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Thursday 12 November 2020


If you have ever wondered whether certain parts of the Council are run by imbeciles this might give food for thought.

The intersection at Hans Road and Walton Place is a traffic nightmare. It is not helped when a police car parks on a corner and on a double line preventing other drivers from turning.

The driver in the black saloon on the box wanted to turn left but was unable to do so because the police car was blocking the corner turn. In doing so not only did the police officer disrupt traffic: worse, he obscured any view of a pedestrian crossing the road. 

No doubt, the officer had popped across the road for a box of Laduree's finest macarons....

Using common-sense, the driver in the black saloon stopped for seconds to allow the taxi to cross over so he could negotiate an unobstructed left turn. Those seconds of common sense have cost him £135!

Forced to stop by the illegal parking of the police car the Council issued a fine to the poor black saloon driver for stopping in the junction box to overcome an issue created by a sloppy police officer.

Superintendent Brooker should book his officer for....gross stupidity and the Council reprimand the dimwit with a common-sense bypass.


  1. Extraordinary waste of time and money.

  2. He should take this immediately to the Independent Adjudicator

  3. Challenge challenge challenge! And let them take you to the Adjudicator, a painless, informal interview where, sense prevails I have found.


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