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Monday, 31 March 2014


  • In  the DAILY TELEGRAPH today Boris and his £75,000 a year Aviation Adviser have come up with another harebrained variant of their original scheme. 

  • One impertinent blogger suggested that Moylan is like a dog with a bone and won't give up even when Howard Davies finally kicks his idea into touch: but then if Danny Boys gives it up he has to give up his £75,000 a year....something he is very reluctant to do.

Daniel Moylan is a lowly Kensington & Chelsea councillor who has managed to garner quite a few taxpayer funded jobs...non exec directorships of Crossrail and Tfl give him a meaty £65,000 a year, plus his £12,000 from K&C. As Aviation Adviser to the buffoon Boris he gets £75,000 a year.. No wonder this is one stick he won't let go of. The longer he can keep it going the longer he maintain his near £150,000 a year off the taxpayer. Its an outrageous abuse of our money to keep a man like this in clover when he has nil qualifications for the job.

    • if what you say is all correct than this perfectly sums up politics at every level. Greed greed and more greed, it doesn't matter which party, which colour it is the disgusting behaviour of individuals like this councillor who are only it for themselves. No difference be tween him and Maria Miller.


      1. Moylan certainly has determination. He has found out how to milk the system and must be one of the leading troughers in Local Government. What a very unpleasant person.

        1. Moylan was taught the tricks by that other trougher, Pooter Cockle. Pooter managed £170k at one stage from multi jobbing on the public purse. At various times, if you added up his "estimates" of time spent on the multiple jobs, he was working 178% of every day. A highly productive chap.

          Cllr Moylan is more modest. He only claims to work eight days a week.

        2. Birds of the same feather

      2. He is THE leading trougher in Local Government after his sworn enemy Pooter Cockell

      3. Fly On The Wall1 April 2014 at 10:48

        Moylan loves to dream up these Alice in Wonderland ideas which he then promotes with elegance and determination. Revamping Sloane Square was another fairy tale that got him all excited - harmless fun except that he often became very nasty at a personal level with objectors and bullied staff and colleagues in the Town Hall in a merciless and unpleasant fashion. Now the bus driver's son is in a new orbit. It will be interesting if he encounters Howard Davies after one too many and lets fly with one of his verbal outbursts. The kind of thing that he subjected Margaret Thomson to at the height of the Sloane Square conflict

        1. Odious reptile

        2. Moylan should have been reported to the Standards Committee

      4. Cllr Moylan's Sloane Square campaign was rumbled by Cllr Coleridge and Cllr Condon Simmons. Both of them stood up to him and defied the Tory whip. The Council needs more independent thinkers like them who are prepared to do the right thing when the chips are down

        1. Cllr Condon Simmonds was a supporter of the scheme and not even one of the Councillors for the affected area.

          Coleridge's fellow rumblers were the 2 Royal Hospital Councillors who stood down in 2010

        2. Thank you 12.36. You are quite right. Owl has recently been deprived of sleep and has made a couple of silly muddles with the names of Councillors. The most embarrassing was to confuse Cllr Elizabeth Campbell with Cllr Rutherford. It is of course Cllr Rutherford who has a very soft spot for Cllr Coleridge.

        3. How could anyone possibly confuse Cllr Rutherford with Cllr Elizabeth Campbell??? Clear evidence of the trash who blog on the Hornet

        4. Why not? They are both equally useless!

        5. Fly On The Wall2 April 2014 at 08:15

          An easy slip of memory. It was of course the ethical Cllr John Corbet-SIngleton (CS to his friends) who stood up to Moylan against the demented Sloan Square project. The odious Cllr Condon Simmonds (CS to her friend Moylan and fixer of "domestic" comforts) was a fervent supporter of her friends batty project

      5. Is Cllr Moylan's playpen in Thailand up for sale? Surely he does not want to end a 10 hour flight from Bangkok with a six hour drive to London on the crowded motorways of Kent? Has our boy thought about this little practical difficulty?

        1. The word is that relationships in Bangkok have soured. So the hothouse there may be in its final weeks

      6. Fly Swatter is incorrect. In his recent profile in the official Rotten Borough rag, Moylan claims the ability to fulfil his responsibilities to residents in just 2 hours per day - doubtless only 5 days a week.

        However unpleasant, Moylan is very bright. He positively enjoys bullying as many people as possible. It's one of his less damaging hobbies.

        1. http://www.rbkc.gov.uk/councilanddemocracy/howthecouncilworks/ourcouncillors/howtobecomeacouncillor.aspx

        2. You are quite right - Daniel does claim only two hours per day on K&C business which pays him £12k per year. But he also has many other jobs paid for by the public purse. He himself claimed that "the tax payer gets good value because I work eight days a week". I think it is a brilliant bon mot - a person with huge self confidence and an inflated self image.

        3. Fly Swatter you are wrong. Moylan's "self confidence" is a cloak for deep insecurity and self loathing

        4. Kensington Tory2 April 2014 at 08:26

          Cllr Moylan claimed in his interview with the Rotten Borough that the worst part of the job is miserable residents ("a merciful few") who unfairly criticise Councillors. Has he ever thought about the miserable many (an army of people) who have suffered, and cringed, and been reduced to tears, by his constant public and private outbursts of fury and ridicule? Invariably aimed at individuals in a vindictive and unpleasant manner.

        5. Moylan's personal attacks on individuals, usually his juniors, are invariably viscous, demeaning and delivered in public. Life is better off without such persons.

      7. Cllr Moylan continues to brief against Cllr Paget-Brown - a combination of pity and contempt

      8. He's jealous. When his non-job on Boris Island ends, he'll need another sources of income.

        Moylan is immensely proud of his publicly expressed disrespect for residents and anyone else he believes less intelligent than himself - which in his view is just about everyone. If this man succeeds in making himself Leader, he'll make Pooter look like a saint. Above all else, beware of Moylan.

        1. Supporter of Moylan1 April 2014 at 16:04

          You cannot hold quality back! Watch him......

        2. Look we have been watching him for ages and nothing happens. At this stage in his life(if he was so smart) he should be in the Commons. He pisses everybody off in every job he does....that is called lousy management

      9. A very dark shadow follows him.

        1. Something of the night?

        2. What do locals think about the paving work outside Sloane Square station built about 5 years ago, and subsequently amended?

        3. It's a miracle no-one's been killed.

      10. Moylan's ability to spend other people's money is the least of our problems. If he ever gets his hands on Hornton Street, residents will suffer from his spitefulness.

      11. Talk about a level playing field. There is no question at all in my mind that Maria Miller should have been sacked for this. Yet another reason to think carefully who to vote for in the General Election. David Cameron is such a disppointment as PM.


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