with thanks to thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com


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Wednesday 8 June 2022


Two mainly foreign owned companies contributed to tons of sewage and rats entering our homes last July.

Thames Water (run by a much criticised absentee chairman )for not turning on the pumps and Suez for failing to execute its gutter cleaning contract.

Immediately after the July 12th sewage inundation Suez quickly sent out gutter cleaners. 

In the months following none have been seen.

Terry Oliver, director of Cleaner Greener and Cultural Services said that gully cleaning was part of Suez's contract yet NO ONE had ever seen one of these machines in operation.

Come on Terry! Crack the bloody whip and get Suezage to fulfill its contract.


  1. The first thing that British workers will do is go on strike for more pay.

    1. the companies are already staffed by British workers but the profits are being sent overseas

  2. The Garbagegate Fairy10 June 2022 at 01:19

    As has been previously noted on the Dame’s excellent blog, RBKC’s Terry Oliver is a thoroughly nice man. He kindly arranged for a Suez (or is it now Veolia?) manager to visit one particular flood victim. Straight face, the manager explained to the traumatised resident that street gullies are DESIGNED to block up in a flood! So now we know. Thames Water doesn’t bother to pump its sewage away from RBKC homes, creating surface flooding. Meanwhile, RBKC’s street gullies ensure that the very same surface flood of dilute sewage swirls around our streets and homes for as long as possible!

    Please note, RBKC pays twice the national average per household for rubbish collection and cleansing of a tiny borough - lacking industry or farming - with an an equally tiny and ever shrinking population. RBKC has valiantly fought for 15 years to protect its right to grossly overpay for this service. Apparently RBKC’s gullies are “Gold Plated!” You literally couldn’t make it up!

  3. Harold Macmillan was right. Selling off the family silver . All good standards and services gone - gone to the dogs Now go and tell us you
    think Margaret Thatcher was right! This is what you get for following and endorsing her policies ànd legacy . Run by overseas cowboys.


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