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Friday 15 July 2011

STOP PRESS: Planning Appeal 141-149 Portobello Road

The Dame has just this minute received this draft objection letter from that other Great Dame, Marion Gettleson. She hopes all that it will be useful to all of you wanting to making your feelings felt to the Planning Inspector. The Dame says this is the perfect opportunity for the people's voices to be heard so please do write and object.

From: ..............................


Via email (address: teamp3@pins.gsi.gov.uk ) to:

HM Planning Inspectorate
Room 3/19 Eagle Wing
Temple Way House
2 The Square, Bristol BS1 6PN.

Dear Planning Inspector

Planning Appeal:141-149 Portobello Rd London W11 2DY
Reference: App/K5600/A/11/2154885.

I/we wish to lodge the strongest possible Objection to an Appeal to remove a Planning Condition from Admiral Vernon antiques arcade; limited trading hours in the basement. I/we support local residents' amenity; because.on Sundays to Thursdays; the 'antiques' section of Portobello Market has always been a residential backwater; with a small local Market to the north. Fridays are rather busier; but still 'local.' RBKC is currently attempting to start a Friday Antiques Street Market opposite Admiral Vernon; for 'homeless' antique dealers.

For 150 years Portobello Market has been packed with up to 60,000 visitors on Saturdays only. For 60 years, many have been attracted to the Saturday opening antiques arcades - including Admiral Vernon. Most 'Market' revenue goes on antiques. Despite having Planning Permission for ground floor trading 7 days a week; it has only ever occurred on Saturdays. This is true for all the Appellants' arcades; due to insufficient weekday footfall. Rents reflect 7 day trading. Local 7 day forecourt trading causes local residents considerable nuisance.

RBKC wisely re-confirmed the Admiral Vernon Planning Condition. The Application was deceptive - as is the Appeal. If it succeeds; local residents will suffer 365 day nuisance caused by unrestricted trading; despite any remaining limits on delivery times etc. The pattern is for rents to rise; forcing out dealers. Another 'Clone' retailer will sign a lease at exorbitant rent in respect of inflated footfall figures. Admiral Vernon is pivotal; so once it's 'Cloned;' others will follow & the Antiques Market will be gone. This pattern will be followed north & a once uniquely vibrant & world famous social & cultural treasure will be lost. So much for 'local life, character, vibrancy & legacy' etc. This Appeal counters all RBKC policy on Portobello in 2010 Core Strategy. It will be disastrous for local residents. Westfield - Europe's largest shopping mall - is only 1 km away; so eventually Portobello will look like Westbourne Grove - dead. There is evidently some Town Hall support for such 'gentrification.' The fate of the Antiques Market & perhaps all of Portobello, depends your Appeal Decision on an apparently minor Condition. It is why this case has generated so much public interest. Please consider the plight of all local communities. They are extraordinarily mixed. Very wealthy folk choose to live nearby; because they love the Markets. Please protect all of Portobello's residents - by rejecting this Appeal.

Signed .................................................. date:......................

1 comment:

  1. Marion Gettleson17 July 2011 at 08:49

    The Dame casts her searching light everywhere ... even to the benighted north of the Borough. Response to her post on Admiral Vernon planning application in April, was huge. The matter has now gone to Appeal. So would all those who love Portobello, please object again; in support of local residents; the Antiques Market & all of Portobello. Thank you.


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