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The days when local papers dominated communities are over.
Today, it's the local blog which wields influence.
In fact, local papers depended so much on council advertising editorial independence was always somewhat impugned.....
"This is North Kensington" or THINK LINK is one such and the Dame understands that Norland now has a dedicated blog.
THINK has a very funny piece on Cllr Spalding which made her and elderly friends giggle.....
The Hornet has set an example in The Royal Borough. There are now at least four blogs operating in the Borough - all of them are informed, motivated, and acting as a conduit of information for activists. Increasingly, these blogs will become the informal organisation structure of democracy in Kensington and Chelsea.
ReplyDeleteThe Dame, of course, is delighted. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Collectively, the bloggers will "hold the foot to the fire". Officers and Councillors are being held accountable. For the first time in many years.
The brightest light that currently shines is the new group of Tory Councillors. 18 brave souls in total. Much faith and hope is riding on this new group who have to make a change in the Tory ranks and bring in a new culture in Hornton Street that is connected up with residents and responsive to residents.
"Newborns", the Hornets are watching you......
mnn brand new shiny Tory Councillors. If not careful they could tarnish very quickly and be featured by the Hornet.
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ReplyDeleteedited:In the 'old' days, RBKC had an iron grip on the media. It controlled it by influence, affluence, effluence, intimidation, bribes and down right scare tactics, to ensure that the rags towed the line.
ReplyDeleteHowever, with the emergence of the WWW and laterly 'Blogs', RBKC has its knickers in the twist. Unable to do anything at all about anything.. Particularly, as many owners of the 'Blog' sites, based in the US, wholeheartedly support free speech and will fight to protect this right... Good luck to all the newcomers and LONG LIVE our dearest Dame...
Therefore, Freedom of Speech is on its way out. Tory is working on it.
DeleteThanks to ex-resident on Portobello Rd, George Orwell foretold us what was to come.
Aside from Hornets Nest and THINK, who might the other two blogs be? I would be grateful to know please so that I can keep well-informed about the antics of this Rotten Borough.
ReplyDeleteIt's out there. lol
DeleteSpalding got spanked by Linda Wade, not literally I hasten to add. In 2014 Wade only just scraped in kicking Jonathon Read into the long grass with just 20 votes.
ReplyDeleteWade got a 1,000 votes! The most out of all candidates, more than Spalding & Adourkin; which gives testatment to those who see Cllr Wade and her actions in the ward speaks volumes.
If Labour had not run in Earls Court Lib Dems would have got in.
THINK's piece does raise questions, why is Malcolm Spalding so close to CapCo? What does he get out of the close relationship? Is it a French maids outfit to match his duster to rid his £1 million home of CapCo's dust?
who in the Labour party is to blame for the dreadful result locally
ReplyDeleteEDC she terrified non looney Labour voters
ReplyDeleteMr Blobby Atkinson, he is the leader and therefore should go
ReplyDeleteFrankly, I feel that THINK can be a bunch of irresponsible CeeU’s at times. As for EDT all she cares about is North Kensington and photo ops with her dear leader the mangy Corbyn.
ReplyDeleteGreat Spalding getting back in now they can produce that Earls Court dust report they banged on about
ReplyDelete"During the [Earls Court] demolition phase, we worked hard to obtain independent analysis on the dust to reassure many who were concerned about whether it could affect residents’ health."
I mean there is a report, isn't there? If Spalding and Andrew Foster fibbed on election material could mean a by-election.
We have just celebrated our first birthday and THINK owe a great deal to the Dame's excellent blog of course! We also highly recommend the Grenfell Action Group:
Very generous of the Dame to feature THINK on her blog. Will not be able to look at Malcolm Spalding without laughing and recalling the "dead parrot" sketch and THINK picture. Long live the Dame and hope that THINK keep up the good work!