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Thursday 23 March 2023


Over 42 years Michael Hodgson built Douglas and Gordon into one of the most respected names in C. London agency.

D&G was especially prominent in K&C. It was noted for being different to the large chains.  

Douglas & Gordon people sparkled with integrity and enthusiasm: that was down to Hodgson's leadership and skill at choosing the right people.

His one fatal error was to try to meld two cultures...a gentlemanly and 'Cazenove' style of service with the self-serving/self promoting greed of Foxtons.

Douglas&Gordon has been sacrificed on the altar of greed and short-termism. 


Good people have lost their jobs. 

The only 'winner' seems to be that friend of Andrew and Charlotte Moffatt....James Evans, the ex-Foxtons CEO. 

How Douglas & Gordon was destroyed is vividly described here LINK


  1. Great Work The Dame!

    Mr Evans friendship with the Moffats says it all really - a fusion of amorality if ever there was one.

    It is indeed a very sad end to the venerable Douglas & Gordon, which was a highly thought of and respected brand years back. Mr Evans has slowly and systematically destroyed the business, downgrading it to his own knock-off, Poundland version of Foxtons. His appointment was a huge mistake by Michael Hodgson and the Board of Directors at Douglas & Gordon but they were taken it in by silver-tongued duplicity.

    Last year's sale of the profitable lettings element by Mr Evans to his alma mater Foxtons, the recent disappearance of the cash on account, followed by the sham of placing the business in administration is utterly shameful and effectively criminal. I feel very sad for all the employees and creditors who have all had their lives severely upended and compromised by this odious twerp.

    Well, at least he can go and have a drink with his old pals the Moffats (he used to be until last month a Director with them in their Chelsea Yacht and Boat business, so he's well trained in verminous behaviour and revels in the company of fellow scumbags). They can delight each other in swapping stories of exploitation, rachmanism and usury on both land and water whilst counting their ill-gotten gains.

  2. Having Foxtons on your CV should damn you forever

  3. The Moffats have been recently trying to wedge one of their ghastly oversized boats into a tight space at Chelsea Yacht & Boat Co. which puts at risk (& would likely destroy) an extremely rare, early medieval, Thames fishtrap). There is no stopping this shameless couple, it's ever onwards and downwards with their unrelenting greed as they continue to hit new lows. Thankfully Chelsea Reach Boatowners' Association are on to it with Historic England and credit to them for their vigilance. Check out their twitter account for updates.

  4. Evans is a narcissist with no moral compass. The first thing Evans did when he joined D&G was a puzzling move to all agents - sell their stucco-fronted grand Head Office in Pimlico (owned by them so no rent) and move to a new flash HQ at a new development called Chelsea Green at the juncture of New King's Road and Fulham High Street paying tons of rent. For sure this put some cash in the business (especially ideal if you're looking at your own personal gain) and guess what, who owned the new HQ where this rent to?....well, happened to be his old buddy Jon Hunt (his former owner of Foxtons). Obviously nothing remotely suspicious there in case you're thinking bunga bunga!!

    1. Sorry development is actually called Fulham Green, not Chelsea Green

  5. Douglas & Gordon's 'new' Head Office is 41 Paradise Street SW3, which is also where the Moffats usurious business is located......how coincidental!


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