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Friday 23 November 2018


Last night, His Excellency, Koji Tsuruoka, the Japanese ambassador to the UK, welcomed guests to an important occasion marking an award to one of the Royal Borough's longest-serving and most popular councillors.

The award, The Foreign Minister's Commendation, was given to Cllr Robert Freeman for his outstanding support and advice in the development of Japan House in High Street Kensington.

Had Freeman not grasped the nettle we could easily have seen Westminster take this prized building.

Tsuruoka made an interesting observation saying the mark of an adept politician is the ability to achieve an objective without a lot of fuss. 
In that aside he summed up Robert Freeman. 
We must not forget the role played by Victoria Borwick in working with the Embassy.


  1. Robert Freeman....the best leader we never had

  2. Well done, Robert and Victoria....a credit to the Royal Borough.

  3. This sort of relationship with a foreign embassy enormously enhances the prestige of the Council and far more effective that the Diplomatic Receptions. Well done, you two!

  4. When Cllr Freeman gets the bit between his teeth, and is given a free hand, he delivers. Without fanfare and without the "look at me, aint I great". And he and Victoria Borwick have made a great team, over many years, promoting the interests of residents and the Royal Borough

  5. The Dame would like to have her own Award. If she had the first recipients would be Freeman and Borwick....two more civic minded people would be difficult to find.

    1. What does Borwick have to do with Japan?

    2. She was in charge of the organisation of the planting of the 3,000 cherry trees donated by the Japanese government to the UK....you angry person!!
      Ih, and she did a great job!

  6. Victoria Borwick was invited by the UK Government to visit Japan and present a letter from the Queen to the Emperor thanking them for their gracious donation of cherry trees as a token of friendship towards Britain. A task that Victoria carried out with dignity and class.

    The organisation that Victoria heads up in the UK is overseeing the distribution and planting of trees around our Kingdom

    1. Good morning Vicky!

    2. Observer is NOT VB: it is someone she has helped.

    3. Observer is one of the lucky few then......

    4. What an extraordinary reaction to a factual report! 09.55 seems to have a problem with the hardworking, dedicated and capable Victoria Borwick. Strange.

    5. Observer should consider the merits of our impact capable MP, the one and only EDC

  7. The Dame is always fawning over Borwick - quite nauseating really! They must be BFFs.

  8. The Dame is a lady of exquisite taste and proud to be a very good friend of a very good person...now zip it up as Ludo would say.

    1. The Dame is not a poodle. She is an avaricious social climber.

  9. The Dame takes tea with the Queen from time to time. She has no need to clamber up Society's greasy pole....unlike that other queen, ex cllr Moylan with his carefully edited accent.

  10. ex Cllr Moylan has traveled a long way in his career. A most impressive achievement. In contrast, the Dame was born in genteel poverty, married her way to wealth (three times) and has traveled not one jot. A parasite

  11. Le Vicomte de Valmont de Turenne26 November 2018 at 21:44

    Those of us in the haute monde honoured to have been guests of the Dame at one of her many soiree would disagree. She is elegant and fragrant a la Lady Archer.
    It would seem that ex cllr Moylan has travelled a long way to get nowhere.

  12. It took Cllr Freeman to organise for Japan House to favour Kensington and Chelsea. Why did ex Cllr Moylan not put his back into helping to win this 'glittering prize' for the Royal Borough. Why leave it to the redoubtable Robert Freeman? To busy with his silly airport on the Thames Estuary!

    1. Supporter of Moylan27 November 2018 at 05:59

      The Japan tea shop is a modest little affair. A small prize. Daniel Moylan had the balls to go for the big one. It could have come off. And history will judge if he was right.

    2. Squadron Leader B Phelps Rtd27 November 2018 at 08:20

      When you say 'could come off' do you mean in the same way as the airport in the Thames mud....the bonkers idea of Bonkers Boris?
      Japan builds Japan House in every major city; hardly tea shops!!

  13. Lord Pooter-Cockell of that Ilk27 November 2018 at 08:22

    I fear history won't even notice Daniel

  14. Moylan did everything in his power to prevent Japan House from opening in Kensington High Street including sending in an objection to the Planning Application. Extraordinary behaviour.


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