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Thursday 15 February 2024


If one is rabidly anti Jewish then going on a demo like this is the perfect cover for your hatred of the Jews.

You can pretend that you are not anti-semitic but that Hamas attacking, kidnapping, torturing civilians of all ages is all the fault of Israel.

But why is Jew baiting and hating back with a vengeance? 

In the UK, we owe so much to the Anglo Jewish community. Jewish people never want to thrust their religion or culture down our throats. 

They represent the very best in every field of human achievement. 

Without the UK Jewish community this country would be the poorer.

Could it be envy of the Jewish community and its seamless integration that drives much of these demonstrations?


  1. There is no excuse for any national, racial or religious group or individual to attack another. A great human tragedy has occurred and the response is creating another. Politicians of many countries are responsible for this situation. Only they can resolve it. It has always been thus.

    1. 15.20 Whoever wrote this has got it spot on.

    2. Absolutely right.

    3. Gaza is in a terrible humanitarian crisis.

      On 7 October, Hamas killed 1,200 people, mostly civilians, in its cross-border raid on Israel and took around 250 others hostage. In retaliatory Israeli strikes, at least 28,576 Palestinians, mostly women and children, have been killed in Gaza.

      Since the atrocities on 7 October, about 80% of Gaza's 2.3 million people have been driven from their homes. Large areas in northern Gaza have been completely destroyed, the majority of people have moved further south. The humanitarian crisis has left a quarter of the population starving. In Rafah, 1.4 million people - over half the territory's population - are crammed into tent camps and overflowing apartments and shelters in the city.

      Time for all to call for the end of this terrible conflict.

    4. No one disputes the stats. Nothing will change until Hamas is decimated. Asking Hamas to stop killing Jews is as naive as asking Hitler and Himmler to stop massacring the Jewish race. There is little to choose between the two Jew haters

    5. Both 22.10 and 07.16 encapsulate the two dimensions of the issues around the current humanitarian disaster in Gaza very well indeed.

      The State of Israel drove 750, 000 Palestinians off their land in 1948 claiming that the land was given to them as their homeland by god. In the first Arab- Israeli War in 1948, Israel raised to the ground 14 Arab Towns and 360 Arab villages. Proponents of Israel often say, "There was nothing there in 1948 and we suffered in the holocaust." Well the Palestinians were there in 1948 and had been there for a very long time. The Nazis were responsible for the holocaust, not Palestinian Arabs."

      I am in no way detracting from the suffering of the Jewish people in World War II but the situation which plays out in the Middle East today is routed in the 1948 land settlement, devised by the British, as well as Israel's repeated encroachment on to Palestinian territory since then.

      The Homeland for the Jewish people was bestowed by god about 3,500 to 4,000 years ago. Nowhere in the world today is as it was 3,500 years ago. This claim to the land based on biblical principles by the modern State of Israel is a bit like saying that the Romans ruled England 2, 000 years ago. Therefore, modern day Italians can come to England and shunt all of the English people in to the West County Peninsula and take over the rest of England. No one would stand for it.

      How I wish we could stop the slaughter in the Middle East and that both Jews and Arabs could live in one state with equal rights with no one being subjugated. (I used to advance the two state solution but have changed my mind after recent events.) At the moment, there is no prospect of that ever happening. The USA bank rolls Israel and United States Foreign Aid funds the IDF. I fear nothing is ever going to change whilst Israel enjoys military might courtesy of the USA.

  2. So Jews represent the very best do they? What racist rubbish. They're just like us except the average British Jew is considerably richer than us other British. And like other rich people they have great influence.so that Israel and its genocidal crimes are protected

    1. You sound a bit envious and a bit thick? Friend of Emma?

    2. 20.01 is propagating an antisemitic trope about the average British Jew being "considerably richer" than other British people.

      The suggestion that "rich" Jewish people have great influence to protect Israel from criticism of its genocide is another trope.

      I am no fan of EDC but even I do not believe that she is that ignorant, and that is saying something.

    3. The HAMAS charter propagates the trope that Jewish people use their money to influence the media and protect Israel. This is antisemitic crap but if people want to believe it what can you do.

