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Tuesday 11 April 2023


Dear Dame

I am a constant reader of From The Hornets Nest and I wrote to you about a company called Maker&Son. 

They have removed £7,000 from me for a sofa and armchair. 

They won't return my money and I now cannot buy a new sofa.

When I looked at their website I saw that they had recruited a Mr Carl Catterall as a marketing man. 

I looked up Mr Catterall on Linkedin and found him claiming he had an MBA from Harvard.

It seemed very surprising so I contacted Harvard. 

The Registrar told me they had no record of Mr Catterall.

Is it a criminal offence to claim an MBA when you don't or just the actions of a sad loser?

Please keep up the good work

Mrs Daphne (redacted)


  1. What a revolting character - Daphne, it is definitely worth getting the authorities on to this fraudster

    1. Thank you for your support. I understand the Serious Fraud Office are now involved with these scoundrels

  2. Anyone buying a sofa from Maker&Son needs a head examination

  3. Terrible sofas and terrible owners

  4. The press coverage in all the national press is dreadful

  5. Evidently the owner, Mr Dylan spent 2.5 years in a Dublin prison for fraud.

  6. Why do people still buy from this company knowing of its appalling reputation

  7. Jack Mason the director has several dates of birth and Worldwide Freezing Order together with Mason

  8. Read this https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/apr/08/suite-dreams-how-luxury-sofa-firm-makerson-left-its-clients-standing

  9. Alos Trustpilot reviews for Maker&Son

  10. This is a scurrilous piece of reporting. The facts are these...I saw a video 'How to become a Harvard MBA' and was under the innocent illusion that it entitled me to an MBA'. Anyone can make this innocent mistake.

  11. This blog has reported that I served a 2.5 year term for fraud. What has this to do with me running Maker&Son.

    1. Otherwise known as on the make r and son

  12. Jack Mason, CEO Makoffwithit& Son12 April 2023 at 09:20

    The Haters are out in force talking about the 90 companies I have and bringing up the Global Freezing Order which was unfairly placed on me and Scott. We are both bona fide businessmen out to make a few bob.

  13. Perhaps they should look down the back of the sofas for any spare cash.

  14. A VICTIM OF FRAUD12 April 2023 at 19:49

    Dylan, who is the man behind all this claims to be the Legal Team. He wrote an email to me and others saying that we were all going to be sued and that he had spoken to the judge who had granted an emergency hearing and we all had to attend with just 24 hours notice. The whole think was a fabrication to scare us. A group of us have been advised that what he did in claiming the judge was involved was contempt of court. We are reporting the matter to the judge in Birmingham


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