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Monday 23 November 2020



Meeting cancelled even though it was not common sense that prevailed. OFF

Dear Dame,

I have always found it a useful maxim to judge people by the company they keep & Kensington Labour Party is increasingly keeping very rum company indeed. 

                        Israel like Nazi Germany thinks Dimwit

Tonight the Constituency Executive is providing a Zoom Platform for Kerry-Anne Mendoza, a highly controversial speaker with few connections with the cuddly social-democratic Labour Party we all used to love (or at least respect).


A quick Google enquiry on her name comes up with this from August 20th


“Kerry-Anne Mendoza, the editor of The Canary, a controversial hard-left blog, has appeared to double down on her antisemitic comparison of Israel to Germany during Nazi rule.

Ms Mendoza’s latest incident began when she equated Brexit with Nazism, referencing the infamous slogan astride the gates to the Auschwitz death camp in a tweet: “Get Brexit done; Build, build, build; Jobs, jobs, jobs; Arbeit macht frei.”

In response to a backlash on social media, she explicitly referenced Israel and Jews, appearing to double down on her racist analogy, tweeting: “Being called an antisemite by people who think “Never again” doesn’t apply to Palestinians, Muslims, trans people, GRT communities, or Ethiopian/Mizrahi/anti-Zionist Jews…”

This is not the first time that, Ms Mendoza, whose website is under investigation by the Government’s Independent Advisor on Antisemitism, has compared Israel to the Nazis, in a breach of the International Definition of Antisemitism.

Ms Mendoza also recently attacked Campaign Against Antisemitism using violent language, saying “The antisemitism witch hunt is seriously about to face off with #BlackLivesMatter I’m telling you now, those anti-Black, anti-Palestinian racists are gonna get their asses dragged all over town. And they have no clue. Because…entitlement.”

Campaign Against Antisemitism’s Antisemitism Barometer 2019 showed that antisemitism on the far-left of British politics has surpassed that of the far-right.


Until now, whilst frequently ‘walking on the wild side', the Constituency Party has avoided any involvement with the Anti Semitism row that has engulfed other parts of the party but this latest invitation is perhaps going too far & is certainly a further step away from the Starmer leadership of the National Party .   In recent years the Constituency party has been quick to trumpet its huge increase in membership since the Corbyn revolution – rising to more than 800.   

However, the constituency leadership & its media communications now seem to be totally dominated by the extreme left and Labour ‘mainstream members’ report that anyone to the right of Rosa Luxemburg is treated with hostility and made to feel unwelcome. 

More Moderate recent applicants to join also report a reluctance to accept or communicate with them. 

So the turnover of membership is large and increasingly unrepresentative of the Labour vote in The Royal Borough.    

One wonders if The National Labour Party will be prepared to tolerate the eccentricities of the Local Association & its Councillor  Members in the long term or does It have more important priorities elsewhere in the Forest of British Politics?   

Given that Kensington had a Labour Member of Parliament less than a year ago perhaps national intervention and a local ‘reset’ is called for?

Regards, dear Dame,


One of the mystified mainstream


  1. Racism is endemic in the national Labour Party with antisemitism being rife. Corbyn's office intervened in disciplinary processes to protect his hard left antisemitic mates. Corbyn also failed to discipline his left wing friend, Emma Dent Coad, for her racist rant about a Black Tory.

  2. Labour opposes racism only when it suits them.

  3. Oh God - will they ever learn . The Labour Party suffered the largest election defeat in 80 years and yet the Echo Chambre' that is Dent Codes parlour doesn't get it .

  4. As a Jewish Labour Party member i find this horrifying - why does the Dent Coad woman perpetrate hatred - why invite such a divisive figure that alienates people such as myself ?

  5. What has Emma got against the Jews?

  6. I do not know if Emma Dent Coad is antisemitic. She was very racist about Shaun Bailey AM

  7. EDC likes to keep in the news. Hosting Kerry-Anne is an easy way to do this. More worrying is the young St Pauls educated Marxist from Iran who is EDC's eyes and ears. Fragrant Frazer-Howells was devious but harmless - even though he got up the nose of MP Greg Hands (who hated Fragrant more than EDC hates
    Bailey). But the young Labour guy is REALLY dangerous.

