The Chinese billionaires behind the hated proposed development of the Forum hotel opened their fortune cookie and gave a huge sigh of relief.
It seems that the RBKC planning officer who gave them highly supportive pre-planning advice is to be their case officer!
Step forward, Phillip Elliot who has told the Chinese that he is all in favour of increasing the height of the new Tower by 20 meters and increasing massing by 50%.
Mr. Elliot lives far away from this proposed warzone on Cromwell Rd so it's a question of 'I'm alright, Jack'.
If planning officers were forced to live in the areas they plan to blight outcomes would be very different.
What is clearly wrong is this.
Mr. Elliot has become very close to the developers during the pre-planning stage. It stands to reason he should not be the case officer making recommendations to the Planning Committee.....all far too cozy.
Cllr. Campbell, the council leader, tells us things have changed and residents will be not just heard but listened to.
Residents will be watching to see whether she is lying.
It is clearly right that Mr Elliot who has the power to make bad men rich should be the subject of oversight. The owner of Rockwell is one of the Irish developer gang who need constant attention