas because they no longer fit a rabbit hutch, and more of us will be moved out to Anywhere Else But Here.

  5. They just see buildings we see homes.

  6. I thought that social cleansing was something not practised in this country.

  7. World War II tactics come to mind.

  8. We are all on the list.

    Ruth Angel's list.

  9. Someone should ask her for it.

  10. Not surprising. Both the Council and TMO treat consultation as little more than a tick-box exercise.

    The Council now have three "regeneration" schemes (although "redevelopment schemes" would be more a accurate description) on the go. One at Pembroke Road, one at Treverton Tower and now this, on the Silchester Estate. And rumours of a fourth planned for the Lancaster West Estate.

    As noted elsewhere the Council passed a motion back in the spring with the goal of redeveloping all of its low-density housing estates. The motion was worded in such a way as to make it difficult to oppose bearing as it did the the lofty goals of not destroying the existing communities or displacing any of the existing residents. It did however promise nothing. And certainly nothing legally binding. As a result residents still have everything to fear and everything to lose.

    1. The Council motion. Under Agenda:


  11. You are so right. We live in fear.

  12. Where has Dave Hill been taken in by Rock? Anyone have any links to relevant articles?

    1. It's probably this article in the Guardian:


      As always the devil is in the detail and shenanigans like those described above don't encourage optimism.

      The Council has a very obvious credibility gap. Its promises are not promises but aspirations. It claims to want to do right by everyone but doesn't actually promise to do so. It certainly doesn't want to enter into anything that might be legally binding and to which it might be held to account. Rock can spin a good yarn but won't be held to anything. Under these circumstances skepticism should remain the order of the day.

  13. His reasoning seems to be that the most vulnerable should be displaced from the borough so that those who have a decent income can come to buy within the borough.

    That is not the principle of social housing.

  14. Christmas coming early for many?
    Jonathan Fraser-Howells - off to new pastures...?

  15. A campaign should be launched against the motion to redevelop all low density social housing.

    All residents associations in the borough should unite against this deliberate threat against our communities.

  16. Labour Councillors should take the lead.


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