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Monday 4 March 2019


Soon, it won't be 'reds under the beds' but 'bluebloods under the beds'.....
Pooter Corbyn likes to surround himself with sprigs of the Highland and industrial aristocracy....nothing wrong with that: the Dame is a ferocious old snob and understands the lower orders need ordering about.
Pooter appointed Worth School 'sort of' educated Andrew Murray-Drummond of Mastrick, a cousin of the Earl of Perth, as his political adviser. Andrew dropped the Drummond bit and poses as a working-class trades unionist. 
Laura and Pooter
In short order, Andy, (as he prefers to be known) had persuaded Pooter to take on his daughter, Laura, on £40k a year! Laura, fresh out of finishing school, is very excited by her new job but sadly one of her tweets has caused a bit of a storm and an imminent action for libel. You can read all about it HERE

Laura is the great-granddaughter of the second Lord Aberconway, the enormously rich industrialist whose family interests included John Brown Shipbuilders and English China Clays. She is also a cousin of the Earl of Onslow.
So rich was Aberconway that he was able to build a Mayfair townhouse, Aberconway House.

One wonders what the third Lord Aberconway would think of this unholy alliance: after all, he blamed the unions for the demise of John Brown!

Anyway with all that Aberconway money behind her young Laura can afford a very expensive man in a wig.
But being so rich why does she not work for the party for nothing?


  1. Labour increasingly seems to be sweeping up those who should be natural Tories. A great concern to right thinking people

  2. Workin class 'n proud5 March 2019 at 08:00

    Yeah, right Observer, mate are you 'avin a larf? We don't need fookin ' toffs telling us what to do.

    1. As a youth, Jerry liked a bit of rough eg Ms Abbott. As an old lad he prefers a bit of toff.
      No doubt he aspires to be a Champagne Socialist and a member of the Royal Communist Party.



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