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Wednesday, 24 June 2015




The Dame was surprised to see that RBK&C are still lagging behind Kim Jong of North Korea. Kim Jong is ahead on approval ratings


  1. Dame, you are priceless.

  2. 99.9% of how many? One thing I can say is that regardless of the stats residents are not happy with the current stranded of services, Kensington's standards are at rock bottom. Nick and his cronies have allowed Hammersmith to dictate the standards, Kensington's sovereignty has been well and truly eroded.

  3. I think the Dame is pulling out legs with the 99.9%

    1. The survey results never accord with my feeling about our Council.

  4. This is a very perceptive observation by the Dame. The Leader has been crowing that RBKC satisfaction statistics are at an all time high. But the man in the street knows that the feel of the place is rather different.

    Deluded Leaders, autocrats, crackpots and Dictators love to grasp at manufactured statistics to give them a personal "feel good" buzz. It is pathetic when they start to spout this puff in public.

    Grow up Cllr Paget-Brown and move on. You keep saying that you are a "listening Leader". Well then stat to tune in to your residents

    1. Propaganda Brown is at it again. Pathetic effort to paint over his cracked Cabinet

  5. 100 were asked from what I understand... that would be just a portion of those at the Nest..Well done, Nicky boyo...

  6. This is how it works. The 'Resident Panel' is self-selecting, ie, not the average Joe/Joanna on the street but someone who thinks they have a positive contribution to make (nb 'positive'). There are about 2/300 on the panel at any one time, but of course not all of them respond to the surveys every time. So this may represent the opinion of just 150 residents.

    If you look at the questions you will find they are pretty loaded. And yet some of them are revealing in ways the Council refuses to accept. For example, year by year even these self-selecting-positively-contributing panellists state they would rather pay more Council Tax than see services cut. And yet the officer analysis of this is that this is a 'minor aberration' or 'anomaly'.

    It is relatively simple to skew surveys, in fact there is an entire industry devoted to torturing consultations, as many of us have sadly experienced.

  7. For years this survey has been a pathetic initiative from a bunch of insecure, self cantered and puffed up councillors.

  8. Its a joke. Anyone who has ever commissioned this type of survey knows that the brief to consultants is "this is what we want to hear". The questions are tailored accordingly. The oldest trick in the book.

    Hornton Street needs to stop wasting tax payers money and concentrate on improving democracy.

  9. Angry Resident25 June 2015 at 10:46

    If the Council scrapped this useless piece of doctored self congratulation, tax payers would be saved the cost of the survey PLUS the cost of the Hornton Street bureaucrats employed in PR to analyse the results and push out endless Press Releases of self congratulation.

    Pass the sick bag.

    1. I have recently found out that the Royal Borough has been done down by H&F. The Noise Team have a 2 hour target now to call you back. It was 1/2 hour before this crowd took over. That must be the 0.01%

  10. Typical....the Noise team used to be excellent. Now they are hopelessly understaffed.
    I know someone on this RBKC Residents panel....98 years old and hopelessly out of touch. The panel is selected carefully to ensure they are malleable

  11. If one phones Planningline with a query and the young person responding is able to provide an immediate answer, one is asked to engage in a 'survey.' The sole question is something like "Did we respond quickly to your question today. Answer: click yes or no." However if, as usual, Planningline cannot help, the 'survey' is not mentioned. Simple.

    RBKC's residents' panel is similarly manipulated. Membership is limited to the uncritical and the simple!


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