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Sunday 7 April 2019


The Dame gets many odd missives: most she discards. However, in the interests of fair play, the Dame decided to publish this plaintive cry from the heart. 
Here's a picture of Laura Drummond-Murray of this Ilk looking stunning!
With all her money she would pair well with the Dame's hopelessly criminal nephew, Ludo.....

Pouting Stalinist Aristo

My name is Laura Murray and I have seen the references made in this blog to myself and my family.
I hope that this blog will allow me to put the record straight.

For a start, my FB comment suggesting ‘ bourgeoisie need not apply to be a friend’ was tongue in cheek.

Sadly, because of the press coverage I have been forced to step aside from my very important Labour Party role of rooting out Anti Semitism in this great Party of ours.
To say I got the role through my father, Andrew Murray is just not true. I was appointed on my merits and not for who I am.
And my father used to be a communist but changed his views.

As for my family background....I cannot help the fact that I am the great grandchild of Lord Aberconway: I wish I wasn’t.
His company built ships to enforce British imperial dominance and war mongering and I wish that I descended from good, proletariat coalminers but the fact is that I cannot change circumstances.

There have been some truly horrible comments about my father and the fact that he decided to shorten his name. It was done for no other reason than to show solidarity with British working people. It is quite irrelevant that his family were landowners or that his great grandfather was a governor in India.

Finally, can I put to rest the biggest lie of all about the proceeds from the sale of £50 million Picasso. This money is all in trust and I have no access to it.

I hope that this puts the record straight and thank you.



  1. Dame, if the £50 million is in trust there's no point in intro'ing Ludo.

    1. Worried Resident7 April 2019 at 09:39

      If the Dame is right about her nephew then the two of them should stay far apart. The two sets of genes could produce MONSTROUS offspring

  2. Thank you Laura. I do not think that you have said anything that is not already known. The sad truth is that persons of your ilk should live out of sight and out of mind in Glocestershire or the Borders. And busy yourself with horses and babies. It is beyond a joke trying to parade yourself as a champion of the working class.

    Your great misfortune is not that you were born well. The unfortunate fact is that your ancestors had bad genes. And unfortunately they get passed on.

    You are still a pretty filly - go and find a mare to look after you.

    1. The Murray from India was a bounder. A British Governor who stole Red Cross funds for the Calcutta poor in order to pay off his debts in England. And a wife cheater too.

    2. Murray stole at a politically very sensitive time. Would have been an historic embarrassment if the theft went public. The British Government hushed it all up and repaid the money from tax payers funds and also did some Money Laundering (authorised by the British Prime Minister) to sneak the cash back into India. An all round disgrace

    3. you mean a "stallion", rather than a "mare", unless LGBT plays its role here :-)

  3. £50 million in trust is £2 million income every year. And if it is a discretionary trust, then Laura can pretty well have whatever house or castle she would like to live in.

    I am currently single and a great stud, I am told. And some good family genes. Very distantly related to the Saxe-Coburgs and a degree from the LSE. In between jobs so available to travel anywhere.

    1. You look Chinese girl. Me very rich. Want British passport. Contact Steve Chan, Mandarin Hotel, Hong Kong

  4. Dear Laura
    The Corbyn stardust will fade quickly. At 65 he is still a failed Marxist and in 5 years time you will be wondering why you decided to waste time around him. Find someone of your own class to spend time with and get on with things. Or embrace a cause that is sensible.
    Yours affectionately etc

  5. Mr Jarvis Cocker7 April 2019 at 10:18

    Hello Laura,
    I get you 100%. Can we hook up? I can help you,

  6. Laura,
    We upper classes need to stick together. And, remember, dear girl that Lenin and Mao were posh too

  7. Full of Ardour7 April 2019 at 11:15

    Fair skinned boy, Christian, Masters in Engineering (from US) and Brahmin family. Excellent prospects. Resident Bombay but prepared relocate internationally. Please reply by email with contact details for dowry discussion.

  8. Laura' great aunt is 100% Jewish(the Dowager Lady Aberconway) so goodness knows what she thinks of her silly little niece and her anti semitic ways. Also, her son Michael McClaren is a cousin of the idiot girl. He is QC and lives in a vast mansion in Phillimore Gardens.
    When the upper start to delude themselves that they can con the workers it's a slippery slope.

    1. Strike A Light7 April 2019 at 11:55

      Little match stick girl. No bounce there.

  9. Oh, my God, Laura Darling....we were at Woldingham together. Do you remember me? Annie Stacpoole-de Mowbray. We were in the hockey team. Had no idea that you were one of those commies....how thrilling. I dropped the de Mowbray as I work in Shoreditch in social media.

  10. Hi time for Laura to realise that Labour activists in the constituencies and the Trade Unions dismiss her as a bit of fluff on the side for Central organisation staff gettiag their oats. And the Jewish members of the Labour Party are furious that their concerns are being passed over to office junior Laura for analysis and resolution. In high octane matters like anti Semitism it is only the Leader that can be seen to be handling the matter - not some Susi Wong look alike.

    And of course Corbyn is a close supporter, promoter and declared Palestine nut.

  11. It was not a sensible idea to write to the Dame.....judging from the horrid comments.

    1. Not horid comments. Just bile from the sad people who read the Hornet

    2. What? People like you dimwit?

    3. HORID....yes, this comment is from Cllr Palmer. He cannot spell

    4. Some comments are too funny. Do you not have a sense of humour?

  12. Laura, my dear, Don't you worry. As long as you have money, even held in trust, you will be fine. People of your ilk will love you. Thank goodness, the world is shallow.


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