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Sunday 5 March 2023


in the grip of lust!

The various email exchanges between Hancock and his seedy, grubby advisers show how they planned to terrify and control the public.  
This government has reached 'end of days'.

Terrifying the general public into submission is redolent of some authoritarian dictatorship. 

More extraordinary is the role Osborne-a friend of a sanctioned Russian oligarch, took in advising Hancock on how to finesse his affair!

Our MP, Felicity Buchan hails from North East Scotland....the land of Wee Free Presbyterianism. 

She might have words to say about the activities of this den of vipers....but silence was the stern reply.

Felicity? If the Dame might be so familiar....it is about time you told us what you thought of the immorality of this government instead of pretending everything in the garden was rosy.

And, just in case you think the Dame is for ignoring yesterday 856 of your voters popped by and 352 @ 9:42 today so over 1000 projected.



  1. It is odd that FTHN is ignored. If the Dame decided that the Labour guy was a better pair of hands it might be curtains for her.

  2. Felicity does't know which way to turn. Damned if she does: damned if she doesn't

  3. The Lord Moylan RIBA Hon5 March 2023 at 08:41

    Felicity? I have been 'in the room' with the great and the good and advise you to ignore this disgusting so called blog. It's run by haters...those who are don't have the intellect we have to run the country. By the way, the rumours that I have been undermining you in the hope of replacing you are unfounded.

  4. Talking of Haters why is the Hornet so anti Buchan?

    1. https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/25891/felicity_buchan/kensington

    2. In other words Bagehot she followed the whip's line on every vote: really independent thinker!

    3. The Hornet is not anti Buchan. The Hornet is not anti Coad. The Hornet shows up useless politicians and hypocrites.

    4. 02:24 that sums up my position. We just need high quality leaders in every sphere of our lives: there has been an absence of quality for many years. The idea that some of these gross SPADS are advising even grosser leaders is really shocking.

    5. The Hornet went for Cockle and Phelps and did not spare them just because they were Tories. Some think the Hornet does not go for Labour politicians so much. The Hornet goes for Dent Coad along with Ali and Lari but other Labour politicians are unscathed because they are decent people (Blakeman, Powell, Press, Healey, Henderson and Atkinson) so Labour politicians do not tend to get it in the neck so much because they are better people.

    6. Sad to say that Blakeman, Press , Healey, Atkinson & Henderson are no longer councillors. Replaced with Dent Code's sheep.

    7. A shame that excellent people have been replaced by Corbyn's Marxist sheep. These outstanding councillors all worked so hard and achieved much with good grace and humour. I miss them all.

    8. Corbyn's Marxist Sheep7 March 2023 at 09:05

      "The Hornet shows up useless politicians and hypocrites."

    9. The few times when Dent Code's sheep show any noticeable presence is when they get upset with blog posts & comments on here

    10. Do you remember the high dudgeon of Coad and Lari over the allegations of homophobia in the local Labour Party?

    11. They did not want Starmer finding about the homophobia. Emma got quite worked up when I printed off the blog'a postings and sent it to Starmer.

  5. The Rt Hon Matthew Hancock MP5 March 2023 at 20:12

    There's nothing new in these messages, and absolutely no public interest in publishing them given the independent inquiry has them all. It's highly intrusive, completely inappropriate and has all been discussed endlessly before.'

    1. Hancock stood as RBKC Conservative candidate for Colville Ward in 2006. He will be out of Parliament soon. When the doors of "reality TV stardom" fail to open, let's all hope he never
      decides to come back here

  6. Matt, you old shagger, you. Shut the f***k up. And stop calling yourself Honourable. You are a f******g disgrace...excuse my French, Dame

    1. Hancock would have been giving her one at every opportunity; breaking all Covid rules. As a former Tory Chief Whip, I can tell you that heterosexual Tories were always a problem when it came to sex. I used to breathe a sigh of relief when a gay man or a lesbian was elected to parliament; they were never any trouble with sex scandals.

    2. Tory, would you care to make contact with the Dame under Chatham House rules?

    3. My Dear Lady,

      Chatham House Rules- an excellent idea.

    4. Please do contact the Dame on her 'personal friends' email address dameathome@gmail.com. The Dame has often pondered upon a 'friend' and a 'personal friend'...what can be the difference. We should be told.

  7. Sorry all you hate mixers sowing discontent, but i write as a very ordinary person. The appearance and rapid spread of the new virus Covid as shown on our tv screens, in the media, watching the rising death numbers, China building huge field hospitals, lockdowns in Italy and people singing across deserted canyons of municipal roads….i was fkg terrified before the UK Government of Hancock and Co even thought to do anything here to protect us. Covid came in so quickly like a raging storm. Human errors, lack of experience in coping with a raging health storm, yes, chickens running around without heads but could any of us done that much better? I doubt it.

    1. 08:54 the fact that you are a 'very ordinary person' does not excuse your clumsy attempts to support a man totally out of his depth and one so accurately described as veering like a weathervane and running around like a headless chicken. Very ordinary people like you, with their banal views, just encourage corrupt and incompetent people in power positions they don't deserve to be in!

    2. Disgusted of Cornwall Gardens.6 March 2023 at 15:27

      For all their peccadilloes, the Tories will be shafted at the next election.

    3. I need to 'come out' and say that 08:54 was me

    4. Well Lloyd, you undoubtedly know that the Tories will be shafted by the electorate.

  8. Baa baa blue sheep7 March 2023 at 14:42

    Buchan has demonstrated that she has no principles & will pay the price of being a "Tory sheep" next election.

    To be fair to North, he does have a background of campaigning for residents but that is being eclipsed not by his past, but by being one of Dizzy's sheep. The deselection of Cllr Mills is what happens to councillors on that side with minds of their own.

    As others have commented, EDC follows the same practices as Dizzy & there are hardly any decent Labour councillors left.

    What a dreary & uninspiring picture of our representatives this all paints.

    1. Detritus and Dross7 March 2023 at 17:37

      Shockers. Councillors that are an absolute shower in both the Labour and Tory Parties.

      What possessed them to let high calibre like Councillors Julie Mills and Ian Henderson go? What do we get ? -Elizabeth Campbell and Emma Dent Coad.

      If only I could package Blue Detritus and Red Dross, I'd make a fortune.

    2. The Chelsea Literary Supplement8 March 2023 at 08:27

      "Detritus and Dross"- could be a bookshop with a cafe.

  9. You could try bottling Kensington Detritus and Dross to make a few bob - 17.37.

    How about "Chateau Lizzy Detritus"


    "Spanish Plonk Dross by Emma."

  10. It's a highlight at the Hornton Street Circus, the regular displays of incompetence, narcissism & utter stupidity from two opposite lead councilors who should have retired a long time ago, & the plonkers on their sides cheering them on.


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