    4. I think Jeremy Corbyn who says, "Hamas are my friends" has signed up to the crap in the Hamas Charter.

    5. Jews are no richer than anyone else. That they are is a lie that gets brought out every century. It is truly extraordinary. Christians and muslims in Europe and the arab lands kept their jews down in various ways - in the middle ages forced to be money lenders as that was forbidden to Christians for instance. They were not allowed to own land or not allowed to ride a horse, pushed from place to place by pogroms. The excuse was they were the killers of Jesus which is so stupid a reason. They were hated as foreigners who dressed differently, ate different foods, refused to marry outsiders rkept to themselves. IN our times all different peoples can be themselves in our country,truly a wonderful thing. The early Jewish incomers into Palestine, then part of the Ottoman Empire, came fleeing from the pogroms of Russia and the Vale of Settlement, looking for the Promised Land. Israel was their land, had always been. Jews have always lived there in small numbers despite their larger numbers being forced out by Persians, Greeks, Romans. It is a story as old as time itself. But wherever Jews have gone they have done all they can to make a better life for themselves and for the peoples among whom they live.

    6. I am glad that you have dealt with a number antisemitic tropes, 10.02 well done.

    7. Agreed. Excellent comment with one reservation. The Jews in UK try to meld into the landscape and have no qualms about marrying outside their race. One barely notices them. That trait is certainly not shared by radical Muslims here who want to foist their ways upon us. Islam is an aggressive, conquering religion and has NOT managed to merge.
      They continuously play the victim demanding rights over and above the norm

    8. I recently challenged an antisemitic trope. I heard someone refer to Jewish people as "crooks." I pointed out that being a "crook" was not an exclusively Jewish preserve. The are plenty of dishonest / illegal Christians, (crooks) and no one would dream of using the label "crooks" when talking about Christians collectively or individually. So why is it so when some people talk about the Jews.

    9. In the 15th century, the king invited Flemish weavers to England, to improve the quality of English wool cloth. The mob rioted agains them; but they settled.
      Having been expelled in the Middle Ages, in the mid 17th century, Cromwell invited the Jews to return. Most Moslems in England are first to third generation. Since the last Ice Age, 12,000 years ago, successive waves of immigrants have all eventually settled into the majority population; but it takes time - a long time.

  3. Can you try commenting when you are calm and have an educated friend assist you in expressing yourself more coherently? If they are richer it's because they are cleverer and work harder than a ignorant layabout like you!

    1. Jews are cleverer than us? Are you serious? What are they? A super race? Ubermenschen?

    2. I suspect they are cleverer than you! Of course, they are great achievers. Get real thicko

    3. Replying to 11.56 who should perhaps inform itself instead of abusing others. Average Jew British £500k wealth. Average White British £100k wealth. Government statistics, moron

    4. So, what's your point. British Jews and the British have the same wealth? Your stat proves otherwise

    5. Precisely, idiot. Because they are 5 times richer they are statistically overrepresented. 0.5 per cent of population but over 10 per cent of cabinet, lawyers, judges, landlords, agents etc. Look at labour. Starmer runs an observant Jewish household and Rachel reeves is a jewess

    6. Exactly, numbskull. We want to have clever talented people running the country. Imagine the chaos if the country was in the hands of failures like you?

    7. The country is already in chaos and ruled by the greedy incompetent rich of all faiths. Or haven't you noticed?

  4. The Government does not correlate details of people's race, culture, or religion with their wealth or income.

    Questions about religious faith in the census are optional and do not yield data about wealth or income.

    I am a Government Statistican. I think you are antisemitic and a moron.

  5. 12:18 does the Government have the stats on Catholics, Buddhists etc. You really need to go back to kindergarten

    1. I understand the wealth statistics are as follows
      Jews £500k
      White English £100k
      Pak/Bangla English a mere £20k
      This is not antisemitic as I remember Trevor Phillips was at pains to point out in uncontested statements

    2. Exactly, 16.55, there is no such data held by Government.

    3. These figures are a fiction. They are not Government Statistics.

    4. So. True or not? True stats so shut up your petty arguments

  6. "I understand the wealth statistics are as follows
    Jews £500k
    White English £100k
    Pak/Bangla English a mere £20k
    This is not antisemitic as I remember Trevor Phillips was at pains to point out in uncontested statement" What a dimwitted comment. These 'stats' are figment of your fevered, antisemite imagination. You cannot even provide a source. You just make things up as you idle your way thru life. None of my Jewish friends would bother to give this info in any census. Grow up

  7. Things We Won't Say About Race That Are True. C4 2015. Watch it. Learn. Shut up.
    (Obviously you have never filled in a census because it never asks about wealth)

  8. Dear Dame

    Would you please consider blocking the antisemitic moron posting on here?

