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Saturday, 26 September 2015


This is an extract from a letter sent out to local movers and shakers begging them to support the Council's belated attempt to put themselves on the right side of the law.
It is your chance, as one of the many thousands of residents who petioned to save the school, to make you feeling felt over this wanton and greed driven destruction of the playing fields.
Please email mps@rbkc.gov.uk and tell them to leave our playing fields alone

............."the Council is applying to the Secretary of State for Education under Section 77 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 to dispose of 559 square metres of former playground, which for the purpose of the Act is described as a playing field, and as part of this process is consulting residents, parentsteachers and yourself for their views.

To see the location of the proposed new commercial building and public footpath visit www.rbkc.gov.uk/marlborough

To give your views on this proposal email mps@rbkc.gov.uk by Friday 6 November 2015.

Yours faithfully

Guy Parks
Project Manager
Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea


  1. There do not seem to be any playing field on the current site - or have I missed something?

    1. 09.30: If you follow the RBKC link above through to "Consultations" you can click through to a ground plan of the site. The Playground area is A2 and A3 on the plan, coloured orange and blue.

      This is to be developed for commercial use to provide the council with a stream of income to finance its other vital activities. Such as maintaining the Bentley.

      Presumably no need for the richest council in the country to think of using its money on other frivolous projects like affordable housing.

      And where will the children get any exercise if there's no playground?

  2. How ironic that a guy called Guy Parks should project manage an application to concrete over open space that a more caring council would insist become a park.

  3. Mus be worth a little fortune. Who is getting the customary 'finders fee'? It should remain an open space, used by the local residents for recreational purposes.

  4. Is it true that a former minority party leader on RBKC is in business as a local property consultant? Despite having no qualifications in planning or architecture, it's believed that he charges £10,000 a time for 'advising' his clients on how to get the best results from RBKC Property and Planning.

  5. Yes, just google Keith Cunningham and you will find.

  6. He claims credit for the Wornington Green disaster, the LDF consultation travesty and various other democratic abuses. His strap line is "Success in Planning." That says it all.


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