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Tuesday 27 February 2024


Street markets are a vital part of our community. They have been part of London life for centuries so This Is North Kensington is right to put its shoulder to the wheel and help fight yobbish YOO's plan to develop it as yet just one more shopping arcade full of dreary retailers.

THINK has put together a first-class case for saving the market LINK (apologies for earlier error)

Please sign the petition to the Mayor NOW


  1. North Kensington local27 February 2024 at 07:57

    Why is there no word from the K & C Labour councillors on this? Its a short walk from North Kensington, loads of residents shop there & a few traders live in our area. Don't tell me that councillor Ali is more concerned about upsetting a couple of Hammersmith & Fulham councillors than acting in the best interests of his constituents?

    1. Agree. And where are the councillors over Portobello and Golborne Market? That's in RBKC so no excuses. It's so frustrating, all this having local councillors who don't care about their residents and never bother to do anything.

  2. Thanks to EDC, RBKC Labour councillors are far too busy fighting each other, to bother with mere residents or their problems! Our elected representatives grab our money to hand to a woman seeking world domination! Apparently, no local government rules have been broken. Unless someone knows otherwise.

    1. None of the RBKC Cllrs are doing anything! Your focus on the minority party and ignoring ofthe majority party says more about you.

    2. EDC left Labour a year ago. Any infighting in K&C Labour is of their own doing. Do keep up

    3. 21:24 It shouldn't be too much for anyone to expect that local councillors sit up listen to residents and take a proactive role in the wards and neighbourhoods where they are elected, whatever party they are.

    4. EDC, the far left apologist for Jeremy Corbyn, is in the thick of infighting in the Labour Party and, the duplicitous spies residing in that Party are in her pocket.

  3. Why is there no word from the K & C Conservative councillors on this? It’s a short walk from Kensington, loads of residents shop there & a few traders live in our area. Don't tell me that Councillor Campbell is more concerned about not upsetting the leadership at Hammersmith & Fulham than acting in the best interests of her constituents?

    1. Campbell and most
      Rbkc Conservative councillors caring about North Kensington locals and a nearby market serving largely people from working class and ethnic minority backgrounds? Don't make me laugh

    2. Because Lizzy Campbell & Kensington Tories don't have to be worried about losing their jobs if the national and London Labour Party put their foot down over disloyalty to a Labour council eejit

  4. The THINK NORTH KENSINGTON link posted should have been https://thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com/2024/02/26/protect-shepherds-bush-market-time-for-the-mayor-of-london-to-call-this-in/

  5. Shepherd’s Bush Market already is full of ‘dreary retailers’. It’s an absolute filthy dump with bins strewn everywhere and vendors wallowing in their own muck. The market is in desperate need of revitalisation. The current plans are incredibly ugly and resemble a mid-1980s Soviet style war hospital but with a bit of reimagining and brighter paving the developers could work wonders on the place. It needs to be cleaned up and transformed from its current medieval Iraqi bazar formation into a proper, modern, 21st Century market which caters to those of all ages, ethnicities and backgrounds. It will never be brought back to its early 20th century great British heyday but local residents should be glad that it is going to be improved no matter what the developers decide to do.

    1. What is a 21st modern market, ugly uninspiring block of bricks with zombies roaming from one brick to the next aimlessly without any real human touch ?

    2. 08.23. I was first taken to what my mother called the "Bush Market" in 1968. It was an "absolute filthy dump with bins strewn everywhere and vendors wallowing in their own muck" fifty six years ago.

      I last went there in 1990 and it was still a shit hole. It must be ghastly thirty four years on. Labour Councils like to conserve "filth, dirt and muck."


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