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Breath of Fresh Air? |
My Dear Dame,
What have you against the admirable Cllr Julie Mills?
Ceaselessly, you write horrid and denigrating stuff about her.
In the view of many of my fellow residents, she is a breath of fresh air.
Stop knocking a good councillor.
Had Julie not kicked out most of the old guard we might be under Labour control.
It was her dynamic new young councillors that kept the useless Campbell and sidekicks in power.
Time to give Cllr Mills the chance to lead and bring about much-needed change.
A loyal reader
Cllr Mills has a firm grip on things. This admirable Councillor, successful ex Mayor (a stonking success), and able Chairman of the Licensing Committee, is true leadership potential.
ReplyDeleteWhy are the Tories wasting time with dizzy?
I have a very high opinion of Councillor Mills and have a lot of time for her. I am certain that her integrity is unimpeachable. I think she would make an excellent Leader of the Council. However, I would not blame her if she did not want the poisoned chalice of leading RBKC.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure that the Dame has been "horrid" about Julie Mills. All Councillors in the Borough come in for criticism from the good lady; it is called democracy.
What planet do you live on Shane? The Dame fawns over those councillors on her dinner party circuit - Paget-Brown, Coleridge, triple-dipping Brexit-Borwick, Gardner (long-gone thank goodness). The Dame has her own agenda and targets only those of her choosing.
DeleteThe Dame is not a "dinner party" person
DeleteHow dare you....yes, the Dame does tend, like a moth to a lamp, to be drawn to knights of the realm like Sir Pooter Cockell but who would not want to pass a pleasant evening in the company of such a suave and elegant fellow?
10.34. I'll tell you straight "Anonymous at 10.34" even if no one else does. At least I have the guts to put my name to what I say.
DeleteRegardless of the Dame's opinion of Julie Mills, I can honestly say that Julie Mills has followed up any matter that I brought to her attention about the TMO. I cannot say the same for the Labour Councillors who served on the TMO Board. Labour Councillor Emma Dent Coad used me for information and then failed to engage with me without having the decency to tell me what she achieved with my assistance. Similarly,Labour Councillor Judith Blakeman treated me with short shrift and indifference in a curt three line email when I complained to her about the TMO's attitude to a fire that I discovered and ensured was made safe in a TMO bin room. Labour Councillors are great when their is political capital to be made but not so good at the practicalities. If my concerns about the TMO's attitude to fire safety had been followed up, we might not be where we are today.
By contrast, Julie Mills JP has done more for me than those Labour Councillors who misguidedly supported the Tenant Mismanagement Organisation. I do not vote Tory but I have respect for Julie Mills integrity and personal qualities something that Labour Councillors would do well to emulate.
Never been keen on Labour Councillors. They think they know what's best for us mortals. Sanctimonious and self-serving.
DeleteCllr Mills has a track record. She cares. She is fearless. She has a brain. And above all, she has empathy. And she just dragged the old guard of the Tory Group in Hornton Street into a modernisation programme of Councillors by getting rid of much of the dead wood and bringing in 18 new faces.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately she did not quite get there. Some really rotten wood is still lying around (eg Cllr Weale). But it is amazing what she managed to achieve. The troughers and self seekers fought tooth and nail to hold on to their sinecures.
More power to the lady's elbow.
Excellent councillor - jut a pity she did not get rid of the odious Palmer
ReplyDeleteInteresting comments. Don't know the lady, as she does not dine at the Belvedere... But, give the lady a chance and see what she has achieved in year's time, may be?
ReplyDeleteoh, in respect of our dear Dame being 'unfair',I agree with the comment at 06:29.
ReplyDeleteIt's best not to heckle Tory. This could be you especially police are filming everyone everywhere, they know your stance, it's all on the 1984 database.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a Tory supporter, merely reporting what could happen based on the case. The law won't apply to you when you need them.
The 18 "newborns" need to set the pace for the next three terms. This needs to be based on an understanding of residents everywhere in the Borough - not just Sloane Square.
ReplyDeleteThe "newborns" must not be Officer lead or become part of the lazy and puffing Campbell regime. They will get a boost in the next year or so when some of the old guard will be sent to jail which will create new Tory vacancies. (It was announced today that the cladding fitted to Grenfell was against building regulations. No ifs and buts. The culprits are on their way to jail).
The Campbell puffers are already circling the "newborns" with ideas of seduction. The new Tory Councillors need to be careful and not be taken in by the old trash. They need real Leadership. The sort of Leadership that Mills can bring. The Borough is going nowhere with dizzy.