    1. Cllr Lari is not dangerous. He is a very smooth and cuddly person.

    2. That's what they said about The Shah.

    3. The Persian Boy is a darling. The Dame and her followers should not persecute him

    4. Possum is being ridiculous. "Persian Boy" is the well known romantic novel by Mary Renault about the Persian Boy who was the great love of Alexander The Great. It is quite impossible to equate EDC with Alexander The Great

      What is Possum smoking?

    5. The German Iranian banker will soon be back at his desk at JP Morgan.

    6. Quite simply 'Liar Lari' is a disingenuous toff who will do anything to get into Parliament at the expense of real Labour members. Go back to playing the organ , it's a self serving activity which should give Sina the pleasure she seeks.

    7. Excluded two fully paid up Labour Councillors from attending a meeting, and then goes and invites a non-labour member to the same meeting . Doesn't give a fig about the Labour movement - just his own self-serving career. Enjoy your organ Lari.

    8. I thought the Labour Party was a broad Church , were these Councillors excluded due to ethnicity ? Please do tell. Racism takes many forms .

    9. Were they refused because they were BAME members - that is illegal .

    10. All is revealed in the Dames organ. EDC better watch out - the Persian Boy is a scorpion. At the self serving moment he will spin on his toes and deliver the death sting to aristo in hiding, our very dear EDC

      Boo, hooo.........

    11. Why has the Kensington Constituency Labour Party been taken over by Trotskyite entryists? The answer lies with Lari and Dent-Code

  8. Any organisation that gives Kerry Anne Mendoza a platform is actively condoning racism and promoting ethnic hatred.

    How low Labour sank under Corbyn, Starmer has a long way to go to restore decency and true anti racism to his party, but he could make a very good start by expelling all those involved in platforming this vile hate mongering woman in his party's name.

  9. https://jewishnews.timesofisrael.com/labour-mp-liked-facebook-comment-claiming-israel-disgraces-jews/

  10. https://www.thejc.com/news/uk/west-london-labour-party-calls-off-planned-kerry-anne-mendoza-meeting-1.508945

  11. Dent Coad's brushes with racism: the ones we know about.24 November 2020 at 12:18

    Just had a look at the Facebook entry which Emma Dent Coad so proudly endorsed. She would do anything to keep in with Corbyn to convince him that she was on the hard left.

    She has form for racism towards Black people and it seems that she is also antisemitic. She supported a Facebook feed which attempts to attribute responsibility for the situation in Palestine with all Jewish people. Even with the most strained definition of antisemitism, this remark is antisemitic. On this occasion, Dent Coad has had the good grace to apologise. I doubt whether she is sincere with her apology. In the case of her racism towards Shaun Bailey AM, she told the BBC" If Shaun is offended, I apologise. I am sure she will continue in the background with her new found friends on the hard left supporting antisemitism. She knows the hard left are very protective towards Black people so she goes overboard on Black issues to Diane Abbott MP to prove that she has no hang ups about people of colour.

  12. I am a Jew. The despicable actions of the Israeli Government do not disgrace me or any other Jewish person.

    1. Well Emma doesn't think so and that is alright by me . Why don't you listen to her, she loves all people. At least that's what she told me . why isn't that good enough for you . She is an experienced Politician who knows more than everybody.

    2. Jesus, what planet are you on. This is the woman who drew a picture of Shaun Bailey, a black Tory politician, hanging on a gallows. She defended this vile and violent depiction as the work of a Black woman constituent. The Black constituent did not post the drawing on the internet. Displaying such appalling artwork on the internet is............well what can I say?

    3. It wasn't a very good drawing and she didn't mean it , she said so , get over it.

    4. You're missing the point. If she didn't mean it she should have apologised properly instead of saying "If Shaun Bailey is offended, I apologise."

      She should have admitted that she was the person who labelled Bailey "a token ghetto boy" and a "freeloading scumbag" not some anonymous Black woman in her constituency.

      Just as she drew the picture of Bailey being hanged; not some anonymous Black woman. For reasons that escape me, Diane Abbott did not find this ghastly picture racist.

      I have done some things in my time but I have never drawn a picture of a Black person being hanged. I have never published any images on the net.

      I cannot "get over" Emma's racism. She is anti- Black and anti-Jewish.

