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Sunday 7 October 2018


The Dame is a canny old bird. She has always had her doubts about Kim Taylor-Smith. 
With his '70's style hair, she always suspected that he could have been doing some 'entryism' into our council and that deep down he was a member of the Socialist Workers Party. The Dame will be having a word with Emma Dent Coad to see if she can shed light on the matter.

Anyway, Comrade Kim wants to radically solve the housing problem by forcing the likes of Mayor Bloomberg(he has a barely occupied flat in Cadogan Square) to sell his flat at a knockdown price.

The Dame is going through hard times and is putting herself at the top of the list for this one.

Kim? The Dame is very disappointed...with apologies to the great Hilaire Belloc.....

"Kim,you have disappointed us!
We had intended you to be
The next leader
The stocks were sold; the Press was squared:
The Middle Class was quite prepared.
But as it is! . . . My language fails!
Go out and govern New South Wales!"


  1. it seems Comrade Kim is proposing compulsory purchase of empty properties. This is nothing new. Watford Council, back in the 70's, compulsory purchased any property that was empty for 6 months or more. As I understand it, Councils have to pay the market price for compulsory purchase and show that they need the property more than the owner.

    Furthermore, enshrined in the European Convention of Human Rights is the quiet enjoyment of property; which covers all property, anything tangible, not just apply to real estate. It would be unlawful for the Council to sequestrate property. This is England we will not stand for confiscation of property without compensation. It will all come to nothing because the Council does not have the money.

    1. Funny how you start quoting the Euro Convention of human rights when you're are threatened. Didn't hear many of the right wing spouting that after Grenfell.

    2. What Article of the European Convention of Human Rights did the left wing spout or quote after Grenfell?

    3. The right to life .

    4. Never heard any of the Labour lot mention that.

  2. Why did Leverne Parker, the RBKC LegaL Eagle, not step in and tell Comrade Kim that he was about to make a blithering ejit of himself for proposing something that drove a coach and horses through human rights legislation?

    1. Is this woman aware of HUMAN RIGHTS? Hardly. Just look at her actions/bullying with the Grenfell residents?

    2. Sorry mate . It looks at long last like the Council are taking the sensible view. Didn't have you down as a socialist sad badger.

    3. Pity you never shouted about human rights when they were pricing the cladding for Grenfell. Let's go for the cheaper option shall we, it looks nicer for the foreign investor should he ever turn up and look out his window next to Rock Feilding Mellons place.

    4. Yes the human rights of 'ibuysell ' the Chinese investment group have been breached .

  3. Kim looks to have been a bit of a PR exercise.
    Now quite comfortable in role, he probably thinks he can get away with it!
    Sadly, the reports back are - All mouth (and no trousers)

    1. He's doing a great job in trying to bring our communities back together, not like you Lord HawHaw.

    2. What KTS said is promising but we must wait 'n' see if they'll follow it through. Their action is the only proof.

  4. Unfortunately too many properties lie in the hands of foreign hedge funds pumping up property prices to an artificial 'bubble. In turn this makes finding accommodation for those at the bottom of ladder impossible be it private rent or council housing. It would be nice if those at the bottom could enjoy the quiet enjoyment of property. We won't have the euro convention Of human rights shortly.

    Is it better to have someone freeze to death on our streets or have a block full of empty apartments owned by a Chinese investor so he can 'enjoy ' them.

    And comment 1 . Go back to law school .

    1. What stupid nonsense from someone who knows nothing

    2. Your quite wrong there mate.

    3. All our money taxes etc are being scooped up to some dodgy tax haven instead of being reinvested here in the UK.

    4. 12.56 what is it I know nothing about ?

    5. 10.56 I do not need to return to law school.

      The European Convention on Human Rights is nothing to do with the European Union and Brexit will not end our obligations under the convention. Your suggestion that we will not have the Convention soon is stupid in the extreme.

      The liberties in the European Convention on Human Rights are very basic liberties- right to life, freedom from torture, quiet enjoyment of property, no punishment without a trial. If you were a decent human being, you would not find these measures egregious. Anyone can enjoy quiet enjoyment of property, personal or real property, if they can afford to pay for it. The RBKC Tenancy Agreement grants quiet enjoyment of property to Council tenants in return for the rent each week.