I beg to differ. Not all of the Tory old guard are trash.
DeleteLets give everyone a chance these are uncharted waters, also it was not announced that the cladding fitted to Grenfell was against building regulations. The unfortunate fact is that it met current building regulations. I also agree with 18:02.
DeleteExcellent Councillor, does what she says she will do. Intelligent enough to spot the inefficient Empire building officers which will become even more necessary as the grim bunch from Westminster try to take hold! She cares about residents as her term a Mayor clearly demonstrated. She has done a sterling job developing the new generation of Councillors. She also brings people together unlike the current Councillor/MP....double troughing and divisive to distract from her own responsibility.
ReplyDeletelets hear it for Julie Mills......
DeleteAround this time of year it is customary for the Tory Leader to offer himself/herself for re election. The customary process is that the Leader's lackey (or two) pass the word to other Councillors (where necessary) that their promotion prospects, allowances, and Committee appointments will be removed if they dare to rock the boat. At the meeting of the Tory Group it is then announced that "there are no candidates to challenge the Leader this year".
ReplyDeleteAll very civilised.
Also all very corrupt. Cllr Freeman found out many years ago that there is no room for Mavericks in Hornton Street. He was pulverised by the odious and destructive Pooter Cockle who clung to power for 13 destructive and exploitative years using a combination of bullying, patronage and ridicule.
Time for these games to end. Time for democracy to be restored to the Kensington and Chelsea Conservative group. Time for Cllr Mills to challenge the status quo.
And an opportunity for dizzy to resume her sailing in Rhode Island, USA.
Pity someone does not challenge that Dent Coad woman. Have you seen her dreadful speeches in Westminster Hall and the Commons' Chamber about Grenfell. Labour Party Councillors gave her the sack a few years ago and the sack is what she needs right now.
ReplyDeleteDent Coade is drawing two salaries. One as an MP and another as a Labour Councillor for Kensington. What a hypocrite!
DeleteEDC is a lady of a certain age who needs the money and needs something to do. She is hanging on to her MPs salary by 20 votes and knows that she will not be re elected in 4 years time. And she knows that if she quits as a Councillor she will never be allowed back by her Labour colleagues. So she is hanging on to her Councillor job. Its her pension policy after she loses the Kensington seat.
ReplyDeleteObserver, this is an incredibly cruel and wounding comment
DeleteI have never seen or heard of Miss Dent Coad having much sensitivity about the feelings of others and again, politics, as practiced by she and her extreme left wing and anti semitic friend. She reaps the whirlwind and never stopped banging on about how Borwick should not take two salaries.
DeleteI have checked Dent Coad's entry on the Parliamentary Register of Interests. She says he draws no money from RBK&C.
DeleteDent Coad is a hypocrite. This is the one who condemned Victoria Borwick for serving as a Councillor and being a Member of Parliament at the same time because it is not possible to do both jobs properly at the same time. Do as I say, not as I do, eh Emma. Whatever happened to personal integrity Emma. Sorry, I forgot personal integrity does not apply to opportunistic socialists.
When she is out at the next General Election, she will continue to serve on the Council at which point she will qualify for her old age pension and have it topped up Councillors' Allowances not to mention her parliamentary pension.
Julie should stand for parliament. Go, go, go.
DeleteThe Dame is doing a wonderful job by exposing the troughers to scrutiny.
ReplyDeleteEmma Dent Coad had a spat with Shaun Bailey, a black person, in 2010. Having a dispute with a black person is fine but Emma's response to that spat was anything but fine. She drew a picture of a gallows with a person hanging on it; presumably Shaun Bailey and proudly published that image on-line. This was an objectively nasty and shitty thing to do. I am sure that Emma has had many spats with white people but has she ever published a picture of someone hanging on a gallows when she has crossed swords with a caucasian.
ReplyDeleteCouncillor Julie MiIls is a White West Indian and does not have racist bone in her body.
Mills has a pash for Shaun Bailey
DeleteEDC does not like black people. EC does not notice black people
DeleteFabulous expression 15.24.
DeleteIt is appalling racial prejudice for our MP to publish a picture of a gallows with a black adversary hanging on it. Of course, 15.24 above, she has never drawn a picture of a white person hanging from a gallows, so why did she do this and depict a black person being strangled to death.
DeleteWe can complain all we like about our councillors, they are trying to work with us so instead of abuse for the sake of abuse lets give them the same consideration. The fact is they lost one seat in the election and following the awful Grenfell tragedy the council still delivered services to residents across the Borough.