    5. Doe Starmer know about this?

  13. Debt Code and Liar Lari are the Napoleon and Snowball of Kensington Labour.

  14. Cannot improve on " Napoleon & Snowball " - Excellent

    But the Councillors who were barred from the meeting were Atkinson & Henderson & they were vindictively barred by Sina Lari with the excuse that they are members of Chelsea CLP but the real reason is that Lari wants to further weaken the voices of reason and harmony within the local party.

  15. The Socialist with overtones of Conservatism25 November 2020 at 07:52

    Emma Dent Coad is all thing to all people.

    She is both:-

    Marxist and Classist,

    Anti-Racist yet Anti- Black and Antisemitic,

    Opposes privilege but sends hers children to the very elitist and expensive Christ's Hospital Public School,

    Anti-Monarchist yet claims Aristocratic heritage by descent from Catherine de Medici.

    1. I never knew that EDC claims to be a descendant of Catherine de Medici. Catherine de Medici was a right cow.

  16. Anti - Racist - Yet posts racists images of Shaun Bailey .
    Anti- Semitic - Yet likes anti Semitic tweets.
    Anti Private Education - Yet sends Children to Private Schools.
    Calls for Unity - Yet practices factionalism.

    It clear , she lies and her actions are not commensurate with her word.

    A hoodwinker !

    1. Well said. She's dreadful.

    2. The Dent Coad Stratagem26 November 2020 at 17:23

      She's definitely in to factionalism. She accused MP's who disliked Corbyn of factionalism.

    3. Factionalism? My god she has caused havoc in Kensington CLP.

    4. Emma is misguided: time to join SWP26 November 2020 at 21:29

      Emma sucked up to Corbyn for the two years that she served as our MP. During that same two years, the Labour MP Luciana Berger was snubbed by Corbyn. Why? It can only be because Luciana is Jewish. Emma was misguided in sucking up to Corbyn just as she is misguided now with the silly games that she plays with Kensington CLP.

    5. Does Emma understand the trauma that Jews feel?27 November 2020 at 09:41

      How does Emma think Luciana Berger felt when she was blanked by her boss for two years?

      Margaret Hodge said, when she received the letter suspending her from the inclusive Labour Party, she started to realise what it was like for Jews who waited for a knock on the door from the Nazis.

      Why did Emma ingratiate herself with an antisemite?

      What possessed her to endorse an antisemitic tweet.

  17. EDC is a known entity. There is nothing new about her that residents and voters need to be told. We either like her or loath her. But we know who she is and what she is. And good on her for putting her stake clearly in the ground. We need more like her and fewer "Wuperts" and dizzies.

    Cllr Lari is a different kettle of fish. The new boy on the block. Not much known about him. The Hornet and the Dame are doing a great service exposing this Councillor to scrutiny. Residents can then make up their minds

    1. "We know what she is," well said 12.22. We know that she is

      a vile racist & should be prosecuted.

  18. Cut Emma some slack she is not very bright26 November 2020 at 13:40

    I hear she told Corbyn that she did not know that it is antisemitic to endorse a tweet which states that every Jewish person should feel shame over Israel's actions. She should be expelled from the Labour Party.

    It would be dreadful if I blamed every Black person because I was beaten up by two Black men.

  19. If Labour wants to get in again in Kensington, the National Labour Party will need to investigate the Kensington CLP just like it investigated Liverpool in the 1980's.

  20. Marxism is not for Kensington29 November 2020 at 18:30

    Mendoza, Lari and Coad should realise that Jeremy Corbyn's brand of politics have had their day. Corbyn's politics cost Labour the General Election. They need to grow up or quit politics.

  21. I think Emma Dent-Code was playing follow my leader when she endorsed that antisemitic tweet. Her undying loyalty to Jeremy Corbyn, whom she described as "a decent man," was sickening

  22. Benjamin Whymark5 December 2020 at 22:53


    What are you going to about the antisemitism in the K&C branch of your party.

    1. Emma Dent-Coad would score a hat trick if we could find evidence that she had been racist to Asian people.

      Her heart was filled with left wing hate when she endorsed:-

      that disgraceful antisemitic tweet.

      She repeated racist remarks Shaun Bailey AM.

      How the mighty Labour Party has fallen.

    2. Emma Dent Coad's endorsement of that antisemitic tweet has a lasting effect on Jewish people.


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