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Saturday 13 April 2019


Behind every great self-made fortune, there is a generally a total disregard for the comfort of others.
Nowhere is this better exemplified than Nick Candy's arrogant dismissal of the needs of others....it's all ME.ME.ME

Candy has taken the lease of Providence House(ex Gordon House) and over the past few years has ploughed on with its garish redevelopment with no regard for the comfort of his neighbours in Embankment Gardens. 
Because they are not as rich as him they are just minor irritants to be ignored.

Candy has embarked on a tree planting project bang up against the boundary of the Embankment Gardens flats with the result that what used to be light-filled rooms are now dark and barely useable.
The residents have constantly lobbied the Council but to no avail.
Can anyone appeal to Candy's sense of honour? 
He has totally reversed back on his promise not to interfere with his neighbours' rights of light


  1. He is a bounder. The worse sort. Arrogant, self centered, a bully. Me, me, me exactly describes the little shit

  2. Karma - Mr Candy

  3. Indeed - Karma? Nixie of that. He is of Chelsea Barracks and 1 Knightsbridge fame.. it seems that the fetid odour keeps following this little shite....

  4. Why is it that so many of these nasties gravitate to the property development and thieving world?

    1. perhaps because property development is unregulated easy money, only regulated by the Planning office and Inland Revenue.

      Was/is Councillor Taylor-Smith a property spectator/developer - now Head of RBKC Housing Management?


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