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Friday, 21 September 2018


Many of the elderly and vulnerable boost their income by renting out their homes. Tragically, many fall victim to a gang of Middle Eastern crooks who give the impression of being bona fide tenants then immediately start to sublet to all and sundry via sites like Booking.com. It's an epidemic in Chelsea and Kensington. 
Hands, after a mauling from the Dame's dear friend, Andrew Neil
The process of removing these gangsters is long-winded and hugely expensive. See the previous stuff by the Dame LINK
In one recent example the owner of a small, not especially high-value flat, paid £40,000 in legal fees and lost rent.
In the three months, it takes to evict these people rent cannot be taken and on the day possession is granted, plus costs and back rent, the shysters wind up the renting company whipping out the £1 million lodged there.
There are multiple losers....the local council who lose council tax and various utilities who don't get bills paid

Now, the Dame being a sensible old thing thought that this would be a matter of great interest to the members for Chelsea and Fulham and Kensington; after all, it's organised crime involving hundreds of homes.

She is asking Greg Hands and Emma Dent Coad to help. 

When she contacted Hands's office she was brushed off with, "you are not a constituent so bugger 'orf" ( well, not quite like that!)
Don't these political hacks know that every week over 2,000 constituents read the Dame's ponderings...more than the local rag!

Both MP's need to work together to persuade the Government to set up local tribunals able to issue immediate possession orders within forty-eight hours.
One of the Iraqi gangsters told a victim, "you won't win: the only winners will be the men in wigs"


  1. MPs would get more respect if they campaigned on issues that are important to their residnets

  2. Hands looks after Hands. Lucky he could find an excuse to resign his junior minister post....before he got the chop.

  3. Dear Dame, while we have yet to have any casework on this in the office I am far from complacent. I have been reading up on recent cases and will be ready to act. There are also various related issues going through Select Cttee and early stages of legislation which I'm watching. I will being this up with the Sec of State at my next regular meeting. EDC

    1. The Dame's Executive Assistant22 September 2018 at 16:08

      Thank you, Emma

  4. In spite of all her nonsense about Shaun bailey and the Royals, EDC gets on with it properly as an MP. At least she tries to grapple with thorny problems like Booking.com and rental abuse. There should be zero tolerance to scum like the the Middle East people exposed by our Dame

  5. Concerned Resident22 September 2018 at 16:48

    Now lets hear from Greg Hands MP. What is HE doing about this problem?

    Would be great if he and EDC joined forces to fight for the residents of Kensington and Chelsea. And hands now has LOTS OF TIME on his hands.....

  6. A great idea! The trouble is our Greg, once a humble H&F cllr, has got ideas above his station. He loves to remind people he was (once) a junior minister,
    Come on Hands...get your finger out!

    1. I would prefer it if he got his hand out.

  7. Smutty and juvenile blog. The sort of people who flock around the stupid Dame

    1. How dare you sneer at the Dame as being 'stupid'! She went to a superb finishing school in Switzerland. She also got an O level in embroidery. How about you, Cllr Palmer?

    2. oh, and last week 8,300 viewers 'flocked' around the Dame

    3. Calm down dear.

  8. Anon 19:43 It is you dear, who is STUPID.. and I shall leave it at that, as enough has been said about your unfortunate affliction. rip

  9. Ah, elderly and vulnerable people renting their spacious properties DIRECTLY to Middle Easter spivs. I have NO sympathy whatsoever with those, who for the sake of a larger profit, do not rent through proper respectable agents. Keep away from Gumtree.

    1. I know of three instances of landlords and using agents who still got caught out. The tenants supplied false references to the agents. Agents were all well known in the UK.

  10. It has been said already - be careful to whom you rent. Go through proper agents, who get a fee for doing all the necessary checks. Worth the effort.

  11. Blaireau Triste, yes, in both cases the Dame knows of they used two firms of high repute...Douglas and Gordon was one.


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