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Monday, 19 October 2020


 Dear Dame, 

What is the point in  RBKC having resident engagement officers who can't or won't engage with residents properly?  

One such officer, Iago Griffith, has consistently failed to communicate properly with residents in social housing-leaving only a  small handful of them to have a say in the new tenancy agreements.

The proposed changes to the tenancy agreements  are included in this THINK blog post here: 

Most RBKC  tenants and leaseholders are unaware the Tenants Consultative Committee exists  and therefore most have not had a say - and the residents in the TCC Homes Group weren't even included. 
Mr Griffith has also blamed a "spreadsheet error" for failing to inform resident representatives of meetings. 
At a time when people are facing economic hardship, and we will likely face increases to rent and service charges as well as to council tax, why should we be paying the salaries of incompetent people like this only to continually fail to do their job?

Come on RBKC, it's time to "trim the fat" and get rid...


  1. Cry for the moon21 October 2020 at 10:31

    A wise and insightful premonition from THINK and The Dame.

    On 20th October, Chair of TCC, Iago Griffith (Head of Resident Engagement and Partnerships, Housing Management) showed contempt for residents he is employed serve. Not providing papers in advance of the meeting prompted a resident coup to shut it down.

    Non respect and failure to comply with their own code of conduct and time scales were brought up, just as Iago started to spell out particiants code of conduct over Zoom.

    After 45 minutes of toing and froing, RBKC trying to save face and keep a pointless doomed meeting alive, Doug Goldring closed it, making repeated apologies for "wasting residents time".

    A worrying lack of senior leadership is obvious, how many more are getting away with it, whilst drawing from RBKC?

    Iago's next job could be in ? (he just doesn't know it yet).

  2. Cry for the moon, your comment has been included in this blog post, which also includes the papers for the TCC Homes meeting, the link for eligible residents (in RBKC housing without RAs) to join - none of which were sent to us by "Inepto" :


  3. There is always one....23 October 2020 at 23:38

    In the opinion of one resident, Messr Doug Goldring, Head of R.B.K.&C Housing Management is mediocre, doesn't possess leadership skills and officers don't respect him, looking like they think he's a soft touch. What a dreadful shame for all.

  4. How can it be that no-one has anything good to say about Iago Griffith, Head of Resident Engagements Partnerships, Housing Management at RBKC?

    What has gone so badly wrong in his first year in post?

    1. Iago Griffith is a perfect example of cronyism at work at RBK&C.

      He does not have the relevant background, experience or qualifications for the job he is doing. He is in post solely because he's a friend of a friend.

      Or, more likely in RBK&C, he's a friend of a Councillor, or a friend of a friend of a Councillor etc etc.


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