    6. Tory and Labour are all the same8 October 2018 at 13:01

      The former TMO often fettered residents' quiet enjoyment of their Council flats 08.15.

      Tory Councillors were well aware of it and could not have cared less.

      Labour Councillors went along with it. The level protest expected of an effective political opposition was nowhere to be seen amongst Labour Councillors

    7. And why do you think TMO managed to get away with it 13:01? I take it it was rife back then. I can understand Tory not caring though.

      I find that whether Tory or Labour, if an issue fits the agenda for them they'll get up and do something about it. Otherwise...forget it.

    8. Labour Councillors did nothing about the excesses of the TMO including safeguarding the quiet enjoyment of people's homes. They listened to people who complained to them. Their mouths fell open and they did much wringing of hands but little else.

  5. well, well. Pinning the attributes of being a 'Red', dear Kim might qualify. Lenin use to drive around in a Rolls Royce- dahling Kim spins his vintage Ferraris... some resemblance, me thinks - at least in the pretentiousness of it all.

    1. Not pretentious at all SB. The man is attempting to repair the damage after Grenfell.

      A bit like they had to put Europe back together after Hitler and Mussolini

    2. SB would probably prefer he of the little moustache heading down high street ken in the benz , just like he did at the Eiffel.

  6. I applaud Kim Taylor Smith for taking a sensible considered view on this. THIS is not red or blue. We need a solution to our housing crisis. Unless central government start assisting councils properly with financial support then party conference sound bites are useless.if a council propery is sold off. St Luke's street chelsea being a prime example with the idea we can build elsewhere with the money , then where? By selling off the property at an inflated price , it makes the sell off money useless as There s no bother affordable properties to buy and the lands' to expensive. The years of austerity have taken our country to the edge of despair. Why don't speculators give the same shrug of the shoulders when the boot was on the other foot ie we have to sell as we need more housing. Which was never built. We need to rebalance the social housing issue. When we get ranty right wingers on here shooting from the hip. It does nothing for the betterment of RBKC those rich or poor. It tends to be for the betterment of such organizations such as 'Kratus' or whatever they are called. What do they do anyway and who works for them ?

    1. This is not racist: it's common sense....something that is a stranger to idiots like you. There are too many people with negative skills and resources pouring into the UK and specifically affluent, small boroughs like K&C. We neither need them nor want them. They are choking the system so that we cannot look after those already here.

    2. Not true. I notice you haven't made any reference to the hundreds of English People on the council waiting list. To attempt to blame our housing issue in the Somalia community is nothing short of ridiculous. Are you seriously suggesting that. It is racist as you have identified and vulnerable group and singled them out for your comments . Go on look up 'racist ' and 'bigot 'in the dictionary .

    3. And why are ' Kratus so very interested in RBKC assets . Has Quentin Marshall any ties to them ?

    4. You might blame Somalians or others for clogging the system but who encouraged the migration in the first place? Think about that. It is by design so that existing community will lose its identity and breakdown. If there is no strong network of community, people don't get together to fight against this and that for the community. Exception is N. Kensington because this community has always had a mixture and balance of different nationalities.

  7. No mention of Capco and how much they have cost the borough with their disastrous plan . They have done more damage to business in Earls Court than any Somali migrant could have done.

    1. As a community, do you think we can sue Capco for creating a mess and destroying our community? It's all very well that they obtained the planning permission but that doesn't grant them to destroy our community. Apparently, the site that started construction work can remain as it is for decades. It's called work in progress *f o r e v e r*.

    2. Isnt that what Kim is suggesting.

    3. As the property is lying empty and not fit for purpose it should be returned to the council. Have Capco actually paid their bill for the site . I believe H and F have not been fully paid for the site as yet. With Capco demanding more for the site than they paid - even though they haven't paid for it. You can't make it up.

    4. May be we'll find a similar case in the case law...

    5. Who is the landlord of the site currently?

    6. Is this any good for Earls Court or Odeon?

      "They are calling on the council to serve a notice to the company under Section 215 of the Town and Country Planning Act of 1990 requiring proper maintenance of land."


