with thanks to thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com


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Tuesday, 8 July 2014


Cllr Malcolm Spalding has this to say.....

"I have worked with borough planners to establish controls on the Exhibition Centre re-development, fighting to influence the developers’ plans to obtain the best outcomes for local residents."

So residents might wonder how, if he is so busy fighting Capital & Counties, he can rationalise taking largesse from the very same developer he claims to be fighting! 
For an elected councillor to behave in this way is outrageous

The Dame is unimpressed Malc....
Make up your mind whose side you are on rather than taking scraps thrown from the tables of rich South African developers.

Dear Colleagues
It occurred to me that you may wish to attend this event - for the stunning views of Earl's Court from the 30th floor revolving restaurant !
£15 each for guests and free for Chamber members.
Malcolm Spalding
Kensington & Chelsea Chamber of Commerce
invites you to our

First Tuesday Networking Event
on the 1st July 6.30 - 8.30pm


the Empress State Building


Empress Approach, London SW6 1TR

Enjoy networking and refreshments with wonderful views of West London from the 30th floor
courtesy of Capital and Counties

Booking online at    http://www.kccc.co.uk/events

Free for members, £15 for guests


  1. That's a clear conflict of interest.

    Come on Ahern, do your job for once!

  2. Councillor SPALDING YOU ARE A two faced RUNT you don't deserve to represent people, I speak as someone able to afford to live in Earls Court but if you get your way I will need to sell up......maybe next election you might have the same luck as dear two faced Jonathan.....

    1. a person using the name Anonymous calling someone two faced is a bit "kettle..pot..black"

    2. oh and how is that? well?

  3. Regarding the comment posted at 10.39, I ask "Jonathon WHO?" (How quickly one forgets ...). Regarding the next election, why not conveniently re-redraw Earl's Court's boundary to include Cadogan Square this time, thus ensuring the Hyacinth Bucket hegemony prevails? So far as I can recall, I've never met Cllr Spalding - I'd surely remember him for that Lionel Blair-esque (Tony Blair-esque?) tie and pocket handkerchief combo (either way, a tad BHS gift set) - so I am unable to confirm or counter the Dame's assessment of the man. But it does strike me, based on past experience, that any old hypocrite with a blue rosette attached could get voted in here to act against the express wishes of those they are supposedly elected to serve: hence, why first-past-the-post is such a corrosive and disenfranchising system.

  4. As an Earl's Court resident of many years, I thank the Dame for bringing this to the attention of local people. Impartiality is so important in our elected representatives.


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