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Saturday 24 February 2024


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Another dangerous and bloody silly idea from Transport For London says the Dame.

Felicity Buchan also asks that you give her your VIEWS HERE

Dear Stakeholder


Have your say  - consultation closes on 3 March 2024


We have developed proposals to make it safer and easier to cycle and walk and cycle between Shepherd’s Bush Green and the Holland Park Roundabout.


Holland Park roundabout is a high priority location for safety improvements due to the significant number of collisions that occur. In the three-year period to May 2023 there were 54 collisions resulting in 59 people being hurt, including 14 cyclists and pedestrians, six of them seriously. For this reason, the junction has been placed on the Mayor’s Safer Junctions programme.


We would like your feedback on proposals to introduce a new high-quality Cycleway around the southern side of the Holland Park Roundabout, as well as improvements for pedestrians. We would like to know how these proposals might impact you as you travel into or through the area.


The consultation will run until 3 March 2024, and we hope you will take time to review our consultation material and respond to our questionnaire. You can do this by either:


•           Visiting our online consultation page at https://haveyoursay.tfl.gov.uk/hollandparkroundabout

•           Emailing us at haveyoursay@tfl.gov.uk

•           Writing to us at FREEPOST TFL HAVE YOUR SAY (Holland Park)


If you have already responded to the consultation, then I would like to thank you for your feedback.


If you need to discuss a specific question about our proposals, you can also phone our consultation helpline on 020 3054 6037 and leave your name, number and message and someone from the consultation team will call you back.


Yours sincerely


Andrew Miles

Local Consultation Manager

Transport for London



  1. This will cause absolute total chaos, even more pollution on Holland Park Road...maybe it's just me...but why has this not been at the forefront of local information? It's really only come to residents attention in the past week? Typical of this idiotic Mayor and his gang of lycra clad cyclists who pay no attention to traffic lights or pedestrian crossings. This needs to be stopped. Total Madness.

    1. I received a leaflet from TFL about this in the post 2 weeks ago - dated DECEMBER 2023!!

  2. There’s no data or proof that this will ‘cause traffic chaos’, just Felicity clutching at straws in an election year, and people assuming decisions for further up Holland Park Ave over which TFL have no control. However there IS definitive proof that this scheme will save lives at an accident black spot.

    The more people can safely cycle, the less people will use their cars, the less traffic there will be on the roads for those who actually need to use them. Short term pain (Kensingtonains making their peace with RBKC’s first stretch of permanent protected cycle lane) for long term gain (less polluting, space-inefficient cars clogging up Holland Pk Ave). God knows most of you don’t need a whole huge Chelsea Tractor just to take your DC to school all of 500 yards away…

  3. This will cause a more pleasant walking environment and less pollution on Holland Park Avenue... Typical of our idiotic local MP and her gang of motorists driving alone to the local shop who pay no attention to people's need to breathe. This needs to happen. Totally sensible idea.

  4. Looks to me like TfL ARE trying to consult & engage with residents ( unlike RBKC who listen to nobody but the car lobby and have failed to come up with any proposals of their own for the Shepherds Bush rounderbought or Holland Park Ave. RBKC are good at opposing anything but not good at positive proposals. RBKC seem perfectly happy for Holland Park Avenue & Kensington High street to remain untrammelled ratruns for people who do not live in or contribute anything to the borough ( except their atmospheric & particulate pollution)

  5. A recent ITV new report on TfL’s plans for Holland Park roundabout opened with a wildly exaggerated claim: “Since last May 59 people have been hurt in collisions on the Holland Park roundabout”. Here’s the truth:

    1. the time period is not since last May
    2. the collisions were NOT ON the roundabout but in a widely drawn vicinity
    3. in the vast majority of cases, the injury was slight
    4. if you look at cycle accidents on the roundabout, there were ONLY 3, all slight, in more than 3½ years

    ITV could nearly be forgiven for being mistaken because TfL cites accident data in a wide area around the roundabout over a three-year period to try to paint an excessively negative picture of it. It then implies that its new cycle route straight through the roundabout is the answer.

    TfL’s approach is highly disingenuous because if its proposals are to build a cycle route through the roundabout, the relevant data that should be considered are collisions involving cyclists on the roundabout.

    If you want to fact check, look at the latest available data published by TfL (https://tfl.gov.uk/corporate/publications-and-reports/road-safety#on-this-page-1)... By analysing the spreadsheets, you will see that in the period Jan 2020 – Sept 2023, which is the latest available data, there were ONLY 3 accidents involving a cyclist on the roundabout, all of which were slight.

    So, while all accidents are regrettable, TfL wants to waste £millions constricting the traffic flow on the roundabout in an attempt to prevent less than one cycle accident a year!

    What it fails to admit is the additional congestion that will be created; and the economic damage that could be inflicted on the local high street. The congestion caused by the traffic scheme around Wandsworth Bridge Road caused 87.4% of businesses nearby to lose sales. Local shops don’t want something like that happening in Holland Park.

    Many of their customers with heavy shopping, or for other reasons, need to drive; so, if TfL congests the roads, the journey could become too difficult; and local businesses will suffer, just as the Wandsworth Bridge Road retailers suffered.

    Furthermore, it is highly questionable whether TfL’s plans will improve cycling safety because there is compelling evidence that some of its bike lanes are more dangerous. For example, on the C9 cycle route in King St Hammersmith, the accident rate has more than doubled and the serious accident rate has tripled since C9 was built.

    Finally, there are already cycle paths to the north and south of the roundabout, which could be improved, and there are disused tunnels underneath the roundabout, which TfL could reopen. Both these options could provide a better outcome and cost less money, but TfL hasn’t considered them.

    1. The Evening Standard reported the Holland Park roundabout as a junction where SIX PEOPLE have been SERIOUSLY INJURED in collisions in the three years to last May, and 59 PEOPLE, including 14 cyclists and pedestrians, INJURED in total during the same time period.

    2. Trying to improve safety of a roundabout which is one of the most dangerous junctions on the road network is sensible.

      Felicity Buchan is foolish in her opposition to improved safety.

    3. Holland Park Roundabout is one of the most dangerous junctions in London. Fix it … simples!

  6. Buchan complains: "so the main cycling beneficiaries will be those out of borough looking to cycle in a straight line."

    Even if she is right, which is highly dubious, this statement is highly illustrative of a terrible attitude.

    * There is nothing wrong attempts to cut casualties of people ‘out of borough’.
    * There is nothing wrong with cycling in a straight line.

    1. FB suggests pulling up the ladder so that no-one else can use it. I'm okay so we should stop helping anyone else.

  7. It I s amazing how often Felicity Buchan says "I'm all in favour of cycling infrastructure schemes, but not this one" . .
    . . about ANY cycling infra through Kensington it seems.

    The Kensington High St lane was ripped out after she and Tony Devenish claimed "it wasn't working" despite the actual traffic data showing busses and other traffic moving better once the "illegal parking lane" had been taken out of use.

  8. ‘Urban Dandy London’ investigates political flag usage on the local issue https://urbandandylondon.com/2024/03/03/from-the-river/


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