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Saturday 29 June 2024


There is something crass about using buildings as billboards....

When the site of multiple deaths is abused in this way it goes well beyond crass. An apology is required from the perpetrator.


  1. Have you noticed that it says,

    Vote Independent.

    I presume this sick stunt means Vote Dent Coad.

    No less than I would expect from that loathsome woman.

  2. Did that Prince Love do this? Disgusting.

  3. For 7 years the one thing that the Grenfell Community agreed upon was that their tragedy was not to be used for party political purposes . Until last night every political organisation respected the sacred attachment North Kensington has to the site . This special status has now been trashed and sacrilege committed by a local candidate who should know better . Kensington will not forgive or vote for a candidate who puts her own ego and interests before the community she claimed to represent . Mrs Dent will now receive the response she so richly deserves . Though l am not surprised by her conduct l believe that we are all entitled to be shocked by her actions

  4. Graceless and vulgar, uninspired,
    cannot be respected and admired.

  5. EDC had nothing to do with this. She has publicly confirmed this and called out the use of the Tower for political advertising. Someone else who supports her is obviously responsible but she has condemned the method by which the message was conveyed. This is not the time for a pile on.

    1. Dent Code is not fit for office29 June 2024 at 20:01

      She Tweeted the Grenfell projections. Her Tweet and pictures of the projections are still up on her feed. She has not taken them down or apologised.
      She said they're from a London wide group but declined to name the group in question Nothing to do with her? Yeah right

    2. She is implicated in it.

    3. 17.01

      Someone else isn't standing as the independent candidate in Kensington and Bayswater.

      Someone else doesn't run EDC's twitter.

      Someone else isn't responsible for publicising those photos without caring that they would cause hurt to the Grenfell survivors bereaved & local residents.

      Or do you think that

      Someone else should take responsibility for EDC's actions in publicising those photos?

  6. Stooping so low.29 June 2024 at 19:15

    This is as low as it gets.

  7. Emma Dent Coad has denied any involvement in this. For this reason, no more comments claiming her involvement will be published.

  8. For 7 years the one thing that the Grenfell Community agreed upon was that their tragedy was not to be used for party political purposes . Until last night every political organisation respected the sacred attachment North Kensington has to the site . This special status has now been trashed and sacrilege committed

  9. Just as McCafferty the cat was never there when a crime was committed , Mrs Dent is never there when dodgy events to her advantage happen. One is reminded that she 'just happened yo be cycling by ' ( with her camera ) when the family home of Rock Fielding Mellon came under attack

    1. I have never shut up about Emma Dent Coad cycling by Rock Fielding Mellen's home at the moment that it came under attack by demonstrators by the mob.

      What I did not know is that Emma Dent Coad just happened to have a camera at the ready to record it, presumably, for Marxist/ Trotskyite posterity.

    2. A brief encounter of the Dent Coad kind.30 June 2024 at 17:15

      At 06.43} From what you say, it sounds like Emma Dent Coad encouraged the demonstration outside Rock Feilding Mellen's home. If she did not encourage it, she approved of it and enjoyed the moment.

      If Emma Dent Coad did not approve of or encourage the rabble to congregate outside a councillor's home, she would not have just by chance gone by at the precise moment the demonstration took place armed with a camera. No wonder the Trots are so positive and appreciative of her.

    3. Rock deserved every bloody thing that happened to him. (With a few others) he was directly responsible for what happened at Grenfell. He should’ve been banished or put out of his misery - NOT given police protection.

    4. It is not acceptable for the mob to visit any rough justice on anyone including Rock, his wife or their children. If he has made decisions which incur criminal liability, he should be prosecuted. Nothing justifies mob rule. And before you suggest otherwise, I vote Labour and hope criminal charges will be brought against a number of people.

    5. Well said 20:47. Would like to know who keeps defending Rock & wants to make everyone forget he's the man who wanted to do away with council housing in N Kensington & had no regard for the safety and wellbeing of people living
      in it. Won't defend Dent Coad, that Grenfell billboard campaign is beyond disgusting but she wasn't the person in charge of housing at the time. Someone cares more about Rock then they do about residents.
      Someone keeps trying to defend him. Pray he doesn't come back to RBKC or politics of any sort or we'll all be sorry

    6. I am not "defending Rock." Far from it, I want him to take what's coming in the fullness of time.

      I still think it is disgusting to mount a demonstration outside someone's home no matter how bad they are or what they have done. Your acceptance of this morally reprehensible conduct leads me to wonder if you were one of the demonstrators outside his house. I am sure you know the difference between right and wrong. I am sure you now regret any participation in that activity.