ReplyDeleteNot all are....Weale and Pascal are two of the laziest and useless and there are others too.
DeleteAt 15.24. what a horrid and revolting woman Emma Dent Coad is! I had not heard about this racism before today.
DeleteWhy hasn't she been suspended from the Labour Party. Livingstone has been suspended from the Labour Party for insisting that "Hitler supported Zionism" and will hopefully be out of Labour for his antisemitism by the end of July. He is threatening to sue. Let him. No political party is obliged to have someone in its number who expresses racist views.
O'Mara has been suspended from the Parliamentary Labour Party for racist and sexist views. The disciplinary process for him has ground to a halt; typical Labour Party inefficiency. He will hopefully be out soon too.
So why hasn't man of the people, Jeremy Corbyn, suspended Emma Dent Coad MP for her hatred of a black man. Drawing a gallows and publishing a picture of it with a black person hanging there is as bad as it gets.
In addition to not liking black people, EDC of the Royal Borough does not like Royalty either. She even puts around spoof stories that accomplished helicopter pilot in Helmut Province, Prince Harry, does not fly and never learnt to fly a helicopter.
DeleteWhat a wonderful inclusive person our MP is!
What has Ms Dent Coad achieved? I hear that she is an Architect of sorts. Has she been commissioned to design some building of architectural interest? I think not because if she had, she almost certainly would not have the time to sit on Kensington and Chelsea Council for around twelve years. She's not popular in K&C or the local Labour Party because they is she were Labour Councillors would not have sacked her. Nor is she one of the greats in the world of Architecture.
DeleteContrary to what she would like people to believe Prince Harry is a fully qualified helicopter pilot. He is a better public speaker than she is and he has done a splendid job in raising the profile of AIDS treatment in the developing world.
at 16.48 Corbyn cannot suspend Dent Coad. He needs the left wing mouthpiece for Kensington to speak out on Grenfell. The thing is she speaks out so badly. Where would he be with the first Labour MP for Kensington suspended for race hatred at a time when he hopes to see off the Tory Government. Don't forget Corbyn supported a Community Mural Artist who painted an antisemitic mural. His anti-racist credentials are in shreds.
ReplyDeleteFortunately we have David Lammy MP to speak on behalf of Grenfell.
ReplyDeleteHe's a total fat arsehole who use his colour to promote himself. Very dodgy bloke
DeleteAt 10.20. Owing to a long established parliamentary convention, a Member of Parliament is only entitled to represent their own constituents. Therefore, David Lammy is the only one who can represent the people of Tottenham and Emma Dent Coad is the only one who can represent the survivors of Grenfell.
DeleteEmma Dent Coad has created a "representation apartheid" because any Black Grenfell survivor who is uncomfortable asking her to help them, following the revelation that she published a hateful picture of a Black guy swinging on a gibbet, has no where else to turn apart from Emma Dent Coad MP.
We need Emma Dent-Coad MP to resign so that we can have a by-election. She can stand again if she likes but at least the people of Kensington will have a chance to confirm their confidence in her or show her the door.
DeleteNever heard Julie talk about being high class and never heard her say anything racist.
ReplyDeleteI have spoken to Emma at meetings. I always feel that she is talking down to me. She is so high and mighty. Has anyone else found this or is it just me?
DeleteShe is condescending and superior.
DeleteMust say, despite the negative things I have read, I am also a big fan of Julie's. I went to a council meeting last year following my disgust with council officers' behaviour and wanting to know who these clowns were who said nothing and did nothing when asked for help from constituents. At the time I did not know who this no-nonsense "in-your-face" woman was but I was impressed. Finally there was someone in the council who was tough, who wasn't afraid to mention the "c" word ("corruption") and who wasn't concerned about winning a popularity contest. She called a spade a spade and I suspect she got on the other councillors' nerves because she called them out and challenged them. I hope she becomes Leader because I think there just might be some real change if she does.
ReplyDeleteNo one on here has a nice thing to say about the MP
ReplyDeleteShe needs to change if she wants to get re-elected. Racism and loud mouthed nastiness is not the way to go.
Delete"Loud mouthed" is putting it mildly. Emma Dent-Coad is Kensington's reactionary version of Donald Trump. Nasty comments about a Black person and telling lies about Prince Harry.
DeleteShe spoke well at the Westminster Hall debate on the Grenfell petition
ReplyDeleteShe did not speak well during the Westminster Hall debate. Her performance was dreary.