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Sunday, 20 April 2014


When Lloyd North was selected by Jonathan Fragrant-Howells to stand in Brompton Ward the Dame forced Lloyd out....so to speak.

The question that Lloyd needs to answer is whether he has done more filmwork since the time he was ejected from Brompton.
If he has, why is ok now, if it wasn't then.

Come on Milord Carrington...this is one for you


  1. We had enough of Pooter Cockle using the Royal Borough as his personal fiefdom. It is not acceptable for Fragrant Howells to use the K&C Tories as a stable for playmates. Even though Lloyd is clearly a "dish"

    1. Luv the pic. More please Dame

  2. Ladies of a certain age will love him. But is the Royal Borough ready for this??

  3. Kensington Resident20 April 2014 at 18:57

    If Lloyd North is continuing his career as a porn actor than the Chairman of the Tory Party must insist that he steps down immediately from the May Elections.

    1. This will be an interesting one for Mathew Carrington

  4. Not impressed with the Dame20 April 2014 at 21:59

    What on earth does this have to do with a candidate's ability or fitness to represent the residents of Colville as councillor? Nothing at all. Appearing in these films was neither illegal nor immoral and the Dame should live and let live and stop trying to bully the candidate from the race.

    Voters should make their decision on the basis of the candidates' qualifications to represent the community and issues that they are standing on.

    Shame on you Dame.

    1. Don't be ridiculous...
      Mr North may not have been truthful in disclosing to Milord Carrington, when questioned, the complete extent of his recent filmic activities.
      The voter has every right to full disclosure.

  5. Is this from one of the old films, about which Lloyd has already confessed to the Chief Whip, or is it a new one? He looks quite young here, although he does have a bit of a paunch.

  6. I believe Lloyd North stood in Colville a few years ago. Not a great success.

  7. Todd foremans collection gay porn has come in useful to find this photo

    1. How silly to attack Cllr Foreman. One of the best Councillors in K&C. Must be one of the Tory closets venting

  8. I would like to see a sample of these photographs posted on this site as they are apparently legal, which I am sure may or may not impress the electorate.

    1. He can knock on my door at any time

    2. Yes please!

  9. Todd Foreman is a great Councillor - able, dedicated and ethical. Not enough of his sort around. And he has a regular job and is making his way in a career. All very suitable for public life. But there has to be a question mark about a person seeking to stand as a democratically elected representative who makes a living from acting in porno sex films. Does not feel and sound right.

  10. The Tories need to clean up their act. Bankrupt Caplin fired and that silly Minister for culture fired for fiddling her expenses. Sounds like North needs the bullet too. Come on Lord Carrington - show us what you are made of

  11. Dame

    I don't like pornography straight or gay, but this homophobic stream of blogs is literally sick making. The Dame and her readers should be ashamed of smearing Todd, Lloyd and other gay people. Dame you should remove this whole unpleasant blog.

    1. Silly 10.31. I do not want a porno artist to be my elected representative.

    2. No one is being 'smeared' so the blog remains

    3. 11:41: He's not currently a "porno artist", so you're quite safe.

  12. 10.31, what precisely is homophobic about this blog? If the candidate is involved in something it would be better to declare, in order not to bring the party into disrepute, he must do so, and if he has omitted to he must be brought to book.

    No matter if the issue is related to business dealings with the Council, having lunch with the Ritblatts while sitting on Planning, or having undeclared properties. I imagine quite a few people, who have overlooked 'youthful peccadilloes' in some of our elected members, would find it very difficult to accept someone actively involved in pornography, gay or straight, if that is the implication here.

    Put simply, we need to know so we can decide what to think; no secrets.

  13. I see my previous post, a very obvious and innocent joke at the Dame's expense, has been removed. Dame, do yourself a favour and refrain from such blatant and unnecessary censorship. It does the credibility of this blog, or the issues it brings to our attention, no good.

    1. The Dame has not deleted your post so do yourself a favour and re-post it:perhaps this time doing it correctly.
      As a matter of record the dear old Dame has only ever deleted one post per year and those for being racist or obscene.
      So unless yours was racist or obscene it would not have been censored.
      You will also have noticed that have been many insolent comments at the expense of the Dame-mainly from the clown Palmer, however the Dame never deletes them.

  14. And come to that, if Cllr. Dez O'Neill intends to seek re-election, either as an independent or for the Lib Dems, will he come clean about all his business interests and his colourful past?

    1. Is that the RAF Porcine Squadron heading our way?

  15. The Lib Dems wouldn't touch O'Neil with tongs. The Labour party did a deal with him. If he doesn't stand again, they'll keep his dirty little secrets.

    He was a Labour councillor for years. So regardless of his plans, it's high time Labour told residents why they dropped him.

  16. Todd Foreman was a great Councillor.....the Dame is not homophobic, I'm not homophobic but sick of the fact that when someone is gay it tends to be a pass to do as they please.....In work all you get if you disagree with someone is "I'm gay and I'm right and if you don't agree then your homophobic" The picture is sick so STFU that don't agree.....decent gay people such as Todd Foreman have morals!,,,,,,THE DAME IS GREAT!

    1. Todd Foreman has black hair and a closet full of white shirts

    2. You are a hairophobic - silly person

  17. 'Decent gay people' do not, I think, have eagles of the Third Reich tattooed on their arms. Sorry but that's what it looks like to me.

    Oh dear, it can only get worse!

  18. When a person like this North person is forced into public life there is always some infatuated and misguided sponsor standing behind them with the power to smother common sense.

    Who in K&C Tories is infatuated with Lloyd North and is determined to see their boy on the back benches of Hornton Street? We should be told.

  19. Whoever it is in your image; I think it is quite revolting

    1. There is no accounting for taste


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