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Thursday 4 October 2018


This is North Kensington reports that the North Kensington Library has been saved. LINK


  1. The brutal truth is that it took the unlawful deaths of scores of residents to force this most rotten of boroughs to listen to local people.

    From the very beginning of the alleged public consultation on the future of the N. Kensington Library, it was clear that RBKC intended to steal yet another asset, built with public funds, to pass it on to private interests. The intended ultimate beneficiary of the Library was the new private school installed in the former Isaac Newton Centre; itself a former school for local children.

  2. The Listening Council4 October 2018 at 21:35

    When the works on Grenfell Tower were first announced Emma Dent Coad said that the Council had "listened" to residents. Famous last words 13.02

    1. Listen is the key word 21:35. They did not hear.

    2. "Listen" is the operative word. RBKC NEVER TAKES HEED.

      When the Council announced its Grenfell Tower refurbishment project, Councillor Emma Dent Coad said, "This proves the Council has listened." The Council listened alright but ignored crucial safety issues raised by residents. Is this what Emma meant to imply when she referred to "listening"?

    3. 15.40 Emma DC said, "This PROVES the Council listened." Hard to see how this helped those who complained that they were not listened to.

    4. Irony and me are very good company7 October 2018 at 08:58

      Don't you realise that EDC is a very clever political strategist. She knows better than anyone else what to say.

  3. Credible or capricious?5 October 2018 at 07:15

    What a gaff! RBKC actually "listens." Emma Dent Coad would know because she was on the TMO Board and heard all the good reports about the Council working with tenants; "listening" to them. No wonder the astute Sir Martin Moore Bick turned down three requests by Labour Councillors to be granted core participant status at the Inquiry. He does not want to "listen" to Councillors who knew the culture of RBKC Housing with it's top woman the parliamentarian,proclaiming the Council "listens."

  4. I see and hear little evidence of the Council "listening". Cllr Campbell seems to have flattered the Dame in some way and the old girl has gone soft in the head.

    1. Nonsense...but there is no point in not encouraging the Council in its attempts to be more open

  5. The Council will only be forced to hear if 1) they are cornered and there is no more escape route 2) somebody dies. How terrible.

  6. Well done - all of those who campaigned to save this Library. Let's hope it will be used more often, to justify the fight.


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