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Monday, 12 November 2018


.....Allison Flight has been appointed deputy head of development management at the GLA under John Finlayson, head of development management, & Juliemma McLoughlin, assistant director of planning. Flight was previously strategic developments team leader at RBKC....

Those in the know will remember Allison ‘Flighty’ Flight. 
Flighty was the RBKC planning officer who rushed over and gave Capco’s lobbyists DP9 massive displays of affection when the planning committee gave Capco the go-ahead for Earls Court.

Now that Flighty works for Mayor 'Khan’t do anything right' Graham Stallwood has a friend at the GLA

The Dame got her gnarled old hands on this transcript of a telephone conversation....

City Hall Switchboard: Flighty? Got Gra on the line for you

Flighty: ‘Morning Gra, happy we are calling in Holiday Inn?
Can’t have ignorant residents telling us what to do.

Stallwood: Flighty, it's not just residents.....I blame the planning committee.
Since Grenfell, they seem to think that they can ignore us experts.
Thank goodness we have you planted in City Hall to teach the b******s who runs the show.

Flighty: Don’t you worry, Gra. 
After Newcombe House residents should have got the message "elected busybodies need to keep their nose out of planning business.
Who the hell do they think they are?

Stallwood: Have you got it all sorted?  
The Chinese are getting fed up and I am getting furious phone calls from Sir Merrick Cockell and his mate, L'il Bob Neill.

Flighty: Chill! It’s all cool. 
Khan is well out of his depth so I have been working on James Murray.
James is the deputy mayor for Housing and planning. 
We need to get him on board.

Stallwood: Well, don’t let me down Ali. 
I told the Committee the Mayor will bulldoze it through.
I will have egg on my face if it doesn’t happen.

Flighty:  Chill....Graham: it's sorted and the Bolly is on you.
Bolly Boy Stallwood


  1. I fear the worse but smart move of Stallwood to plant Flight there

  2. The moustache really suits Stallwood.

    1. I thought it was Freddy Mercury!

  3. OT notice: KCTMO AGM on 30th November ladies & gents.

    I'm finding out, the level of cover-up the Council (an individual) is willing to go through to protect another wrongdoing is astounding. Clearly there are well meaning individuals in the Council too but when they are challenged, they will not speak out fearing job loss. Is this what mini mafia is about? I can't go into detail here but I'll get to the bottom of it. When an individual trying to patch up with more lies..... you know how it goes.

    Don't be fooled as if all the meetings will fix the problems. All in all, it's business as usual. The strategy needs to be focused on 'personal accountability' basis rather than the Council as a whole because it will result in pen-pushing if you blame the Council. Not my department, it's over there. Not me, it's him.... and hoping that you'll forget it. They will brush it under the carpet as long as fewer people know about it and hopefully those few are not the kind of people who demand justice e.g. too ill and unable to etc.

  4. Beware Flighty & Gra,
    Nemesis is on her way!

  5. And Flight being great mates with Capco and others ( we all remember her telling the council residents had no right to object to 24 hour working on the site and all objections should be ignored ) is in place for when Capcos new masterplan is passed to City Hall (which includes massive increases in unit density on the RBKC side to recoup lost site value backed by Malcolm Spalding who has told some people he is against it whilst at meetings backing it) where it will be agreed and the Mayor will pass it as he too seems as in the back pockets of these people as Boris was , there is no coincidence in this at all she is at City hall for a reason, the developers mate. The only thing we do not know is why is she their mate and have there been financial thankyous for all her hard work for them ?


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