with thanks to thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com


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Monday 9 March 2020


The Dame was at the Yorkshire Building Society in Kensington depositing her 'widow's mite' when she espied this poster on the counter.
Was it an early April Fool's Day joke or attempt at dry Yorkshire humour?

The serious young cashier didn't think so.
With much gravity, he told the Dame the new Quiet Hour had been thought up by the Diversity & Transitioning Team at head office.
Those whom the gods etc.....
Anyway, the Dame closed her account that day....to think that her little nest egg is being wasted on such nonsense.


  1. I think they should change their branding colour to rainbow and display unicorns as their mascot to accommodate....LGBTIQ spectrum of people too.

  2. Have you seen the multi million a year taken by the CE of Yorkshire BS? They call themselves a mutual but not much mutuality of interest with their poor savers....shitty interest rates and no branches.

  3. Yeah, fuck them for taking an entire hour out of the week to make accommodations that make a world of difference to some and literally no inconvenience to everyone else.

    1. NUTTER SPOTTER!10 March 2020 at 07:00

      Since when has anyone ever complained about visiting a building society. The next thing is a dimwit like you (who can only articulate using the F word) will be suggesting that Waitrose should have a quiet hour. How about a quiet hour on the Underground .....or hospitals. Be good if we could have a permanent 'quiet time' from you!

  4. Kensington Residnet10 March 2020 at 05:40

    An oasis of calm! What a wonderful idea for seniors and stressed residents. THE banking moment. I'm off to YBS - they've got my business

  5. 01:02 were you on the ganja in the early hours the morning. Don't post when pissed or doped up there's a a good fella


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