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Tuesday 25 July 2023


Pity the old Dame as she hikes from her vintage Armstrong Siddeley to her not-so-humble dwelling wondering why it's so hard to find a residents’ parking space in Kensington and Chelsea.

The Dame's motor car

Not content with selling off residents’ parking bays to e-bike rental operators, with the unlikely justification that this will stop users abandoning them on the pavements, the Council and its officers have decided to allow anyone from anywhere to pay-by-phone to park in residents' bays for as long as they like. The officers peddle the fiction that there is plenty of space in residents' bays for all comers. 
Curious, then that they insist on not allowing residents of new developments to buy residents’ parking permits at all. 

Officers claim that residents have asked that residents' bays be made available to everyone because their tradespeople find it so hard to park. 
No mention of all the residents’ parking bays that are already suspended for basement digging and other “essential” works.

The Borough’s commercial landlords, of course, will be delighted with the improved footfall, now that people can drive from far and wide and park in residents’ bays.

In consultations leading to the decision to start this new money-raising venture, the Borough has, naturally, chosen not to consult the holders of residents' parking permits.

The Dame and her fellow residents could be forgiven for feeling despised by their Council and its officers.


  1. as per usual the survey to back up this council money spinner was made on a weekday afternoon...not at weekends or evening when demand from residents was highest.

  2. These trials are Borough wide

  3. Such a Decision should only happen after exhaustive consultation with only Residents. Having our Residents’ parking solely for Residents has been a Big Tick for many wanting to live in this Borough.


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