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Thursday 13 June 2024


Some(or, more likely one) who posted vulgar and crude comments will be upset to see the Dame has removed them: if they are upset this Dame is delighted.

Dear Dame ,

I know you to be a woman who values quality above title so l am sure that you will share my delight that the recently retired and widowed Karen Buck is to be made a Dame in the forthcoming Birthday Honours?

Karen Buck is universally admired and very widely loved across North Kensington as the best MP who has ever represented the area. 
A tireless advocate of reform to Housing and the Alleviation of Poverty she was famous for the quality and tenacity of the casework that she undertook on behalf of her constituents. And she was also the first MP to campaign effectively against the excesses of AirBnb, basement developments,the shocking neglect of St Marys Hospital and the increasing severity of cross borough gangs and drug dealing. 
She was the scourge of poor policing, unresponsive and under-resourced Health Authorities and shockingly neglectful and disorganised Housing authorities and the darling of her constituents.
 It is greatly to be hoped therefore that her 'Damedom' will shortly be upgraded to a Peerage so that the expertise that she has developed over the decades can be put to use in the Upper House by the incoming Starmer government.  Your acolytes have recently reminded us of the calibre of Joan Hanham and Shireen Richie and it would be entirely appropriate for the elevation of three great women to have set the precedent for Baroness Karen Buck to succeed them.
It is also to be hoped that RBKC council will be generous enough to welcome the honour given to Karen Buck at its next full council meeting and for our useless and ever diminishing bench of Labour Councillors to rise to the occasion and praise the contribution made by Karen Buck to the welfare of all that she has served in her decades of public service.
I remain,dear Dame your not so 'umble, Servant


  1. I wrote the article about Joan Hanham and Shireen Ritchie.
    I fully endorse Karen Buck as a worthy candidate for elevation to the peerage.

  2. Any and every councillor who works as you describe for the betterment of our borough residents and businesses as a whole, without partisan favorites and politics getting in the way, is deserving of honour and respect . These qualities are much needed, and highly vaued by us ordinary people.


    Candidates for main parties (in alphabetical order):
    Blaise Maxime Pascal Baquiche - Liberal Democrats
    Ben Coleman - Labour Party
    Mona Crocker - Green Party
    Rob Ellis - Reform UK
    Greg Hands - Conservatives
    GREG HANDS WILL PROBABLY BE THE LAST TORY STANDING IN INNER LONDON IF HE HOLDS ONTO THIS SEAT, with the two others currently held by the Conservatives, Cities of London and Westminster, and the newly-created Kensington and Bayswater looking far more vulnerable to the Red tide which may sweep London.

    Mr Hands has seen off four challengers, three Labour and one Liberal Democrat to hold onto this seat since it was created in 2010. City fund manager Nicola Horlick came second in 2019 for the Lib-Dems amid the Brexit row.

    LABOUR IS BELIEVED TO BE THE MAIN CHALLENGER TO THE TORIES this time around. Mr Hands has a majority of 11,241 but judging how many early mornings he spends meeting people outside local Tube stations he seems to realise it could be close.

    Wards: The seat includes nine wards in Hammersmith and Fulham including Fulham Reach, Fulham Town, Lillie, Munster, Palace & Hurlingham, Parsons Green & Sandford, Sands End, Walham Green, and West Kensington, as well as four wards in Kensington and Chelsea including Chelsea Riverside, Redcliffe, Royal Hospital and Stanley.

    Boundary changes impact (Thrasher and Rallings analysis): BOUNDARY CHANGES HAVE MADE THIS SEAT LESS CONSERVATIVE AND MORE LABOUR. It was 49.9 per cent Conservative in 2019, 25.9 per cent Lib Dem, and 23.2 per cent Labour. Under the new boundaries it would have been 45.5 per cent Tory, 29.1 per cent Labour and 23.8 per cent Lib Dem.

    YOUGOV MRP POLL PREDICTION: LABOUR GAIN FROM TORIES. Evening Standard view: London is a city which is turning increasingly Labour. But if Sir Keir Starmer’s party wins in Chelsea and Fulham it is likely to be a grim night for the Conservatives across the country.

    ES (June 16, 2024): https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/general-election-london-seats-results-mp-chelsea-fulham-greg-hands-b1162356.html

    1. I strongly suspect that Reform will take the votes Hands needs to cling on and that the new constituency will have a Labour MP.

  4. To be clear , the only way to be rid of the oily Greg Hands at this election is to vote for the excellent and highly experienced Labour Candidate BEN COLEMAN .

    If the pesky Lib Dems do one of their 'LibDems winning here ' interventions armed with lying bar charts . And in so doing allow 'Slope Hands' to survive l will be very cross .

    Tactical voting only works if the challenging parties are honest about their prospects . Lets all agree to be rid of Hands by voting for Ben Coleman

  5. Oh dear! This is Reform candidate for Queen’s Park and Maida Vale

    A candidate for Nigel Farage’s Reform party called the King “weak” and claimed he was under the control of global elites.

    Angela Carter-Begbie questioned the King’s loyalty to Britain, saying it was “about time King Charles show where he truly lye” [sic], and said she was “not a fan”.

    The candidate, who is standing for Reform in the new seat of Queen’s Park and Maida Vale in northwest London at the general election, wrote on her Twitter/X account on April 23 to say that he was “under the WEF”, referring to the World Economic Forum, which organises the annual meeting in Davos of world political and business leaders.

    The conspiracy theory, which aligns itself with claims that a shadowy global elite control the world’s population, is one of several she had promoted online.

    These include the conspiracy theories that the 9/11 terrorist attack on the Twin Towers was an “inside job” and the Covid-19 vaccine rollout was “like the Holocaust”.

    Carter-Begbie blamed the fathers of grooming-gang victims for the crimes of their predators and repeatedly posted in support of the far-right leader Tommy Robinson.

    She also claimed the war in Ukraine was started by NATO.


    1. Reform UK candidate defends Hitler posts | The Independent (June 17, 2024) https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/reform-hitler-jack-aaron-welwyn-

  6. Only in dim minds like yours is the World Economic Forum some benevolent organisation. It is well dodgy and certainly anti democratic. I have no views on His Majesty. A friend who interviewed him said the king was a very unintelligent man. God knows how he got to Cambridge.

    1. I implore you 17:58, don’t be an enabler for a rise in antisemitism. WEF conspiracy theories abound with antisemitic tropes. Namely that Jewish financiers (queue George Soros and the Rothschilds) control the Forum. That “One World Government” is the latest manifestation of (oh what a coincidence!) of a “worldwide Zionist conspiracy.“ Those who assert that the WEF’s actual stated agenda is a secret plan for global domination just inject into the body politic an antisemitic meme. Antisemitism must be confronted in all its guises.

    2. Oh, for God's sake, I know the NHS mental health services are overwhelmed but can't you get your friends to do a whip round to get you treated privately?
      In any case, you ignorant twot...it's cue...a queue is something someone like you does seeing an NHS mental health expert


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