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Friday 14 September 2018


Mr. Stallwood, our employee, is paid a considerable amount of money by council taxpayers.
We provide him with a platinum-plated pension-the stuff of envy by those working in the risk-prone private sector.
Why does the Dame raise this?

Simply because Mr. Stallwood seems to have forgotten that we employ him....not some dodgy developer in China.
The case in point is the ghastly Holiday Inn plan.
Mr. Phillip Elliott was the officer responsible for giving pre-planning advice to the Chinese. 
This must have involved many hours of meetings. 

The weird thing is that none of us have a clue as to what was discussed. 
It is not good enough. 

Every meeting should have been minuted and available to residents. 

Even stranger is that Mr. Stallwood allowed Elliott to then become the case officer; it all seems to use that ghastly modernism- 'inappropriate'.

The Dame is getting the sense that our leader is beginning to shift things so that residents are treated as partners.
Mr. Stallwood and team needs to understand and 'get with the programme' as her errant nephew, Ludo says.
Stallwood and team are out of step.....and out of sync.


  1. Good that the Dame has got Ludo into recovery-a weight off the old thing's mind

  2. I feel ill reading this. It is rank behaviour by any measure.

  3. Gross injustice to all in RBKC

  4. Hornton Street is a CV stepping stone for the massively ambitious Planning Director, Graham Stallwood. He is a person of ability but needs to be kept in check. The Hornet helps to do this.

    He is also very young and needs to be mentored - no one seems to play this role. Not part of the skill set of dizzy who is neither a "Leader" or a "manager". Hopefully it will not be too much longer before this carpet bagger is confined to the dustbin so and she can return to sailing her boat.

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