      Emma Dent Coad was on various committees at the Council concerned with housing at the time that decisions over Grenfell were made. She certainly knew of the objections to the cladding raised by the Grenfell Action Group. She did not appreciate nor support all that the late Francis O'Connor did for Grenfell. I suppose he wasn't prepared to campaign in the way Emma Dent Coad expected. As you know she is right about everything and intolerant of those who disagree with her tactics. When Francis died, Emma Dent Coad, that exemplary piece of humanity, did not have the decency to say a few kind words. I would expect nothing less from a woman who was then an MP in Corbyn's Parliamentary Party who just happened to cycle by Rock Feilding Mellen's house to take a "holiday snap" of it under siege. Nice!

    7. The cat in T. S Eliot's Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats is "Macavity." Wonderful poetry, shame about Eliot's antisemitism.

    8. who’s francis? Never heard of the bloke

    9. EDC has Antisemitism in common with T.S. Eliot.

    10. EDC also put up an antisemitic tweet earlier this year and had to remove that too.

    11. I didn't know that Emma had a foray in to antisemitism earlier this year. One brush with anti Jewish hatred is disreputable and careless, a second one is incontrovertible proof that she is ANTISEMITIC. Like Corbyn, she is around antisemitism so often, she does not know what it is anymore.

      How did she apologise for the latest Antisemitic incident?

    12. Please tell us about the latest antisemitism courtesy of Emma Dent Coad? I missed this and as I am Jewish, I would like to know more about it.

    13. I was going to send Emma Dent Coad a copy of Julia Neuberger's Book, Antisemitism: what it is, what it isn't and why it matters.

      The trouble with people with Design qualifications going in to politics is that they are so politically unaware. The best grounding is PPE.

    14. I'm Jacob's cousin. I would also like to know about Emma Dent Coad's antisemitic tweet earlier this year.

    15. 12.18. EDC is "politically unaware." If she were "politically aware," she would know that she was being antisemitic and not score so many own goals.

    16. Follow up antisemitism with more antisemitism.2 July 2024 at 23:11

      07.33 It is very worrying that Dent Coad was banned from being a Labour candidate for antisemitism and her response to that ban was to make more antisemitic remarks on Twitter.

      She followed up antisemitism with more antisemitism! Staggering! Thoroughly bad! She has learned nothing.

  10. Madam Manifesto30 June 2024 at 07:37

    I would not like the minds of the people who have done this.I do not suppose that Emma will be able to "suspend pending investigation" any of her lot involved in this abhorrent conduct. She has no Party and no members- just a motley collection of marxian followers.

    I could not believe that Emma has produced a bit of paper and labelled it a "manifesto" with her policy programme. Well!

    1. Iniquitous Skulduggery30 June 2024 at 08:51

      May we please have a written statement from Miss Dent Coad confirming that she has not been involved or implicated in this repugnant skulduggery and that she knows of no iniquitous actions in connection with this photographic stunt?

    2. Statement please.30 June 2024 at 09:27

      That's right. EDC was quick to issue a statement in 2017 denying her involvement in the Grenfell Tower refurbishment.

    3. There's something of the night about her.

    4. You rude lickspittle bastard

    5. The Miserable Manifesto.2 July 2024 at 19:11

      I have just looked at EDC's so called Manifesto. She says it is not exhaustive and is her "top line." You'd think she was talking about Strictly Come Dancing, instead of membership of the House of Commons with her "top line."

      She has not had the decency to write a thorough manifesto and she expects people to vote for her with a skimpy, so called, "top line" on offer.

      I'll vote for Joe Powell at least he belongs to a Party with a proper manifesto.

    6. Strictly come desperate3 July 2024 at 07:31

      Sure EDC will be desperate enough for publicity to be calling up various tv shows asking to make an appearance after this. Pity for her they're usually not remotely interested in has-been RBKC councillors. 'Don't call us we'll call you'

    7. You are so funny!

      She would be able to work on her frame for the Strictly Come Dancing competition and create a much better "top line."

  11. This is beyond crass. To use the death of 72 people to promote yourself is beyond belief. Why not stick some flyers on the gravestones while your at it. This smacks of somebody who's judgement is bad. Perhaps someone who made crass comments about a black man and someone who made bad comments about Jewish people. Silence is complicite.

  12. Watch Emma's video on X.30 June 2024 at 10:03


    Moira Samuels is on the video singing Emma's praises. Ms Samuels is a Trot and I had the misfortune off talking to her once.

    She feigned three false smiles and dismissed me. She is arrogant, self-assertive dogmatic and rude - just like Emma.


