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Thursday 14 January 2021


Crazy Guy!

At first, the old Dame thought mischievous Steeples Times was just being beastly to Bailey: after all, how could anyone in their right minds come up with such a horrendously daft idea. 

Shaun wants homeless London families to 'save up' £5,000 so that they can get a mortgage. 

You can read about this bizarre idea HERE


  1. This just makes me crazy angry. The £5k will go immediately to booze and drugs. Bailey has caught the Socialist disease.

    Tony Blair took power by repositioning far left Labour as a center left party. Boris Johnson took power by repositioning the Tory Party as a Socialist party. And now we have all manner of socialist nonsense crippling tax payers and bankrupting the country with debt.

    Lunch boxes for children!! Paid for by tax!!! What balls. Huge cost to buy the food, to box it and ship it. While parents sit at home doing nothing and collecting furlough payouts. Johnson and his socialists are off their heads. Recruiting Communists for the SAGE Board. Throwing around tax payers money like it grows on trees.

    The country is being well and truly stuffed so that an Old Etonian without a moral compass can indulge himself and dish out Government jobs to his mates

    Pass the sick bag.

    1. Has Scrooge got your tongue, Anonymous? Hardworking individuals in this country cannot work because this idiot PM has closed virtually all businesses. How are these people meant to feed their children with no jobs? The Rishi Giveaway will not go on forever, but equally the vast majority of locked up and closed businesses will not reopen.

    2. Mr Steeples, I am sorry that you did not understand me. If kids need food, and their parents cannot afford it, then give them vouchers for the supermarket. This will avoid paying someone to pack, ship and make a profit. Its called "efficient use of tax payers money. And since the parents have nothing else to do, except moan, then they could get off their back sides and do something.

      As for that Rushford, he should stick to his knitting and concentrate on his ball. And leave the serious stuff to the grown ups. What a little menace HE is turning out to be.

      I am also concerned about the socialist state that the Tories are running. Bad things happen. Bad times come. Parents need to take responsibility for their decisions to have children. If they fall on hard times then they can reach out to unemployment benefit. All these socialist handouts are the path to ruin.

      Finally, I hope that you have no money and no assets. Because if you do, it is about to be taken away by a Wealth Tax to help pay for the debt that was created by socialist actions like food parcels for kids

    3. I agree: more and more it seems socialism and worse communism is creeping in. Frankly a lot of parents are so thick and stupid they don't know how to look after their kids. Tht never happened years ago. Kids were well fed on small budgets.

  2. Dame, you are getting past it....Bailey wasn't going to give the dough. The idiot wanted the poor buggers to save up for the deposit. Those whom the gods want to destroy they first look at Mr Bailey for inspiration

    1. Bailey is not a noted intellect.

  3. EDC "is not a noted intellect." She drew a picture of Shaun Bailey being hanged. She has never drawn a picture of white adversary being hanged.

    1. Doris Goldsborough18 January 2021 at 07:15

      I heard that she endorsed an antisemitic tweet.

    2. She endorsed a left wing woman's view that Israel shames every Jewish person. An antisemitic trope.

    3. Starmer says he is rooting out antisemitism. Why has he failed to discipline Emma?

  4. The loony left constantly brought up Enoch Powell's racism. They never allowed him to forget how vile he was. When left wingers make racist comments they should not exculpated by any left wing Star Chamber or their mates.

    1. There was just one left wing politician who did not think Powell was racist in his "Rivers of Blood Speech" and that was Michael Foot MP.

  5. I agree. Emma should not be allowed to live down her forays in to racism. She sees the colour of people's skin, and their religious beliefs, and attacks them because they are people of colour or a different faith. Criticise political beliefs and do not attribute negative characteristics to skin colour or religion.

  6. So Bailey is not very bright. But she is nasty.


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