    7. For Sutton Estate?

    8. Community Right to Reclaim Land



  8. All the empty properties in the borough do us no good. The inflated price of the house when sold tends to head offshore. The empty properties impact on local business and then eventually business rates. Look at the high street
    The property industry is out of hand and aided by financial services is strangling the life out of our communities and in turn our wellbeing as a whole . Let people live in the homes you never know you might actually like some of them . Migrants are not the reason for our housing problem , a lack if council houses and refusal to build them is the problem. Whatever happened to the 'Big Society ' eh. Big Rip off. I hope David Cameron is happy in his shepherds but, he can take the sheep for a walk with Marie Antoinette.

    1. Shepherds Hut (typo ) apols

    2. Empty shops on the high street is so sad to see as well. Shops were complaining that the rate was too high and the Council didn't provide them with the service. What a rip off.

    3. The empty properties you refer to, are due to Council permitting building of luxury apartments, unaffordable by majority, rather than social dwellings. You can figure out why.

    4. The 'empty properties' referred to are simply due to Council giving preference to 'luxurious flats' rather than affordable/social housing. The empty blocks were/are not meant to generate any income. They are meant to BURY illegal income.
      One question: re anon 13:04 - yes, there are many English people on the housing waiting list. Why was Paggett-Brown, Savills and Ms Parker secretly flogging off 'leaseholds' in the Grenfell Tower, rather than allocate them to those on the Housing List?

    5. Well Parker would only be following orders .

    6. So what was Paget Brown's motive or reason ?

    7. Never thought of Paget Brown as a ' Lady Penelope ' !

    8. Ano 18:26. Money, may be a fair reason. Favour, helping a friend, etc...

    9. anon 18.24: Ms Parker could only do that, I guess. Hope she will use that in her defence when her turn comes in front of the Inquiry. Should be a hoot to attend.

  9. We need to look at business models of Amazon FB et al. Stripping the high street and paying no tax. How come they don't pay business rates. If the purchaser online buys from Chelsea, then the online retailers need to pay that tax revenue ,similar to a business rate to the council. They have less overheads so paying normal business rates is actually quite cheap for them . They should have to apply for an RBKC licence or any other borough for that matter. If they don't want to pay then don't trade in our wonderful country , there will be a queue at the door if they refuse newer retailers can fill the gap . Amazon are only resellers and delivery merchants . We should take the Post Office back and set it up to replace amazon

    1. As international company there is a way to do this. You probably find a video explaining how it works. But what they do is using their own international company to sell items to UK company etc. Plus and minus...end up paying no tax at all. It's the power of international trading.

      Don't start on the Post Office!!
      Why is it that the Post Office in High St Ken only employs indian staff? Have you noticed? Surely that is descrimination in plain sight?

  10. I bet Sir Pooter is pleased that the focus has now shifted to Kim rather than on him.

  11. I want to extend this idea....
    Kim and his council mates all have holiday homes used for just 6 weeks or less a year.
    These could be compulsorily occupied so that our refugee friends can have no cost holidays. How about that villa of yours, Kim?

    1. where should I apply, please?

  12. Regarding the Grenfell 'leaseholds', it should be interesting to see, if ever allowed to do so, is who paid what and to whom. The money trail could be rather interesting.

    1. I know of another dodgy suspicious 'deal' which didn't get deserving coverage.

  13. I think I want to use a Comrade Kim Ferrari. I have no wheels

  14. Why hasn't RBKC deployed an Empty Dwelling Management Order (EDMO) to take over the blocks of Sutton Dwellings vandalised by its own housing association? RBKC Conservatives really think that out-Corbyning Corbyn is going to win over those Conservatives voters needed to regain Kensington? And who is picking up the £140,000 fine for the Council's data breach identifying the owners of the Borough's empty properties?

    1. silly, you - the Borough taxpayer is going to pay the fine. In respect of the EDMO, this was not taken up, as RBKC was short of solicitors to deal with the paperwork. RBKC's Jobs Vacant pages always had a opening for solicitors. Even before Grenfell, there were not too many who queued up to be considered. Did the post, which would entail doing as told by PB/Holgate,already had an unsavoury whiff about it?

  15. https://thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com/2018/10/09/is-kim-taylor-smith-off-his-edmo/

  16. Sadly KTS has lost his zing - didn't take long!


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