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Wednesday 11 March 2020


In Kim  Taylor-Smith we have a leader in waiting with qualities absent in the incumbent.

Taylor-Smith is a self-made man. 
The Dame likes the cut of the jib of self-made men and women. 
They are classic business 'builders' with the skillsets to lead others.

The Dame has met Taylor-Smith on one occasion. 
She found him lucid, quick on the uptake and not someone to take himself too seriously....altogether a good egg.

The Dame has never had the honour of meeting Cllr Campbell which is unsurprising as the leader despises the Dame and holds her little organ in the greatest contempt.

There is a general feeling that Cllr. Campbell is putty in the hands of the good Doctor Quirke.
If Taylor-Smith were running the show officers would need to be on their mettle.

It's time the Conservative Group chose a leader without the baggage of years past and Taylor-Smith is just that man.


  1. Dame, well said

  2. Taylor-Smith needs to challenge the intellectually challenged Campbell

  3. Why was Campbell chosen as leader? She was very much part of the team presiding over the Grenfell Tragedy

  4. Ex Office of RBKC11 March 2020 at 21:41

    Only an idiot would chose someone like Tobin for the vital Grenfell role. It was Elizabeth Campbell who agreed the appointment. Quelle jugement!

  5. You have got to be kidding.

    Kim is a charlatan. He makes promises he has no intention of keeping and says whatever he thinks people want to hear. And those of us who have had the misfortune to listen to him month after month, week after week, for the last two and a half years have concluded that he's a broken record that simply repeats the same sound bites, promises and catchphrases repeatedly.

    The Dame claims to have met him once and been impressed. So were we. The first time round. Probably even the second and third time round too. Twenty odd times later we've heard it all before and we're pretty miffed that all those promises are as far away from fulfilment as they were two and a half years ago.

    I do hope he isn't the best the local Conservative party can come up with in terms of leadership material. God help us all if he is.

    1. Attention Please12 March 2020 at 05:35

      Smith needs a new mugshot. The dreadful picture chosen by the Dame does not look the part. Most definitely lot.

      Dizzy turns out well in her twinset which the Sloane brigade love. Smith needs to step up

    2. Is 23.23 EDC?

    3. Dizzy twinset needs a row of pearls.

    4. Dear Moaner.

      No I am not EDC(?). I'm a resident who has sat through two and a half years of meetings at the Town Hall where the likes of Kim have simply repeated the same mantras and clichés over and over again all that time but have yet to deliver a meaningful improvement to the way in which Council housing is managed.

      There comes a time when grade one bullshitters need to be called out for what they are.

    5. @15:57. If being a grade one bullshitter is the principal requirement for the job the local Conservative party appear to have a plethora of suitable candidates to hand!

    6. and the Labour Party none?

    7. Is a Labour Councillor proposing to be leader of the Council? Bit surprising!

  6. Big girls blouse12 March 2020 at 19:06

    La Dame, thought it right a few stories ago for KTS to hand back his allowance, an allowance she said he didn't need! Pleas explain, the change of heart dear dame!

    There are much worse Cllrs than KTS, notwithstanding, he has been seen to be aggressive and dismissive to residents that need support. It is unfair to base an opinion on one meeting, and of course La Dame would be someone he would wish to get on the right side of (if you know what I mean).

    Quirky - what on earth is he doing on the RBKC books? It is surely time for his appraisal!

    KTS is summed up as slightly pompous, self-important, approachable sometimes, dismissive sometimes and at times responsible and helpful. A mixed bag, but yes, we like him and we don't want to lose him!

    Heavens forbid we end up with Pascall or Hargreaves!!!!

    1. Rumour is Hargreaves is the power behind the throne.

    2. He's certainly not what he appears.

  7. The Dame has the hots for Smith. She does not usually fall for such a common name. In the past her judgement of "men for the job" has generally been good. Sometimes excellent. And of course she has a nose for rubbish like disgraced Cllr Cockell and expelled Cllr Palmer. But she IS getting old. And with advancing years........

    1. The Dame does not "fall" for anybody. Her judgements are shrewd and to the point. Her long list of ex husbands (wealthy men) are a testament to her common sense. The yacht in the South of France did not happen by accident

    2. One was an Armenian arms dealer with some spurious title.
      That is where she got the yacht from.

    3. The Dame pours scorn on the idea of Cllr Hargreaves being the power behind anything....puffed up windbag. Interestingly, the younger intake of councillors are of a much higher quality than the 'old guard'.
      The 'Old Guard' remind the Dame of aldermanic characters from dear Arnold Bennett's masterpieces.
      Arnold(an old amour of the Dame) captured corrupt provincial politics with great lucidity

  8. Everyone forgets that the borough has had plenty of Councillors with more than an ounce of charm over the years. That didn't mean any of them were competent.

    The truth is that Kim and the wider Council have run a PR exercise over the last couple of years that, at first sight, appears to have been rather successful. The number of people who think "things have changed" is surprisingly large. But those at the receiving end of the Council's shenanigans will tell you that things are very different, that nothing has really changed and that it's all just spins/lies.

    And at the forefront of all that illusion and misdirection has been Cllr. Taylor-Smith, who is clearly good at saying the right thing every now and gain but little else.

    He certainly hasn't delivered "real change".

    1. In other words, as someone said above, Kim is a grade one bullshitter.

      The Council full of them. Both elected and on the payroll.

  9. OFF-topic but...
    Have you noticed since last week, there has been an increase in helicopters/planes going to and from Chelsea direction? Something is up. Corona may be just a front for something else now that China is saying the virus was brought in to the country by the US army. The government reassured us that there will be enough toilet rolls and food to go around but shelves remain empty.

    1. You actually believe anything the fascist Chinese say? You must be an idiot

    2. No I don't believe that truth coming out of China. You need to catch up @21:38.

      Some of us are ahead reading between the lines. This 'pandemic' is priming us to dare say....but you'll find out if you are an idiot.

  10. Big girls blouse13 March 2020 at 18:45

    Lets face it, KTS has very little in common with those folk at the bottom of the RBKC ladder, and by the look of things, very little interest in them either. He has spent his time pre RBKC working towards the top echelons and finer things in life, why would he want to look down? A gong in mind - who knows.

    Mat hargreves-lucas - aghhhh


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