      Please conduct an investigation and present your exposé on the Trot, Ms Moyra Samuels, mentioned above.


      An avid, concerned reader.

    2. Up the workers30 June 2024 at 21:21

      I thought Ms Samuel was part of the Socialist workers party. I've seen her selling their newspaper. Why doesn't EDC stand for the Socialist workers party? Does she think its beneath her?

    3. You are right, 21.21. Moyra Sameuls does sell the Socialist Worker newspaper. She has sold a copy of it to me.

      The Socialist Worker Party is Trotskyite. Trots do not believe in parliamentary democracy, therefore, they do not stand for parliament.

      There is a tension between Moyra Samuels's Trotskyite politics and her support for Dent Coad as a parliamentary candidate. Dent Coad denies that she is a Trot.

    4. The Socialist Workers are serious Trotskyite Marxists who were never taken in by the shallow , ego centred politics of Mrs Dent . Neither they nor The Workers Party would have her. She never was a serious thinker , economist or tactician .

    5. "She was never. a serious thinker, economist or tactician." Brilliant!

    6. The SWP does not allow anyone other than Trots to sell their newspaper on the street. Moyra is a Trot!

    7. Moyra is good to Emma.

      Trots are good to Emma.

  13. A shitty thing to do.30 June 2024 at 10:47

    Emma has proved that she is a very wicked and cruel woman!

    She drew an image of a Black bloke hanging by the neck and, she did not stop there. She exhibited her excellent artwork on the internet.

    So, she denies doing the Grenfell artwork the other day- well "she would, wouldn't she."

    She is no stranger to doing shitty things like cycling by Rock Feilding Mellen's home during a siege with a camera in hand.

    1. Pipe down idiot. Everyone carries a camera phone with them these days. What decade are you living in?

    2. Yes, 20.48. I am not as idiotic as you suggest. Not everyone takes a picture on their phone of a demonstration outside another Councillor's home. Not everyone gets a gleeful, possibly a sexual, buzz about trouble being brought to the door of a councillor whom one does not support.

      How would EDC like it if I mounted a pro-Black and pro-Jewish demonstration outside her home?

      All Public figures should be protected from any demonstrations or other abuse being brought to the front doors of their homes and that includes the homes of RFM and EDC.

    3. 20.48. So that makes it OK, does it?

    4. Yes, it does.

    5. 08.17 has the same low moral standards as Emma Dent Coad. Dent Coad just happened to pass by the Feilding Mellens' home when it was under attack to photograph it. What a decent woman!

      I would not waste any more time on 08.17, and the likes thereof, if I were you.

    6. eff awff

    7. I did that last night.

  14. I don't think EDC personally did the messages on Grenfell
    Tower, because looking at the quality of her leaflets, she barely knows how to use a computer. It's a question of her endorsing and posting the pictures.
    If she doesn't agree with others using Grenfell Tower for her campaign messages, then why put them on Twitter? The tweets with the pictures have not been removed and there is no sign of a public apology. That at least says she approves of these despicable and tasteless projections and her judgement is exceptionally poor.

    1. I agree, 13.52. The circle that EDC cannot square with her denial of having nothing to do with the political advertising on the shell of Grenfell Tower is why did she decide to post these images on her Twitter account. I believe that she liked and approved of these images and wanted the message conveyed in them to be read by as many people as possible before the 4th July.

      She took a very different attitude back in 2017.
      EDC was quick to make public her denial of the criticism levelled against her, personally, shortly after the fire at Grenfell. She wrote a long waffly statement which she asked the Dame to publish on From the Hornet's Nest. I always thought that she wrote that statement more for the benefit of her colleagues in the Parliamentary Labour Party than she did for people concerned about that dreadful fire.

  15. Crass misjudgment by EDC to retweet this image in the first place. Callous narcisissm and blinkered self interest not to remove it once the Grenfell Tower Memorial Commission and Grenfell United called it out. EDC claims to care about the people who were killed in the fire but, really, all she cares about is herself and her pathetic political ambitions.

    1. She cares about her purse, that's all.

    2. yeah right whatever

    3. Yes, she cares about her purse. The woman does not stand her round in the pub- stingy and careful.

    4. Never trust a politician who does not buy their round. Its one of the things that Mrs Dent and former Cllr. Keith Cunningham had in common - l rest my case !

    5. yeah right whatever

    6. Yes that is right so what is the "whatever?"

  16. A very self assured person did this reprehensible thing.

  17. Communist Clenched Fist1 July 2024 at 09:58

    When EDC loses on Thursday, will she please do the communist clenched fist that she did at Felicity Buchan's declaration in 2019. It's a picture.

