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Thursday 5 October 2023


The Middle Eastern developers, backed by Cllrs Husband and Bennett, got their way. 

Toad Husband with gratitude to This is North Kensington

Cllr 'Crapaud' Husband

'Bending with the wind' Bennett

The losers are Chelsea residents. They will now have to endure years of pollution and disruption to their lives.

Emma Will courageously spoke at the outset for residents. 

But why was Dizzy, a councillor for the most impacted ward absent? The Dame believes she attended a function with DP9 being present. DP9 worked with the developers. Come on, Dizzy...confide in the Dame! Was it this lavish function that stopped you from turning up?

At the committee meeting, Husband seemed to be some sort of advocate for the applicant boring on and on about the merits of this monstrosity. 

Being up in Abingdon Road it won't affect him!

So, Chelsea residents have been left high and dry by councillors whose support they thought they could rely upon.

Daily Mail reports here LINK

Cllrs Hargreaves  and Zvedeniuk took the coward's way out by abstaining despite the latter critiquing the design.

Husband has form for many odious things not least using his chairman's vote to screw residents.

Residents? These councillors are not on your side.


  1. Husband came out with bollocks about the Mayor calling it in. Does he like a drop of vino? He doesn't half ramble on

    1. The Toad in the Bellows6 October 2023 at 00:20

      Beside his Indulgent ramblings, Monsieur Crapaud usually positions the committee to grant from the off, framing questioning around "how can we make accepting seem more bearable"

    2. Is there an ombudsman that can look over the decision of the RBKC planning team...a disgrace to the good name of decent surveyors

  2. What a disgrace. You would have thought our local councillors would have voiced an opinion either in support or against the most high-profile issue in our ward in a while. They should hang their heads in shame.

    1. Cllr James Husband5 October 2023 at 23:30

      Are you suggesting I am slimy?

    2. Shall we say evasive perhaps & totally unfeeling to the Chelsea community. Do you even live near the King’s rd because from what I heard it was all about how best to accommodate the beloved DP9 & Pilbrow. Wow are they slick!just remember you are replaceable & the community of 4000 objectors are paying very close attention despite how tou may think tou appear physically. They are paying attention to your words & deeds. Have no doubt about that.

    3. Do you even listen to your constituents?

    4. Cllr Tom Bennett6 October 2023 at 07:54

      I was just following order. I am a newbie so don't want to upset the leader

    5. You're desperate to become an MP so you're playing the spineless loyalist card

    6. Agree, total disgrace. When you go on to the Planning Committee you have only one job - to decide on a plan. Abstaining is equivalent to saying I can't do my job. They should resign immediately - or be replaced.

    7. This planning committee are a bunch of toads. They must get paid really well by us mugs, the residents of Kensington and Chelsea , plus a big extra, tax free of course. We are coming for you and you must ealise by now that some are fooled sometimes BUT not all the time

  3. How rude to call Husband a Toad. Toads are lovely creatures and contrary to belief not at all slimy

    1. Calling H a toad is an offence to toads

    2. The Mr Toad nickname comes from an exchange outside the town hall about Husband "Toadying up to developers" between different parties of upset and frustrated frustrated residents from various parts of K & C after a planning committee meeting some years back. Some of the residents had little in common apart from Husband and his committee saying yes to everything and making their lives utter hell.

    3. Please accept my apologies. Toads are really nice creatures.
      Husband is slimey

  4. It was an absolute forgone conclusion but it will all be fine once they sort the foliage, opaque balustrades & clean the old pavements so it will gel so well with the rest of the King’s Rd or so Cllr Husband & the the rest of the panel claim. How are we still paying their salaries? Shouldn’t DO9 take that over now they control 12 shop lengths of the centre of the King’s rd? Marvellous! We are going to look just like High St Kensington just as Pilbrow promised in October at Chelsea Town Hall!

  5. Cllr Zvedeniuk is shameless: she talks the scheme down and then doesn't have the guts to stand her ground. I see she is yet another SPAD with nil life experience and, in this instance, no integrity.

  6. Juat one refusal vote from one of those cowardly councillors Hargreaves and Zdeniuk could have stopped it.

  7. How did Labour do in standing up for residents ?

    1. Okay Elnagi voted against in the end but he didn't do a lot of cross examination.
      The few times he asked questions he struggled to string a sentence together, taking ages to get to his point. Husband & Bennett took full advantage of his incompetence.

    2. This is the hogwash that Australian Sonia Zvedeniuk puts in her write up:

      Sonia cares deeply about preserving the heritage and local character of Chelsea Riverside and strengthening the sense of community. She is committed to improving its green spaces, backing local business, and making the safety of residents the top priority.

      She obviously ‘cares deeply’ about her career not her residents.

    3. Whoever at KCFC that is responsible for councillor selections has a lot to answer for.

      All these spada & wannabe MPs are only there for themselves & are under no obligation to do the right thing for their constituents.

      People who have been here 5 min & have no connection to K & C shouldn't be allowed to become councillors.

    4. Which poses the question as to whether Labour or the Tories made a worse job of candidate selection for the last council elections? We know that Dent and Lari are to blame for The Labour shambles but who chose the latest Tory muppets ?

    5. Agree 08:27
      The community councillor is an endangered species on the Tory benches these days.

    6. An abstention is as bad as a vote for. Isn't Hargreaves a good friend of Peter Bingle?

  8. Earlier this year Greg Hands was objecting to the proposals. No longer. Now in his latest newsletter he is congratulating himself for keeping Marks & Spencer on the site. But M&S had always wanted to stay there!

  9. when you only have 30% of the electorate vote in local as well as general elections, what do you expect!

  10. We all know who is responsible for the poor show on the Labour side but who is responsible for the rubbish Conservative councillors? I do hope that The Dame and her investigation team of Hornets will look into this?
    Whoever is responsible for picking short term unscrupulous Muppets for local councillors, deselecting Julie Mills & barring Victoria Borwick
    from returning to the town hall deserves to be named & shamed.

    1. Of course we don't have a decent MP for Kensington.
      She has disappeared.
      I've written to her on 4 occasions and received no reply, they were not abusive merely enquiring about a few general things

      Another useless waste of space.

  11. Very simple. Elizabeth Campbell. She didn’t want any competition and thought that Borwick threatened her position as leader.


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