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Friday 13 October 2023



This is Cllr Mona Ahmed with Corbyn. 

Ahmed is an NHS psychiatrist. Like Corbyn she refuses to condemn Hamas, the murderous religious barbarians. 

Here she has the look of some vacuous teenager cuddling up to an aging rock star...ugh!

Ahmed specialises in dealing with trauma cases. 

Perhaps she can counsel the grief and trauma-stricken parents of the innocent baby shot to death by the heroic 'freedom fighters'.

Ahmed doesn't have the guts to defend her support for these killers.


  1. Neither of them support the murder of 50 Israeli children. Nor do they support the murder of 700 children in Gaza in Israeli revenge attacks

    1. You lie it was 1200 innocent Israeli young people on the night of the attack

  2. You have no f*****g clue. Your Hamas friends care so little about the Palestinian people that they without warning attacked, murdered and kidnapped innocent young people. They didn't even have the guts to attack the IDF as they knew they would be slaughtered like pigs. What do you think the Israelis would do? Hamas has the blood of Palestinians and Israeli innocents on its hands.

  3. They did attack occupation forces. They killed over 200 and captured over 50

  4. You stupid, ignorant dimwit and apologist for Hamas/Isis.....they killed 220 innocent young people at a music festival. Occupation forces...you are an arsehole. The people you support are fundamentalist Islamists who want to impose their crazy religion on Israel and the world

  5. Are you a fascist settler bigt with 2 passports who thinks Palestinians are subhuman (where did I hear that before)? For your information, and confirmed by your extremist government, the tragic scorecard is as follows
    1300 dead israelis
    (50 under 16
    250 soldiers and police
    1000 civilians)
    2300 Palestinian civilians
    (800 under 16
    1500 adults
    a handful of hamas)

    1. Have you thought of asking Cllr Ahmed if she can give you some free treatment? She might not tell you that if you rain down rockets on Israel and then coldbloodedly massacre their young there will be consequences.


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