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Tuesday 22 October 2019


No, not for more domestic staff but for residents of Hammersmith and Fulham keen to feed her with titbits from this corrupt Borough headed by Steve(Corbynite) Cowan
H&F has a record of fiscal recklessness dating back to the '90's. 
Then it lost taxpayers tens of millions by investing in Swaps...

Now the simple souls who run this shambolic borough have been caught raising revenue with a quite dishonest piece of road mismanagement.
You can read what these crooks have been up to HERE

K&C should never have got into bed with its crooked and corrupt neighbours....Hammersmith & Fulham and Westminster-councils run by shysters,


  1. Doesn't look as if Cllr Cowan needs to visit a Food Bank judging from his three chins and grossness. I suppose he supports the Council policy of healthy eating and exercise. Fat hypocrite

  2. What with 2 jobs Coad and three chins Cowan, we can all see what these two mean when they say 'for the many '.

  3. Lots of 'eat as much as you want ' restaurants going out of business when these two turn up .

    1. Not much chance of EDC turning up at any Council meetings .Creaming off the Councillor money and spending it in her campaign no doubt. She's so aristo she doesnt believe anyone else is good enough for her Councillor position.

    2. Emma and Kenexit22 October 2019 at 11:50

      11.15. Emma Dent Coad is a class conscious fake socialist who cannot work with anyone collegiately. She has to be top dog, in charge and in control. No wonder Labour Councillors sacked her when she was leader of the K&C Labour Group. If she is not good enough to be the Leader of a handful of Labour Councillors in a West London Town Hall then she is not good enough to represent us in the House of Commons.

      She sent all three of her children to one of the best public schools- Christ's Hospital no less. Princess Margaret did not manage to get her kids in there. But Emma is of a much higher class. Emma Dent Coad's Party that now wants to abolish or "merge" public schools. Sio her kids get a first class education courtesy of Emma's money and wealth and everyone else has to hope that when Eton,Harrow and St Paul's merge with Holland Park there will be a levelling up.

  4. Yes. ' For the many courses ' no doubt.

  5. A ' little overweight ' , that's like saying Kim Jong Un is a little bit of a dictator..

  6. Well your policies aren't working are they ?

  7. You need to go to 'specsavers '. God help the residents of H and F if that's your judgement .


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