    He claims fake official statistics to make nasty points about Jews. His views are the stuff of the Hamas Charter. Jeremy Corbyn might appreciate his views but they are
    not acceptable in Kensington's polite society.

    1. Polite Society mark II17 February 2024 at 15:18

      That's right, shaft him from "polite society."

    2. He/she will not be published.

    3. Thank you glorious, gracious lady.

  9. Why did Mrs Dent Coad, a highly intelligent woman, reiterate the oldest antisemitic trope in the book?

    It is racist to conflate Judaism with the Israeli Government which is what she did when she supported a social media posting which said that Israel brings "shame on every Jewish person in the world." I suppose there is something to be said about knowing what she really thinks.

    I remember stupid and ignorant people during the troubles in Ireland conflating Irishness with the IRA; totally appalling. I supported a young bloke at work whose parents were Irish. He had this load of sh*t dumped on him by a man whose relatives were killed in an IRA bombing. The bloke whose parents were Irish had a rotten time just like the Jews are having now.

    I doubt that Mrs Dent Coad would have been tolerated in Corbyn's Labour Party if she expressed a similar views about the Irish.

    1. Emma Dent Coad endorsed a social media feed which said,

      ..............the current Israeli apartheid regime disgraces all of us Jews worldwide.

      I suppose it is the same as saying it brings "shame on every Jewish person in the world."

    2. The antisemitic trope that EDC endorsed appears to have been written by an antisemitic Jew. What did EDC think she was doing endorsing a trope reproduced by a self despising Jew?

    3. Cllr.EDC claims to be "a proud anti racist."

      The way she apologised for endorsing that anti- semitic tweet which, purports to written by a Jewish person who loathes what they, are was very laid back and far from abundant.

      As Cllr EDC wants to be an MP again, I think she should spend some of the £30,000 that she has raised to go on a course to learn:-

      What antisemitism is,
      Why it matters,
      and What it isn't.

      this would give Jewish voters confidence that she has atoned. The Rabbi at Chelsea Synagogue might be able to point her in the right direction of a suitable course on this complex subject.

    4. Apologies should be given with a gladsome mind otherwise they don't work.

      Some of former Jewish colleagues in parliament might point her in the right direction of a suitable course. The Board of Deputies of British Jews might be a good place to start.

  10. This sort of antisemitic view which conflates Israel with Jews was common amongst middle class hard left intellectuals in forties and fifties after the creation of the State of Israel.

  11. Those on the far left seem to think racism is a matter that only applies to people of colour. Very few Trots, Revolutionary Communists, Marxist Leninists are prepared to deal with antisemitism in the same way that they deal with racism towards Black and Asian people.

  12. It is very unfortunate that left wing antisemitism is under the microscope again. This time in the run up to the General Election. This should give Joe Powell the edge and a fighting chance in Kensington. .

  13. I wouldn't worry too much about Emma DC. Jeremy Corbyn fans will vote for her because she is devoted to Corbynism. There are not too many Corbynistas in Kensington. Labour needs to get a move on in running Emma down politically and making sure she does not get a foothold.

  14. There is a dark side to Mrs Coad.

    She has something of the night about her.

  15. Dear Dame,

    Is Starmer with nuanced language and caveats over a parliamentary motion calling for an "immediate ceasefire" in Gaza as bad as Corbyn was with nuanced language over Labour's position on Brexit.

    There is horrific and unimaginable suffering amongst the Palestinians in Gaza. As one fellow Hornet told the Dame, The attack on Israel on the 7th October was a disaster and the response has also been a disaster!

    The Scottish National Party has proposed a straightforward parliamentary motion calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza which every decent person will support.

    What does Starmer's Labour Party do? It starts playing semantic games and proposes a differently worded motion with caveats and nuanced language presumably because the Labour Party is desperate to avoid being labelled "antisemitic." I hope the Labour Party grows up and the many decent MP's in that Party will vote with the SNP who are calling for an immediate ceasefire in unequivocal terms.

    The SNP motion is in no way antisemitic and Labour should stop pandering to those who support Israel, right or wrong, no matter what by praying in aid spurious notions of antisemtism.

    Miss Trotwood.


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