with thanks to thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com


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Sunday 1 October 2023


It is commonly accepted most officers work from home rarely using their offices in the brutalist building in Hornton St.

It is now a 'white elephant'

The Hornton Street edifice was built on the proceeds of corruption. 

The beautiful Victorian Town Hall was illegally demolished by the very sinister Nicholas Freeman, leader of the Council, so that he could fund the horror now squatting in Hornton St. 

Today Freeman would be in prison for that and other matters of police interest.

The Dame has a dear and very clever friend, Guy Oliver. 

Guy fought long and hard to save the Art Deco Odeon in Kensington. 

One of his brilliant ideas was to demolish the Town Hall and use the proceeds of the land sale to fund mixed housing!

On this subject, many will remember Elizabeth Campbell justifying the obscene cost of Holland Park School saying, 'it cost nothing as we sold off land to pay for it'. 

No wonder she is called Dizzy!


  1. It's a terrible idea because
    then all officers would work from home, leaving the most vulnerable residents without any direct point of contact with council staff Not everyone has smart phones broadband or permanent housing.

  2. You miss the point. You thin it down so by 50%

  3. There isn't the available land to build "mixed housing" unless you envisage dumping people in Peterborough à la Cockell. Keep the chamber for meetings and necessary offices then knock the rest down for council housing.

  4. the rumour was that Nicholas Freeman had an interest in young boys

    1. Speaking lies about the dead is despicable

    2. The man was a very nasty piece of work

    3. Why was he nasty? I remember him going in to bat for the residents of North Kensington against the corrupt & racist Policing in North Ken . Not an easy thing to do for a member of the legal profession. He is 30 years dead - why are you spreading vague rumours now?"

  5. Has RBKC always been considered the worst council? The roll call of cabinet members and mayors over the years is quite a line up that speaks volumes. Dear Dame may wish to ponder the ‘who do you think you are’ history of Hornton St over the past 50 years. .

    1. Fielding-Mellen, Cockell, Phelps....

  6. It is so very depressing to hear these stories and to be reminded what a pygmy currently is Leader of RBKC. Why can't the Tory Councillors pull their fingers out and replace Campbell with Sof or Kim?

    1. Sof McVeigh as leader and Kim...as deputy...dream team

  7. The old town hall was NOT either beautiful or historic . But the current monstrosity has no redeeming qualities at all ( Unlike the noble library adjoining it - But do not draw attention to it or our philistine council will sell it off to their friends who run private schools . I have lost count of the dignified public buildings that RBKC council have sold or tried to sell to private schools . They clearly think that if a building has quality it needs to be reserved for the children of privilege )


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