  18. EDC the hooligan2 July 2024 at 03:15

    Well, well, well. EDC has finally removed the tweet but there's no sign of any public apology. None whatsoever.

    N. Kensington deserves thoughtfulness, kindness & consideration. All characteristics entirely absent from the mindset of EDC the mouthy mindless hooligan.

    Going to cast my vote for Joe Powell because he stands for a positive way forward, decency & a change for the better. I'm so glad it's no longer a choice between EDC's divisive abrasive nature & gutter politics or Conservative incompetence & failure.
    EDC will no doubt refuse to admit defeat with good grace & refuse to shake hands with Joe Powell just like she refused to shake hands with Felicity Buchan.

    1. The Mighty Trot.2 July 2024 at 09:27

      EDC the Mighty Trot!

      EDC's gutter politics is right - drawing pictures of a Black person strung up on a gallows and placing it on the Internet for all to see. What is worse is Jeremy Corbyn's lack of principles because he passed over appalling racism and gave way to expediency. It would never do to have the Labour MP for Grenfell suspended on Racism Charges, would it?

      Where is Moyra Samuels' self respect in helping and supporting a racist like EDC?

      Emma's aristocratic entitlement is probably why she acted like a spoilt brat at Felicity Buchan's Declaration in 2019. Buchan behaved in a dignified and civilised manner. Emma was like an emotional woman unable to short circuit out of the emotional turmoil of her husband having an affair.

    2. She hasn't changed, much.2 July 2024 at 13:59

      Her picture donkey's years ago of a Black guy being hung and the projections on to Grenfell last week.

  19. My prediction is that she will be lucky to receive 100 votes ( which we must hope will encourage her to retire from public life & cause the wounds of North Ken finally start to heal)

    1. She'll want to fight the 2026 local election. She wants the councillor's allowance.

    2. Well if she is stupid enough to run in 2026 she will be up against a rejuvenated local Labour Party who will crush her again

    3. Two years until we're finally rid. Two more years. At least folks can watch her dreams of a return to parliament turn to dust tomorrow night. The Kensington and Bayswater result is due at 4:30am.

    4. She is only twenty- four hours from her next political shafting.

  20. Her supporters are also a bunch of hooligans. After vandalising Felicity Buchan's home and vandalising Conservative party offices with posters ages ago, they're now vandalising bus stops in Notting Hill Gate with Vote EDC stickers.

    1. Get Dent Coad to pay............2 July 2024 at 12:13

      It is a criminal offence to put up stickers on other people's property. We are entitled to tear down those stickers if we see them. We do not have to tolerate this Anti-Social Marxist Behaviour in our Royal Borough.

      I believe that the Council is responsible for bus stops. TFL are responsible for signage and timetables in them.

      Wouldn't it be good if the Royal Borough Of Kensington and Chelsea sent Dent Coad the bill for cleaning up the bus stops for the damage done by her lot.

    2. Trots and Fascists paste stickers on bus stops, tube trains and tube stations. Hard Left and Far Right people are not entitled to do that.

      Members of the public are entitled to remove these Fascist and Marxist stickers. But be careful! Forty years ago, I pulled down racist material from a bus stop in Southwark Park Road in Bermondsey and got roughed up by the National Front.

  21. Get your nose in your books, Maxine.2 July 2024 at 12:58

    Ms M Holdsworth,
    Chief Executive,
    The Town Hall, W8 7NX.

    Dear Madam,

    Councillor Dent Coad's political publicity is being pasted on to our bus stops contrary to Section 1(1) of the Criminal Damage Act 1971. The Borough Solicitor will advise that in Morphitis v. Salmon [1990] Crim.L.R. 48, the Court held that the term "Criminal Damage" should be given a wide construction and includes, amongst other things, "permanent or temporary impairment of value or usefulness" to property. The aesthetics of our bus stops, their value, and the public's ability to read information in them has been impaired by those responsible for this disgraceful damage.

    Whilst Ms Dent Coad may not have personally posted these stickers on to the bus stops, she must surely incur the Council's censure for not stopping those who acted in this way on her behalf. The Council does not tolerate anti-social conduct on its housing estates and holds tenants responsible for the cost of making good any damage done to an estate by any visitor to the homes of any of its tenants. Surely, the same must apply to Councillor Dent Coad.

    Are there any disciplinary sanctions that the Council can bring against a Councillor for failing to stop this criminal behaviour.

    Yours faithfully,
    for and on behalf of Council Tax payers.

  22. Dear Dame,

    How many views has this page received?


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