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Friday, 18 April 2014


Why does Matthew Palmer bother to attend council meetings?
When not embarrassing Conservative colleagues with mad and garbled interjections, he checks his miserable little share portfolio, or plays an infantile game called Candy Crush on his Council Iphone.
How embarrassing for Queen's Gate residents to have this 'arrested development' moron representing them.

Clearly, the whip has given up attempting to control this debile....


  1. It's not an iPhone. It's one of those ghastly common Samsung things. Cllr. Palmer is lacking in taste and it shows.

  2. Let me see ... you're a Tory Councillor with behavioural issues and a penchant to bray sat on the naughty bench at the back of the Council chamber, over a dozen members of the public are sat in the gallery immediately behind and above you, including the Labour Group's supporting contingent. So what do you do? You play Candy Crush on your phone. Genius! Or not.

    1. That's because Palmer's got ASS - Acquired Stupidity Syndrome.

    2. As well as being an ARSE of course.

  3. This tells us a lot about the current state of the Conservatives in the borough. They can't control Palmer, he does whatever he chooses, despite being a no-mark who will never make anything of himself, politically or otherwise. So what do they do to deal with him? Put him in the safest ward in the borough.

    Are they desperate? Yes they are! The current rash of dire and samey leaflets printed on bog roll tell us they are also lacking in funds, or at least that's how it appears.

    1. I'll have you know those leaflets are a key part of the grand electoral stratagem devised by the finest political minds at 1a Chelsea Manor Street.

    2. Dear Blue Rinse, exactly as I feared!

  4. http://parkfarmneighbourhoodwatch.blogspot.co.uk/search?q=Brian+Rush&max-results=20&by-date=true
    Greetings from Peterborough, even we've had a like problem here only one councillor has wrongly claimed our respectful version of the Hornet ( Peterborough Tribune ) has caused councillors to sign up to porny e-mails on Councillors@peterborough.gov.uk perhaps Kensington has such a group?

    Some fun searches for you : http://parkfarmneighbourhoodwatch.blogspot.co.uk/search?q=Brian+Rush&max-results=20&by-date=true

  5. As one member of the public has pointed out, when Palmer started heckling Cllr Foreman about making a brief farewell speech as part of his seconding speech on training, he Palmer was hardly in a good position to comment on how others use Council time. All he does during meetings is guffaw with Cllr Marshall, read newspapers, check his shares or play Candy Crush Saga.

    The man is a total waste of space.

    1. Quite. Palmer is not only a waste of space (and quite a lot of it at that) but also a waste of everyone else's time.

      The real question is why the Tory party insist on keeping him around. They could have given him no choice but to fight, and most likely lose, Dalgarno (at which point: "good riddance" say all) but instead allowed him to head southwards to one of their safest seats.

      Surely Palmer doesn't wield any power over the rest of the local party? Or are there simply too many skeletons to hide, even from the likes of him?

  6. http://parkfarmneighbourhoodwatch.blogspot.co.uk/ You think you have problems in Kensington? Meet the loonytoons in #Peterborough! The home of Stewart Jackson MP of MPs expenses fame. Thanks to the Dame, we stopped Kensingtons Social housing tenants being shipped to Peterborough ... you really could nopt make this up!


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